Nicolas Cellier uploaded a new version of KernelTests to project The Trunk: Summary ====================
Name: KernelTests-nice.96
Author: nice
Time: 25 September 2009, 10:51:15 am
UUID: b5940d3a-85f7-3f46-9fd1-5c1a4fb86206
Ancestors: KernelTests-ar.95
Tests for nan comparison from Diff against KernelTests-ar.95 ===============
Item was added:
+ ----- Method: FloatTest>>testNaNCompare (in category 'NaN behavior') -----
+ testNaNCompare
+ "IEEE 754 states that NaN cannot be ordered.
+ As a consequence, every arithmetic comparison involving a NaN SHOULD return false.
+ Except the is different test (~=).
+ This test does verify this rule"
+ | compareSelectors theNaN anotherNaN comparand brokenMethods warningMessage |
+ compareSelectors := #(#< #<= #> #>= #=).
+ theNaN := Float nan.
+ anotherNaN := Float infinity - Float infinity.
+ comparand := {1. 2.3. Float infinity. 2/3. 1.25s2. 2 raisedTo: 50}.
+ comparand := comparand , (comparand collect: [:e | e negated]).
+ comparand := comparand , {theNaN. anotherNaN}.
+ "do a first pass to collect all broken methods"
+ brokenMethods := Set new.
+ comparand do: [:comp |
+ compareSelectors do: [:op |
+ (theNaN perform: op with: comp) ifTrue: [brokenMethods add: (theNaN class lookupSelector: op)].
+ (comp perform: op with: theNaN) ifTrue: [brokenMethods add: (comp class lookupSelector: op)]].
+ (theNaN ~= comp) ifFalse: [brokenMethods add: (theNaN class lookupSelector: #~=)].
+ (comp ~= theNaN) ifFalse: [brokenMethods add: (comp class lookupSelector: #~=)]].
+ "build a warning message to tell about all broken methods at once"
+ warningMessage := String streamContents: [:s |
+ s nextPutAll: 'According to IEEE 754 comparing with a NaN should always return false, except ~= that should return true.'; cr.
+ s nextPutAll: 'All these methods failed to do so. They are either broken or call a broken one'.
+ brokenMethods do: [:e | s cr; print: e methodClass; nextPutAll: '>>'; print: e selector]].
+ "Redo the tests so as to eventually open a debugger on one of the failures"
+ brokenMethods := Set new.
+ comparand do: [:comp2 |
+ compareSelectors do: [:op2 |
+ self deny: (theNaN perform: op2 with: comp2) description: warningMessage.
+ self deny: (comp2 perform: op2 with: theNaN) description: warningMessage].
+ self assert: (theNaN ~= comp2) description: warningMessage.
+ self assert: (comp2 ~= theNaN) description: warningMessage].!