Alexander Lazarević uploaded a new version of Morphic to project The Trunk: Summary ====================
Name: Morphic-laza.184
Author: laza
Time: 9 September 2009, 2:21:25 am
UUID: 2f779f3d-9aaa-3942-89a1-278cd4a76254
Ancestors: Morphic-laza.183
Add a check for range >= 1
=============== Diff against Morphic-laza.183 ===============
Item was changed:
----- Method: SystemProgressMorph>>label:min:max: (in category 'private') -----
label: shortDescription min: minValue max: maxValue
| slot range newBarSize barSize lastRefresh |
((range := maxValue - minValue) < 0 or: [(slot := self nextSlotFor: shortDescription) = 0])
ifTrue: [^[:barVal| 0 ]].
range <= 0 ifTrue: [self removeMorph: (bars at: slot)].
self recenter.
self openInWorld.
barSize := -1. "Enforces a inital draw of the morph"
lastRefresh := 0.
^[:barVal |
barVal isString ifTrue: [
self setLabel: barVal at: slot.
self currentWorld displayWorld].
+ (barVal isNumber and: [range >= 1 and: [barVal between: minValue and: maxValue]]) ifTrue: [
- (barVal isNumber and: [barVal between: minValue and: maxValue]) ifTrue: [
newBarSize := (barVal - minValue / range * BarWidth) truncated.
newBarSize = barSize ifFalse: [
barSize := newBarSize.
(bars at: slot) barSize: barSize.
Time primMillisecondClock - lastRefresh > 25 ifTrue: [
self currentWorld displayWorld.
lastRefresh := Time primMillisecondClock]]].