Andreas Raab uploaded a new version of Morphic to project The Trunk: ==================== Summary ==================== Name: Morphic-ar.201 Author: ar Time: 5 October 2009, 11:36:14 am UUID: 822d3a08-a872-cf46-ab24-7f581e023999 Ancestors: Morphic-ar.200 Remove further MVC (ParagraphEditor) dependencies. =============== Diff against Morphic-ar.200 =============== Item was changed: ----- Method: SmalltalkEditor class>>initializeYellowButtonMenu (in category 'keyboard shortcut tables') ----- initializeYellowButtonMenu "Initialize the yellow button pop-up menu and corresponding messages." "SmalltalkEditor initialize" + yellowButtonMenu := MenuMorph fromArray: StringHolder yellowButtonMenuItems! - yellowButtonMenu := { - {'find...(f)' translated. #find}. - {'find again (g)' translated. #findAgain}. - {'set search string (h)' translated. #setSearchString}. - #-. - {'do again (j)' translated. #again}. - {'undo (z)' translated. #undo}. - #-. - {'copy (c)' translated. #copySelection}. - {'cut (x)' translated. #cut}. - {'paste (v)' translated. #paste}. - {'paste...' translated. #pasteRecent}. - #-. - {'do it (d)' translated. #doIt}. - {'print it (p)' translated. #printIt}. - {'inspect it (i)' translated. #inspectIt}. - {'explore it (I)' translated. #exploreIt}. - {'debug it' translated. #debugIt}. - #-. - {'accept (s)' translated. #accept}. - {'cancel (l)' translated. #cancel}. - #-. - {'show bytecodes' translated. #showBytecodes}. - #-. - {'more...' translated. #shiftedTextPaneMenuRequest}. - }! Item was changed: ----- Method: TextEditor class>>initializeYellowButtonMenu (in category 'keyboard shortcut tables') ----- initializeYellowButtonMenu "Initialize the yellow button pop-up menu and corresponding messages." "TextEditor initialize" + yellowButtonMenu := MenuMorph fromArray: { - yellowButtonMenu := { {'find...(f)' translated. #find}. {'find again (g)' translated. #findAgain}. {'set search string (h)' translated. #setSearchString}. #-. {'do again (j)' translated. #again}. {'undo (z)' translated. #undo}. #-. {'copy (c)' translated. #copySelection}. {'cut (x)' translated. #cut}. {'paste (v)' translated. #paste}. {'paste...' translated. #pasteRecent}. #-. {'set font... (k)' translated. #offerFontMenu}. {'set style... (K)' translated. #changeStyle}. {'set alignment...' translated. #chooseAlignment}. " #-. {'more...' translated. #shiftedTextPaneMenuRequest}. " }! Item was added: + ----- Method: SmalltalkEditor class>>initialize (in category 'keyboard shortcut tables') ----- + initialize + "SmalltalkEditor initialize" + self initializeCmdKeyShortcuts. + self initializeShiftCmdKeyShortcuts. + self initializeYellowButtonMenu. + self initializeShiftedYellowButtonMenu. + ! Item was changed: ----- Method: TextEditor class>>initialize (in category 'class initialization') ----- initialize "Initialize the keyboard shortcut maps and the shared buffers for copying text across views and managing again and undo." "TextEditor initialize" + UndoSelection := FindText := ChangeText := Text new. + UndoMessage := Message selector: #halt. - UndoSelection _ FindText _ ChangeText _ Text new. - UndoMessage _ Message selector: #halt. self initializeCmdKeyShortcuts. self initializeShiftCmdKeyShortcuts. self initializeYellowButtonMenu. self initializeShiftedYellowButtonMenu! Item was changed: ----- Method: SmalltalkEditor class>>initializeShiftedYellowButtonMenu (in category 'keyboard shortcut tables') ----- initializeShiftedYellowButtonMenu "Initialize the yellow button pop-up menu and corresponding messages." "SmalltalkEditor initialize" + shiftedYellowButtonMenu := MenuMorph fromArray: StringHolder yellowButtonMenuItems.! - shiftedYellowButtonMenu := { - {'set font... (k)' translated. #offerFontMenu}. - {'set style... (K)' translated. #changeStyle}. - {'set alignment...' translated. #chooseAlignment}. - #-. - {'explain' translated. #explain}. - {'pretty print' translated. #prettyPrint}. - {'pretty print with color' translated. #prettyPrintWithColor}. - {'file it in (G)' translated. #fileItIn}. - {'spawn (o)' translated. #spawn}. - #-. - {'browse it (b)' translated. #browseIt}. - {'senders of it (n)' translated. #sendersOfIt}. - {'implementors of it (m)' translated. #implementorsOfIt}. - {'references to it (N)' translated. #referencesToIt}. - #-. - {'selectors containing it (W)' translated. #methodNamesContainingIt}. - {'method strings with it (E)' translated. #methodStringsContainingit}. - {'method source with it' translated. #methodSourceContainingIt}. - {'class names containing it' translated. #classNamesContainingIt}. - {'class comments with it' translated. #classCommentsContainingIt}. - {'change sets with it' translated. #browseChangeSetsWithSelector}. - #-. - {'save contents to file...' translated. #saveContentsInFile}. - #-. - {'more...' translated. #yellowButtonActivity}. - }! Item was changed: ----- Method: FillInTheBlankMorph>>codePaneMenu:shifted: (in category 'menu') ----- codePaneMenu: aMenu shifted: shifted + ^ StringHolder codePaneMenu: aMenu shifted: shifted. - ^ StringHolder new codePaneMenu: aMenu shifted: shifted. ! Item was changed: ----- Method: PluggableTextMorph>>update: (in category 'updating') ----- update: aSymbol aSymbol ifNil: [^self]. aSymbol == #flash ifTrue: [^self flash]. aSymbol == getTextSelector ifTrue: [self setText: self getText. ^self setSelection: self getSelection]. aSymbol == getSelectionSelector ifTrue: [^self setSelection: self getSelection]. (aSymbol == #autoSelect and: [getSelectionSelector notNil]) ifTrue: [self handleEdit: + [(textMorph editor) + abandonChangeText; "no replacement!!" - [ParagraphEditor abandonChangeText. "no replacement!!" - (textMorph editor) setSearch: model autoSelectString; againOrSame: true]]. aSymbol == #clearUserEdits ifTrue: [^self hasUnacceptedEdits: false]. aSymbol == #wantToChange ifTrue: [self canDiscardEdits ifFalse: [^self promptForCancel]. ^self]. aSymbol == #appendEntry ifTrue: [self handleEdit: [self appendEntry]. ^self refreshWorld]. aSymbol == #clearText ifTrue: [self handleEdit: [self changeText: Text new]. ^self refreshWorld]. aSymbol == #bs ifTrue: [self handleEdit: [self bsText]. ^self refreshWorld]. aSymbol == #codeChangedElsewhere ifTrue: [self hasEditingConflicts: true. ^self changed]! Item was changed: ----- Method: TextMorph>>getMenu: (in category 'event handling') ----- getMenu: shiftKeyState ^ (shiftKeyState not or: [Preferences noviceMode]) + ifTrue: [TextEditor yellowButtonMenu] + ifFalse: [TextEditor shiftedYellowButtonMenu]! - ifTrue: [ParagraphEditor yellowButtonMenu] - ifFalse: [ParagraphEditor shiftedYellowButtonMenu]! Item was added: + ----- Method: TextEditor>>abandonChangeText (in category 'editing keys') ----- + abandonChangeText + ^self class abandonChangeText! |
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