Robert Krahn uploaded a new version of Tools to project The Inbox: Summary ====================
Name: Tools-rkrk.108
Author: rkrk
Time: 23 August 2009, 3:08:19 am
UUID: 84a2a39d-baf7-41ad-9213-c48f851677e5
Ancestors: Tools-rss.107
Fixed bug #0007389: Lexicon>>categoryMenu: MNU when opening a context menu in the category list in a protocol browser
=============== Diff against Tools-rss.107 ===============
Item was changed:
----- Method: Lexicon>>buildCategoryListWith: (in category 'initialization') -----
buildCategoryListWith: builder
| listSpec |
listSpec := builder pluggableListSpec new.
model: self;
list: #categoryList;
getIndex: #categoryListIndex;
setIndex: #categoryListIndex:;
+ menu: #categoryListMenu:shifted:;
- menu: #categoryMenu:;
keyPress: #categoryListKey:from:.