Juan Vuletich uploaded a new version of Graphics to project The Trunk:
http://source.squeak.org/trunk/Graphics-jmv.77.mcz==================== Summary ====================
Name: Graphics-jmv.77
Author: jmv
Time: 22 September 2009, 6:42:48 am
UUID: decb62a3-d543-40fe-a036-82b2664b5b78
Ancestors: Graphics-ar.76
Made #baseKern answer zero on most cases. This avoids what seems to be a bug in CharacterScanner and friends that might compute incorrect pixel width for strings.
=============== Diff against Graphics-ar.76 ===============
Item was changed:
----- Method: StrikeFont>>baseKern (in category 'accessing') -----
"Return the base kern value to be used for all characters."
+ | italic |
- | italic baseKern |
italic := emphasis allMask: 2.
+ (self isSynthetic not and: [ glyphs depth > 1 ]) ifTrue: [
+ ^(italic or: [ pointSize < 9 ])
- self isSynthetic ifFalse: [
- baseKern := (italic or: [ pointSize < 9 ])
ifTrue: [ 1 ]
+ ifFalse: [ 0] ].
- ifFalse: [ 0 ].
- (italic not and: [pointSize = 12]) ifTrue: [
- baseKern := baseKern -1 ].
- pointSize >= 13 ifTrue: [
- baseKern := baseKern -1 ].
- pointSize >= 20 ifTrue: [
- baseKern := baseKern -1 ].
- ^baseKern
- ].
italic ifFalse: [^ 0].
^ ((self height-1-self ascent+4)//4 max: 0) "See makeItalicGlyphs"
+ (((self ascent-5+4)//4 max: 0))!