[squeak-dev] The Trunk: CollectionsTests-nice.99.mcz

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[squeak-dev] The Trunk: CollectionsTests-nice.99.mcz

Nicolas Cellier uploaded a new version of CollectionsTests to project The Trunk:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: CollectionsTests-nice.99
Author: nice
Time: 3 October 2009, 9:23:06 am
UUID: 00ad849b-6bea-4da5-a941-b7109e4d3d37
Ancestors: CollectionsTests-ul.98

Lots of tests for WideString
most from http://bugs.squeak.org/view.php?id=5331

All failing tests have a solution in mantis

=============== Diff against CollectionsTests-ul.98 ===============

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: WideStringTest>>testMatch (in category 'tests - match') -----
+ testMatch
+ "from johnmci at http://bugs.squeak.org/view.php?id=5331"
+ self assert: ('*baz' match: 'mobaz' ).
+ self assert: ('*foo#zort' match: 'afoo3zortthenfoo3zort' ).
+ self assert: ('*baz' match: 'mobaz' ).
+ self assert: ('*foo#zort' match: 'afoo3zortthenfoo3zort' ).
+ self assert: ('*baz' match: 'mobaz' asWideString).
+ self assert: ('*foo#zort' match: 'afoo3zortthenfoo3zort' asWideString).
+ self assert: ('*baz' match: 'mobaz' asWideString).
+ self assert: ('*foo#zort' match: 'afoo3zortthenfoo3zort' asWideString).
+ self assert: ('*baz' asWideString match: 'mobaz' ).
+ self assert: ('*foo#zort' asWideString match: 'afoo3zortthenfoo3zort' ).
+ self assert: ('*baz' asWideString match: 'mobaz' ).
+ self assert: ('*foo#zort' asWideString match: 'afoo3zortthenfoo3zort' ).
+ self assert: ('*baz' asWideString match: 'mobaz' asWideString).
+ self assert: ('*foo#zort' asWideString match: 'afoo3zortthenfoo3zort' asWideString).
+ self assert: ('*baz' asWideString match: 'mobaz' asWideString).
+ self assert: ('*foo#zort' asWideString match: 'afoo3zortthenfoo3zort' asWideString).!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: WideStringTest>>testSameAs (in category 'tests - compare') -----
+ testSameAs
+ "from johnmci at http://bugs.squeak.org/view.php?id=5331"
+ self assert: ('abc' sameAs: 'aBc' asWideString).
+ self assert: ('aBc' asWideString sameAs: 'abc').
+ self assert: ((ByteArray with: 97 with: 0 with: 0 with: 0) asString sameAs: 'Abcd' asWideString) not.
+ self assert: ('a000' asWideString sameAs: (ByteArray with: 97 with: 0 with: 0 with: 0) asString) not.
+ !

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: WideStringTest>>testCharactersExactlyMatching (in category 'tests - match') -----
+ testCharactersExactlyMatching
+ "from johnmci at http://bugs.squeak.org/view.php?id=5331"
+ self assert: ('abc' charactersExactlyMatching: 'abc') = 3.
+ self assert: ('abd' charactersExactlyMatching: 'abc') = 2.
+ self assert: ('abc' charactersExactlyMatching: 'abc' asWideString) = 3.
+ self assert: ('abd' charactersExactlyMatching: 'abc' asWideString) = 2.
+ self assert: ('abc' asWideString charactersExactlyMatching: 'abc') = 3.
+ self assert: ('abd' asWideString charactersExactlyMatching: 'abc') = 2.
+ self assert: ('abc' asWideString charactersExactlyMatching: 'abc' asWideString) = 3.
+ self assert: ('abd' asWideString charactersExactlyMatching: 'abc' asWideString)= 2.
+ self assert: ('abc' charactersExactlyMatching: 'ABC') = 0.
+ !

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: WideStringTest>>testEndsWith (in category 'tests - endsWith') -----
+ testEndsWith
+ "Mix of tests from http://bugs.squeak.org/view.php?id=6366
+ #endsWith: was broken because using broken findSubstring
+ and tests from johnmci at http://bugs.squeak.org/view.php?id=5331"
+ | ws |
+ self assert: ('abc' endsWith: 'bc').
+ self assert: ('abc' endsWith: 'bc' asWideString).
+ self assert: ('abc' asWideString endsWith: 'bc').
+ self assert: ('abc' endsWith: 'bX') not.
+ self assert: ('abc' endsWith: 'BC') not.
+ self assert: ('abc' endsWith: 'BC' asWideString) not.
+ self assert: ('ABC' asWideString endsWith: 'bc') not.
+ self assert: ('Elvis' endsWith: 'vis').
+ self assert: ('Elvis' asWideString endsWith: 'vis').
+ self assert: ((WideString with: (Unicode value: 530)) , 'Elvis' endsWith: 'vis').
+ self deny: ('Elvis' endsWith: 'Vis').
+ self deny: ('Elvis' asWideString endsWith: 'vIs').
+ self deny: ((WideString with: (Unicode value: 530)) , 'Elvis' endsWith: 'viS').
+ ws := 'vis' , (WideString with: (Unicode value: 530)).
+ self deny: ('Elvis' endsWith: ws).
+ self assert: ('Elvis' , ws endsWith: ws).
+ self deny: ((WideString with: (Unicode value: 530)) , 'Elvis' endsWith: ws).
+ !

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: WideStringTest>>testCompare (in category 'tests - compare') -----
+ testCompare
+ "from johnmci at http://bugs.squeak.org/view.php?id=5331"
+ self assert: ('abc' compare: 'abc') = 2.
+ self assert: ('abc' compare: 'abd') = 1.
+ self assert: ('abd' compare: 'abc') = 3.
+ self assert: ('abc' compare: 'abC') = 2.
+ self assert: ('abc' compare: 'abD') = 1.
+ self assert: ('abd' compare: 'abC') = 3.
+ self assert: ('aBc' compare: 'abC') = 2.
+ self assert: ('aBc' compare: 'abD') = 1.
+ self assert: ('aDd' compare: 'abC') = 3.
+ self assert: ('abc' compare: 'abc' asWideString) = 2.
+ self assert: ('abc' compare: 'abd' asWideString) = 1.
+ self assert: ('abd' compare: 'abc' asWideString) = 3.
+ self assert: ('abc' compare: 'abC' asWideString) = 2.
+ self assert: ('abc' compare: 'abD' asWideString) = 1.
+ self assert: ('abd' compare: 'abC' asWideString) = 3.
+ self assert: ('aBc' compare: 'abC' asWideString) = 2.
+ self assert: ('aBc' compare: 'abD' asWideString) = 1.
+ self assert: ('aDd' compare: 'abC' asWideString) = 3.
+ self assert: ('abc' asWideString compare: 'abc') = 2.
+ self assert: ('abc' asWideString compare: 'abd') = 1.
+ self assert: ('abd' asWideString compare: 'abc') = 3.
+ self assert: ('abc' asWideString compare: 'abC') = 2.
+ self assert: ('abc' asWideString compare: 'abD') = 1.
+ self assert: ('abd' asWideString compare: 'abC') = 3.
+ self assert: ('aBc' asWideString compare: 'abC') = 2.
+ self assert: ('aBc' asWideString compare: 'abD') = 1.
+ self assert: ('aDd' asWideString compare: 'abC') = 3.
+ self assert: ('abc' asWideString compare: 'abc' asWideString) = 2.
+ self assert: ('abc' asWideString compare: 'abd' asWideString) = 1.
+ self assert: ('abd' asWideString compare: 'abc' asWideString) = 3.
+ self assert: ('abc' asWideString compare: 'abC' asWideString) = 2.
+ self assert: ('abc' asWideString compare: 'abD' asWideString) = 1.
+ self assert: ('abd' asWideString compare: 'abC' asWideString) = 3.
+ self assert: ('aBc' asWideString compare: 'abC' asWideString) = 2.
+ self assert: ('aBc' asWideString compare: 'abD' asWideString) = 1.
+ self assert: ('aDd' asWideString compare: 'abC' asWideString) = 3.
+ self assert: ('abc' compare: 'abc' caseSensitive: true) = 2.
+ self assert: ('abc' compare: 'abC' caseSensitive: false) = 2.
+ self assert: ('abc' compare: 'abc' asWideString caseSensitive: true) = 2.
+ self assert: ('abc' compare: 'abC' asWideString caseSensitive: false) = 2.
+ self assert: ('abc' asWideString compare: 'abc' caseSensitive: true) = 2.
+ self assert: ('abc' asWideString compare: 'abC' caseSensitive: false) = 2.
+ self assert: ('abc' asWideString compare: 'abc' asWideString caseSensitive: true) = 2.
+ self assert: ('abc' asWideString compare: 'abC' asWideString caseSensitive: false) = 2.!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: WideStringTest>>testBeginsWith (in category 'tests - beginsWith') -----
+ testBeginsWith
+ "from johnmci at http://bugs.squeak.org/view.php?id=5331"
+ | w1 w2 |
+ self assert: ('abc' beginsWith: 'ab').
+ self assert: ('abc' beginsWith: 'ab' asWideString).
+ self assert: ('abc' asWideString beginsWith: 'ab').
+ self assert: ('abc' beginsWith: 'aX') not .
+ self assert: ('abc' beginsWith: 'AB') not.
+ self assert: ('abc' beginsWith: 'AB' asWideString) not .
+ self assert: ('ABC' asWideString beginsWith: 'ab') not.
+ w1 := WideString with: (Unicode value: 402) with: $a with: (Unicode value: 400) with: $b.
+ w2 := WideString with: (Unicode value: 402).
+ w1 beginsWith: w2.
+ !

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: WideStringTest>>testFindSubstring (in category 'tests - substrings') -----
+ testFindSubstring
+ "This is related to http://bugs.squeak.org/view.php?id=6366
+ finding substring in a WideString was broken because matchTable are byte-wise"
+ | ws1 ws2 |
+ self assert: ('abcd' findString: 'bc' startingAt: 1) = 2.
+ self assert: ('abcd' asWideString findString: 'bc' startingAt: 1) = 2.
+ self assert: ('abcd' findString: 'bc' asWideString startingAt: 1) = 2.
+ self assert: ('abcd' asWideString findString: 'bc' asWideString startingAt: 1) = 2.
+ ws1 := 'A' , (WideString with: (Unicode value: 530)) , 'BCD'.
+ self assert: (ws1 findString: 'bc' startingAt: 1 caseSensitive: true) = 0.
+ self assert: (ws1 findString: 'bc' startingAt: 1 caseSensitive: false) = 3.
+ ws2 := (WideString with: (Unicode value: 530)) , 'b'.
+ self assert: (ws1 findString: ws2 startingAt: 1 caseSensitive: true) = 0.
+ self assert: (ws1 findString: ws2 startingAt: 1 caseSensitive: false) = 2.
+ self assert: ('abc' findString: ws2 startingAt: 1 caseSensitive: true) = 0.
+ self assert: ('abc' findString: ws2 startingAt: 1 caseSensitive: false) = 0.!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: WideStringTest>>testEqual (in category 'tests - compare') -----
+ testEqual
+ "from johnmci at http://bugs.squeak.org/view.php?id=5331"
+ self assert: 'abc' = 'abc'.
+ self assert: 'abc' = 'abc' asWideString.
+ self assert: 'abc' asWideString = 'abc'.
+ self assert: 'abc' asWideString = 'abc' asWideString.
+ self assert: ('abc' = 'ABC') not.
+ self assert: ('abc' = 'ABC' asWideString) not.
+ self assert: ('abc' asWideString = 'ABC') not.
+ self assert: ('abc' asWideString = 'abc' asWideString).
+ self assert: ((ByteArray with: 97 with: 0 with: 0 with: 0) asString ~= 'a000' asWideString).
+ self assert: ('a000' asWideString ~= (ByteArray with: 97 with: 0 with: 0 with: 0) asString).!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: WideStringTest>>testRelationOrder (in category 'tests - relation order') -----
+ testRelationOrder
+ "from johnmci at http://bugs.squeak.org/view.php?id=5331"
+ self assert: ('aa' < 'ab').
+ self assert: ('aa' <= 'ab').
+ self assert: ('aa' <= 'aa').
+ self assert: ('ab' > 'aa').
+ self assert: ('ab' >= 'aa').
+ self assert: ('aa' >= 'aa').
+ self assert: ('aa' < 'ab' asWideString).
+ self assert: ('aa' <= 'ab' asWideString).
+ self assert: ('aa' <= 'aa' asWideString).
+ self assert: ('ab' > 'aa' asWideString).
+ self assert: ('ab' >= 'aa' asWideString).
+ self assert: ('aa' >= 'aa' asWideString).
+ self assert: ('aa' asWideString < 'ab').
+ self assert: ('aa' asWideString <= 'ab').
+ self assert: ('aa' asWideString <= 'aa').
+ self assert: ('ab' asWideString > 'aa').
+ self assert: ('ab' asWideString >= 'aa').
+ self assert: ('aa' asWideString >= 'aa').
+ self assert: ('aa' asWideString< 'ab' asWideString).
+ self assert: ('aa' asWideString<= 'ab' asWideString).
+ self assert: ('aa' asWideString<= 'aa' asWideString).
+ self assert: ('ab' asWideString> 'aa' asWideString).
+ self assert: ('ab' asWideString >= 'aa' asWideString).
+ self assert: ('aa' asWideString>= 'aa' asWideString).!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: WideStringTest>>testRelationOrderWithCase (in category 'tests - relation order') -----
+ testRelationOrderWithCase
+ "from johnmci at http://bugs.squeak.org/view.php?id=5331"
+ self assert: ('ABC' caseInsensitiveLessOrEqual: 'abc').
+ self assert: ('ABC' caseInsensitiveLessOrEqual: 'abd').
+ self assert: ('ABD' caseInsensitiveLessOrEqual: 'abc') not.
+ self assert: ('ABC' caseInsensitiveLessOrEqual: 'abc' asWideString).
+ self assert: ('ABC' caseInsensitiveLessOrEqual: 'abd' asWideString).
+ self assert: ('ABD' caseInsensitiveLessOrEqual: 'abc' asWideString) not.
+ self assert: ('ABC' asWideString caseInsensitiveLessOrEqual: 'abc').
+ self assert: ('ABC' asWideString caseInsensitiveLessOrEqual: 'abd').
+ self assert: ('ABD' asWideString caseInsensitiveLessOrEqual: 'abc') not.
+ self assert: ('ABC' asWideString caseInsensitiveLessOrEqual: 'abc' asWideString).
+ self assert: ('ABC' asWideString caseInsensitiveLessOrEqual: 'abd' asWideString).
+ self assert: ('ABD' asWideString caseInsensitiveLessOrEqual: 'abc' asWideString) not.
+ self assert: ('abc' caseSensitiveLessOrEqual: 'abc').
+ self assert: ('abc' caseSensitiveLessOrEqual: 'abd').
+ self assert: ('abd' caseSensitiveLessOrEqual: 'abc') not.
+ self assert: ('abc' caseSensitiveLessOrEqual: 'abc' asWideString).
+ self assert: ('abc' caseSensitiveLessOrEqual: 'abd' asWideString).
+ self assert: ('abd' caseSensitiveLessOrEqual: 'abc' asWideString) not.
+ self assert: ('abc' asWideString caseSensitiveLessOrEqual: 'abc').
+ self assert: ('abc' asWideString caseSensitiveLessOrEqual: 'abd').
+ self assert: ('abd' asWideString caseSensitiveLessOrEqual: 'abc') not.
+ self assert: ('abc' caseSensitiveLessOrEqual: 'ABC') not.
+ !