Juan Vuletich uploaded a new version of Graphics to project The Trunk:
http://source.squeak.org/trunk/Graphics-jmv.74.mcz ==================== Summary ==================== Name: Graphics-jmv.74 Author: jmv Time: 7 September 2009, 9:38:11 am UUID: 41940759-1507-4bbf-9788-3234f1174099 Ancestors: Graphics-ar.73 Always do the second BitBlt pass for AA StrikeFonts if destDepth=32, as it might happen that the destination has transparent pixels that we need to make opaque. Remove the (now unused) #properAlphaForBlackText preference. Set the correct alpha value in colormaps used for AA StrikeFonts (This will only have effect when a bug in rule rgbAdd in Bitblt is fixed) =============== Diff against Graphics-ar.73 =============== Item was added: + ----- Method: BitBlt class>>initialize (in category 'class initialization') ----- + initialize + self recreateColorMaps! Item was changed: ----- Method: BitBlt>>installStrikeFont:foregroundColor:backgroundColor: (in category 'private') ----- installStrikeFont: aStrikeFont foregroundColor: foregroundColor backgroundColor: backgroundColor | lastSourceDepth targetColor | sourceForm ifNotNil:[lastSourceDepth := sourceForm depth]. sourceForm := aStrikeFont glyphs. "Ignore any halftone pattern since we use a color map approach here" halftoneForm := nil. sourceY := 0. height := aStrikeFont height. sourceForm depth = 1 ifTrue: [ self combinationRule: Form paint. (colorMap notNil and:[lastSourceDepth = sourceForm depth]) ifFalse: [ "Set up color map for a different source depth (color font)" "Uses caching for reasonable efficiency" colorMap := self cachedFontColormapFrom: sourceForm depth to: destForm depth. colorMap at: 1 put: (destForm pixelValueFor: backgroundColor)]. colorMap at: 2 put: (destForm pixelValueFor: foregroundColor). ] ifFalse: [ (Preferences subPixelRenderFonts and: [ foregroundColor = Color black or: [ Preferences subPixelRenderColorFonts ]]) ifTrue: [ destForm depth > 8 ifTrue: [ "rgbMul is equivalent to component alpha blend if text is black (only faster, hehe)" self combinationRule: 37. "RGBMul" + colorMap := (destForm depth = 32 or: [ (foregroundColor = Color black) not ]) ifTrue: [ - colorMap := (Preferences properAlphaForBlackText or: [ (foregroundColor = Color black) not ]) ifTrue: [ "rgbMul / rgbAdd IS component alpha blend for any color of text (neat trick, eh!!)" "This colorMap is to be used on the second pass with rule 20 (rgbAdd) See #displayString:from:to:at:strikeFont:kern:" + "Note: In 32bpp we always need the second pass, as the source could have transparent pixels, and we need to add to the alpha channel" self colorConvertingMap: foregroundColor from: sourceForm depth to: destForm depth keepSubPixelAA: true]] ifFalse: [ self combinationRule: 25. "Paint" targetColor := foregroundColor = Color black ifFalse: [ foregroundColor ]. colorMap := self colorConvertingMap: targetColor from: sourceForm depth to: destForm depth keepSubPixelAA: true] ] ifFalse: [ "Do not use rule 34 for 16bpp display. TTCFont uses it, but it builds a glyphs cache for each color used!!" self combinationRule: (destForm depth = 32 ifTrue: [34 "alphaBlendScaled"] ifFalse: [25 "Paint"]). colorMap := self colorConvertingMap: foregroundColor from: sourceForm depth to: destForm depth keepSubPixelAA: false ] ].! Item was changed: ----- Method: Color class>>computeRGBColorConvertingMap:to:keepSubPixelAA: (in category 'colormaps') ----- computeRGBColorConvertingMap: targetColor to: destDepth keepSubPixelAA: keepSubPix "Builds a colormap intended to convert from subpixelAA black values to targetColor values. keepSubPix ifTrue: [ Answer colors that also include subpixelAA ] ifFalse: [ Take fullpixel luminance level. Apply it to targetColor. I.e. answer colors with NO subpixelAA ]" | mask map c bitsPerColor r g b f v | destDepth > 8 + ifTrue: [bitsPerColor := 5] "retain maximum color resolution" + ifFalse: [bitsPerColor := 4]. - ifTrue: [bitsPerColor _ 5] "retain maximum color resolution" - ifFalse: [bitsPerColor _ 4]. "Usually a bit less is enough, but make it configurable" bitsPerColor _ bitsPerColor min: Preferences aaFontsColormapDepth. + mask := (1 bitShift: bitsPerColor) - 1. - mask _ (1 bitShift: bitsPerColor) - 1. map _ Bitmap new: (1 bitShift: (3 * bitsPerColor)). 0 to: map size - 1 do: [:i | + r := (i bitShift: 0 - (2 * bitsPerColor)) bitAnd: mask. + g := (i bitShift: 0 - bitsPerColor) bitAnd: mask. + b := (i bitShift: 0) bitAnd: mask. + f := 1.0 - (r + g + b / 3.0 / mask). + c := targetColor notNil - r _ (i bitShift: 0 - (2 * bitsPerColor)) bitAnd: mask. - g _ (i bitShift: 0 - bitsPerColor) bitAnd: mask. - b _ (i bitShift: 0) bitAnd: mask. - f _ 1.0 - (r + g + b / 3.0 / mask). - c _ targetColor notNil ifTrue: [ (keepSubPix and: [destDepth > 8]) ifTrue: [ Color r: 1.0 - (r/mask) * targetColor red g: 1.0 - (g/mask) * targetColor green + b: 1.0 - (b/mask) * targetColor blue + alpha: f * targetColor alpha "alpha will be ignored below, in #pixelValueForDepth: if destDepth ~= 32" ] - b: 1.0 - (b/mask) * targetColor blue ] ifFalse: [ destDepth = 32 + ifTrue: [ targetColor * f alpha: f * targetColor alpha ] - ifTrue: [ targetColor * f alpha: f ] ifFalse: [ targetColor alphaMixed: f*1.5 with: Color white ]]] + ifFalse: [ Color r: r g: g b: b range: mask]. "This is currently used only to keep some SubPixelAA on destDepth = 8, using a single pass of rule 25" + v := destDepth = 32 - ifFalse: [ Color r: r g: g b: b range: mask]. - v _ destDepth = 32 ifTrue: [ c pixelValueForDepth: destDepth] ifFalse: [ f < 0.1 ifTrue: [ 0 ] ifFalse: [ c pixelValueForDepth: destDepth ]]. map at: i + 1 put: v ]. ^ map! |
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