Andreas Raab uploaded a new version of Graphics to project The Trunk: Summary ====================
Name: Graphics-ar.75
Author: ar
Time: 7 September 2009, 3:03:36 am
UUID: 280b651a-9e95-b34c-986b-4c9c0f4c63b7
Ancestors: Graphics-jmv.74
Remove some no longer necessary methods in TextStyle which introduced dependencies on Morphic and MVC.
=============== Diff against Graphics-jmv.74 ===============
Item was removed:
- ----- Method: TextStyle class>>modalStyleSelectorWithTitle: (in category 'user interface') -----
- modalStyleSelectorWithTitle: title
- "Presents a modal font-style choice menu, answers a TextStyle or nil."
- "TextStyle modalStyleSelectorWithTitle: 'testing'"
- | menu actualStyles |
- Smalltalk isMorphic ifFalse: [ ^self modalMVCStyleSelectorWithTitle: title ].
- menu := MenuMorph entitled: title.
- actualStyles := self actualTextStyles.
- actualStyles keysSortedSafely do: [ :styleName | | style |
- style := actualStyles at: styleName.
- menu add: styleName target: menu selector: #modalSelection: argument: style.
- menu lastItem font: (style fontOfSize: 18)
- ].
- ^menu invokeModal.
- !
Item was removed:
- ----- Method: TextStyle class>>mvcPromptForFont:andSendTo:withSelector: (in category 'user interface') -----
- mvcPromptForFont: aPrompt andSendTo: aTarget withSelector: aSelector
- "MVC Only!! prompt for a font and if one is provided, send it to aTarget using a message with selector aSelector."
- | aMenu aChoice aStyle namesAndSizes aFont |
- "TextStyle mvcPromptForFont: 'Choose system font style' andSendTo: TextStyle withSelector: #setSystemFontTo:"
- aMenu := CustomMenu new.
- self actualTextStyles keysSortedSafely do:
- [:styleName |
- aMenu add: styleName action: styleName].
- aChoice := aMenu startUpWithCaption: aPrompt.
- aChoice ifNil: [^ self].
- aMenu := CustomMenu new.
- aStyle := self named: aChoice.
- (namesAndSizes := aStyle fontNamesWithPointSizes) do:
- [:aString | aMenu add: aString action: aString].
- aChoice := aMenu startUpWithCaption: nil.
- aChoice ifNil: [^ self].
- aFont := aStyle fontAt: (namesAndSizes indexOf: aChoice).
- aTarget perform: aSelector with: aFont!
Item was removed:
- ----- Method: TextStyle class>>modalMVCStyleSelectorWithTitle: (in category 'user interface') -----
- modalMVCStyleSelectorWithTitle: title
- "MVC Only!! Presents a modal font-style choice menu, answers a TextStyle or nil."
- "TextStyle modalMVCStyleSelectorWithTitle: 'testing'"
- | aMenu actualStyles |
- aMenu := CustomMenu new.
- actualStyles := self actualTextStyles.
- actualStyles keysSortedSafely do: [ :styleName | | style |
- style := actualStyles at: styleName.
- aMenu add: styleName action: style
- ].
- ^aMenu startUpWithCaption: title.
- !