Nicolas Cellier uploaded a new version of System to project The Trunk: Summary ====================
Name: System-nice.135
Author: nice
Time: 24 August 2009, 9:47:19 am
UUID: 72defbdd-5417-4767-b8b1-62fe91315878
Ancestors: System-rss.134
Fix 'toggle break on entry' menu did install method with breakpoint in class side.
This is essentially:
Installer mantis ensureFix: 7007.
=============== Diff against System-rss.134 ===============
Item was changed:
----- Method: BreakpointManager class>>installInClass:selector: (in category 'install-uninstall') -----
installInClass: aClass selector: aSymbol
"Install a new method containing a breakpoint.
The receiver will remember this for unstalling it later"
| breakMethod |
breakMethod := self compilePrototype: aSymbol in: aClass.
breakMethod isNil
ifTrue: [^ nil].
self installed at: breakMethod put: aClass >> aSymbol. "old method"
+ aClass basicAddSelector: aSymbol withMethod: breakMethod.!
- aClass class basicAddSelector: aSymbol withMethod: breakMethod.!