Andreas Raab uploaded a new version of Monticello to project The Trunk: Summary ====================
Name: Monticello-tfel.320
Author: tfel
Time: 28 August 2009, 8:47:40 am
UUID: cd4608e7-7d48-4111-b449-f0b0b1cf06bd
Ancestors: Monticello-rkrk.319
Adapt a test-case to reality
- In the MCSnapshotBrowser, when we have abolutely
nothing selected, we don't want to see an empty
string, instead we see the packages scripts or, in
the testcase, the info that this package doesn't define
any scripts
=============== Diff against Monticello-rkrk.319 ===============
Item was changed:
----- Method: MCMethodDefinitionTest>>override (in category 'mocks') -----
override ^ 1!
Item was changed:
----- Method: MCSnapshotBrowserTest>>testNoSelection (in category 'testing') -----
self assertAListMatches: self allCategories.
self denyAListIncludesAnyOf: self definedClasses.
self denyAListIncludesAnyOf: self allProtocols.
self denyAListIncludesAnyOf: self allMethods.
+ "and if there I need to see the packages scripts (or none)"
+ self assertTextIs: '(package defines no scripts)'.!
- self assertTextIs: ''.!
Item was changed:
----- Method: MCSnapshotBrowser>>scriptDefinitionString (in category 'text') -----
| defs |
defs := items select: [:ea | ea isScriptDefinition].
defs isEmpty ifTrue: [^'(package defines no scripts)'].
^ String streamContents: [:stream |
defs asArray sort
do: [:ea | stream nextPutAll: '---------- package ';
nextPutAll: ea scriptSelector;
nextPutAll: ' ----------'; cr;
nextPutAll: ea script; cr]
separatedBy: [stream cr]].!