[squeak-dev] SqueakSource servers

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[squeak-dev] SqueakSource servers

Dear Squeakers,

I have updated the list of SqueakSource servers I know on the Squeak Swiki (http://wiki.squeak.org/squeak/3857). I have some questions:
1. Does anyone know of other servers?
2. What might be the problem with http://source.opensophie.org/ and http://source.impara.de? They only serve files.
3. Is there a way to find out which versions of SqueakSource (i.e. the Monticello package version) is running on a SqueakSource server?
4. Can someone answer the questions regarding the visualisation on the Swiki page?

Thanks for your attention.

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Re: [squeak-dev] SqueakSource servers

Am 09.07.2009 um 18:47 schrieb Bernhard Pieber:
> 4. Can someone answer the questions regarding the visualisation on  
> the Swiki page?
Thanks to whoever answered the questions!


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Re: [squeak-dev] SqueakSource servers

Bert Freudenberg
In reply to this post by bpi

On 09.07.2009, at 18:47, Bernhard Pieber wrote:
2. What might be the problem with http://source.opensophie.org/ and http://source.impara.de? They only serve files.

To Monticello they look exactly like before. They were switched over to a different server that just serves files - Monticello doesn't care, you just lose the web interface. 

- Bert -