[squeak-dev] Trunk now Toolbuilderized ;-)

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Re: Bug tracking policy (was Re: [squeak-dev] Re: Trunk now Toolbuilderized)

Michael Haupt-3

On Fri, Aug 14, 2009 at 11:35 AM, Bert Freudenberg<[hidden email]> wrote:

>>>>> But if a core developer notices a small bug and can fix it right away,
>>>>> he can just do so. Formerly, he would have to open a Mantis bug and
>>>>> attach a changeset.
>>>> Exactly this should be mandatory
>>> This is a valid proposal. Who does support it? Who is against?
>> I'd vote for mandatory reporting.
> So if I notice a typo that was introduced yesterday, I'd not only fix it,
> but also I'd have to open a bug report and immediately resolve it? Just
> making sure I understand.

good grief. And I thought *I* had bureaucratic traits. :-P

Who is the trunk for? For everyday users? I guess not. There should be
stable releases that are fit for everyday use. Whoever updates to the
most recent trunk version should be aware that there may be things in

The other way around, whoever uses the trunk image should update
before doing anything else immediately after starting the image. That
way, they always have the latest code - including bugfixes.

As for reporting, I'd strongly opt for not having to report (and
attach a changeset) every little thing I can immediately fix. Why
should the fix be stored in two different places: the trunk, and
Mantis? It's waste.

On the other hand, if someone who is not a core developer identifies
an issue, OR if a core developer finds an issue that is not easy to
fix right away, it should be reported.

This morning I removed an obsolete test case from the trunk, along
with a method. This was not really a bug, it just was one of the
reasons that the bar would not go green, but in no way an indicator
for some fault in the code in the image as such. I feel awkward when I
read I should have reported *this* as a *bug*.



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[squeak-dev] Re: irc bots

Simon Michael
In reply to this post by Frank Shearar
Hi Frank. No, these are done with rss2irc, which I have been tweaking for a while.

http://joyful.com/darcsweb/darcsweb.cgi?r=rss2irc ,

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Re: Bug tracking policy (was Re: [squeak-dev] Re: Trunk now Toolbuilderized)

In reply to this post by Bert Freudenberg

> Firstly, Board members are free to speak their mind. We usually make
> it clear in writing when something is a decision by the Board.
> Secondly, Ken stated that "Mantis is falling out of favor", which
> seems an accurate description of how our community uses the bug tracker.
Not at all.
> Wish it was different, but it somehow is at odds with the way this
> community works.
You obviously don't build much in the way of actual working images from
squeak 3.10. I think that this is the problem, the board and Andreas'
gang is currently populated with people don't actually use squeak 3.10
for anything serious, so they are not aware of the tools that are being
used and how they are being used.

Mantis is in favour, and has been more in favour ever since fixes were
loadable automatically from Installer. Mantis is the only way of
reporting a fix and getting it discussed and making it loadable in all
images that needed in order to make a fix and a dependent package
available to the widest possible audience. It works very well indeed for
that purpose.

Not only that it works for everyone, not just those working on a
release. Fixes availability on mantis frees people from any dependence
upon the/any release team schedule.

There has been a lot of contribution from folks like Nicolas Cellier and
others, that is right there.
> (I should also point out that IRC is a second-grade medium in our
> community.
Again I disagree. IRC is a first grade medium, and those of us who have
used it for discussing release team issues have been able to have actual
discussions to make decisions and come to conclusions while talking to
the relevant people. It is only since people started using squeak-dev
and lots of uninvolved and uninformed people enter the fray that things
have gone noticably diluted and pear shaped. This is exactly what
happened in the 3.9 days, and at that time the victim was Marcus. It was
well known that the release team needed to be protected from the open
lions den that is squeak-dev, and this is why the release mailing list
exists. Those who don't learn from history are....
>> Logical considering that we just got the technical side of the
>> process of using mantis to manage fixes working. How about we invest in
>> actually organising people to use mantis properly.
> Good idea. Try to convince people. We tried. As Ken wrote on IRC, "I'm
> tired of fighting this issue after several years now".
No you didn't try. Trying involves actually doing something. Count the
number of emails on squeak-dev on the subject, particularly the ones
after the automation mechanism was completed. What you have done is
undermine all existing work that has already been carried out by telling
people it isn't necessary. Now mantis is going to languish in an
indeterminate state that is not useful to anyone, because mantis is not
actually part of any process whereas it has been for several years.

I cant try to convince people of anything, because you have told them
that "trunk" is the way to go, I cant compete with, nor should I have
to, nor do I want to compete with Andreas. However Andreas isn't putting
himself in the position to work with anyone, he is overriding everyone else.
If he was truly running an experiment, then it would be bounded, and
would not trash everything else that is and has been worked on.
>>> I guess you misunderstood. Mantis is still where to report bugs.
>>> But if a core developer notices a small bug and can fix it right away,
>>> he can just do so. Formerly, he would have to open a Mantis bug and
>>> attach a changeset.
>> Exactly this should be mandatory
> This is a valid proposal. Who does support it? Who is against?
> Nothing is set in stone, ideas for better processes are always welcome.
No they aren't. Previously ideas used to require written proposals,
discussion and approval. Now there is no procedure left, it has been
You already have a proposal for better processes that you approved, but
you removed that approval without due process, and in doing so you
undermined any future decision that the board makes.

The board now makes decisions, in one sitting, without consultation, and
they can be entirely contrary. Therefore no one can make a proposal any
more, because it is a worthless concept.
> So far the trunk is still an experiment, we'll see how it goes.
This is complete double speak, ask Andreas if he sees it as an experiment.

It hasn't been publicised as "an experiment", its certainly hasn't been
a "no impact" on existing procedures experiment. This was announced as

"THE NEW Process", as in the Definite article, that is not experimental
language. The irony being that what is called "the process" isn't a
process at all.

If you want to do experiments, how about a poll or even an email to the
community to ask what kind of experiment would be useful. There are
plenty of projects that you could do in "trunks" notice the plural, I
can think of 5 off the top of my head. But you must do each innovation
separately, and without mixing everything together. Innovations must be
for existing images and squeak users not, some as yet experimental image.

Rio (replacement for FileDirectory) and Logging are examples of this
that might be ready for integration.

>> Please define simply - consider what an average squeak user has to do
>> differently now as compared to the original situation.
> Core developer:
> 1. Fix bug.
> 2. Commit changed package to trunk.
> Non-core developer:
> 1. Fix bug.
> 2. Commit changed package to inbox.
> 3. Open Mantis report.
> This assumes users are using the trunk image.
Why would anyone be using the trunk image for their daily development?
> If not, you can still attach changesets to mantis, so it's about the
> same as before.
>> Before all I needed was a little changeset generated from my own
>> working image.
> How about a poll: Who actually uses changesets for daily development?
For daily development, I doubt if many people manage MC packages of the
squeak kernel in their repositories. I do however upload fixes to the
kernel to mantis, and load them into my other images from there on a fix
by fix basis.
> I have the impression that use of Monticello has overtaken changesets
> by far.
Not for fixing the kernel. If this was true then why are people working
on things like DeltaStreams.
> Many newer developers are not comfortable with changesets at all.
> Making a changeset from a MC package is still not trivial.
Again people dont use MC for managing the kernel in their working images.
>> Other forks of squeak can browse the list of documented fixes and pick
>> out any that they might also like to adopt, and when they do they can
>> generate their documentation automatically.
> We need to produce this list for a release, indeed. But why not from
> trunk commit logs?
What use would that be to anyone? You cant load a fix from a trunk log,
it doesn't come with any documentation or code.
>> From the community that invented extreme programming this is embarrassing
> Actually, Squeak development in the last two years felt glacial.
Then you haven't been tracking the developments which have happened.
> I have the impression that people like the trunk model because it is
> way more agile, not less.
But you are assuming that nothing happened, The truth is lots happened.
Major issues that plagued the squeak community were addressed and fixed,
although the majority are in a loadable form. Squeak is much much more
usable now than it was 3 years ago, simply because you can load a
complex package like Magma or Seaside in a one liner. Innovations which
were only available in one version of squeak, are now available in
several versions of squeak.
> Many people like Squeak because it allows them to be way more
> productive than in any other tool. So the processes that best fit that
> mind-set do not require external tools. This is what made the old
> update stream attractive -
And as we had already established - prone to incremental expansion, when
the stated goal was the opposite.

We need the image to reduce and together with that we need tools for
loading the things we have removed back in again. Actually we need these
tools first, prior to removing stuff. Squeak now has those tools but you
aren't using them as part of the process, so in actual fact we are going
> you prepared a changeset and submitted it without ever having to
> switch away from Squeak. And this is what makes the trunk attractive.
The "trunk" is a choice made by the board to create another image, which
is "a fork" from the previous image. Apparently we are now told that "it
is only an experiment", except it is unmanaged and unmanageable.

Previously we expected to have to take a mature approach to development
with people to conceive implement and test innovations prior to
integration. With tools to support the process we can continuously test
an innovation everywhere that it is used. The ability to do this
requires a lot of investment up front, but once you have it, you are
ready to take on the actual enormity of the task.

You will not be able to replace the need for actual vision, actual
leadership, actual management, and actual testing with a bunch of random
undocumented commits to "trunk".



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Re: Bug tracking policy (was Re: [squeak-dev] Re: Trunk now Toolbuilderized)

In reply to this post by Michael Haupt-3
Michael Haupt wrote:

> Hi,
> On Fri, Aug 14, 2009 at 11:35 AM, Bert Freudenberg<[hidden email]> wrote:
>>>>>> But if a core developer notices a small bug and can fix it right away,
>>>>>> he can just do so. Formerly, he would have to open a Mantis bug and
>>>>>> attach a changeset.
>>>>> Exactly this should be mandatory
>>>> This is a valid proposal. Who does support it? Who is against?
>>> I'd vote for mandatory reporting.
>> So if I notice a typo that was introduced yesterday, I'd not only fix it,
>> but also I'd have to open a bug report and immediately resolve it? Just
>> making sure I understand.
> good grief. And I thought *I* had bureaucratic traits. :-P
> Who is the trunk for? For everyday users? I guess not. There should be
> stable releases that are fit for everyday use. Whoever updates to the
> most recent trunk version should be aware that there may be things in
> progress.
> The other way around, whoever uses the trunk image should update
> before doing anything else immediately after starting the image. That
> way, they always have the latest code - including bugfixes.
> As for reporting, I'd strongly opt for not having to report (and
> attach a changeset) every little thing I can immediately fix. Why
> should the fix be stored in two different places: the trunk, and
> Mantis? It's waste.
Putting fixes into trunk is a waste I agree, so what do we need the
trunk for again?
> On the other hand, if someone who is not a core developer identifies
> an issue, OR if a core developer finds an issue that is not easy to
> fix right away, it should be reported.
Core developers should be working on particular innovations, bounded
within certain packages and with documentation and deliverables. They
should not be let loose on the image indescriminately.
> This morning I removed an obsolete test case from the trunk, along
> with a method. This was not really a bug, it just was one of the
> reasons that the bar would not go green, but in no way an indicator
> for some fault in the code in the image as such. I feel awkward when I
> read I should have reported *this* as a *bug*.
It depends on what your test was for. Tests should be managed externally
to the image anyway, and integrated for test candidates


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Re: Bug tracking policy (was Re: [squeak-dev] Re: Trunk now Toolbuilderized)

Michael Haupt-3
Hi Keith,

On Fri, Aug 14, 2009 at 3:16 PM, Keith Hodges<[hidden email]> wrote:
>> As for reporting, I'd strongly opt for not having to report (and
>> attach a changeset) every little thing I can immediately fix. Why
>> should the fix be stored in two different places: the trunk, and
>> Mantis? It's waste.
> Putting fixes into trunk is a waste I agree, so what do we need the
> trunk for again?

I presume you intentionally mistook me there. :-)

> Core developers should be working on particular innovations, bounded
> within certain packages and with documentation and deliverables. They
> should not be let loose on the image indescriminately.

I don't think this is the case. Apart from that, getting the image "in
shape" (in the form of a release, for instance) sounds like core
developer responsibility to me. This cannot be done in isolated
packages; it affects many of them.

>> This morning I removed an obsolete test case from the trunk, along
>> with a method. This was not really a bug, it just was one of the
>> reasons that the bar would not go green, but in no way an indicator
>> for some fault in the code in the image as such. I feel awkward when I
>> read I should have reported *this* as a *bug*.
> It depends on what your test was for. Tests should be managed externally
> to the image anyway, and integrated for test candidates

This I agree with; and the tests repository - as kept separate from
the trunk - is a step in that direction, right?

BTW the test I removed was not mine. It was included in 2007 and
addressed the closure code that existed at the time. It was forgotten
to remove it when Eliot's closure code came in.



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Re: Bug tracking policy (was Re: [squeak-dev] Re: Trunk now Toolbuilderized)

Michael Haupt wrote:

> Hi Keith,
> On Fri, Aug 14, 2009 at 3:16 PM, Keith Hodges<[hidden email]> wrote:
>>> As for reporting, I'd strongly opt for not having to report (and
>>> attach a changeset) every little thing I can immediately fix. Why
>>> should the fix be stored in two different places: the trunk, and
>>> Mantis? It's waste.
>> Putting fixes into trunk is a waste I agree, so what do we need the
>> trunk for again?
> I presume you intentionally mistook me there. :-)

>> Core developers should be working on particular innovations, bounded
>> within certain packages and with documentation and deliverables. They
>> should not be let loose on the image indescriminately.
> I don't think this is the case. Apart from that, getting the image "in
> shape" (in the form of a release, for instance) sounds like core
> developer responsibility to me. This cannot be done in isolated
> packages; it affects many of them.
So if integration is something which happens across packages, why are
you managing it in MCPackages a wholly inappropriate organisation. The
MCPackages are useful as an output of the integration process, but they
can be generated automatically. The inputs are the units of knowledge
collected in order to perform the integration, and there are several
candidate audiences for that knowledge, but you aren't capturing that
knowledge for them, you are only capturing the output of that knowledge
and even then its not organised in a useful manner.

You are also forgetting that the process of integration also effects the
700 or so loadable packages, where is the process for this?

>>> This morning I removed an obsolete test case from the trunk, along
>>> with a method. This was not really a bug, it just was one of the
>>> reasons that the bar would not go green, but in no way an indicator
>>> for some fault in the code in the image as such. I feel awkward when I
>>> read I should have reported *this* as a *bug*.
>> It depends on what your test was for. Tests should be managed externally
>> to the image anyway, and integrated for test candidates
> This I agree with; and the tests repository - as kept separate from
> the trunk - is a step in that direction, right?
Yes, except that the primary feature of 3.11 as planned and coded was
the reorganisation of the image into new structure of packages where the
tests and implementation were managed separately in separate package yet
alongside each other organisationally and tidily.

One process in the production of the release is deciding what structure
it should have. This process needs to happen first, now it cant be done
at all, because you have decided the structure of your packages as an
input, and we are resigned to keeping the same old mess we have had for

Just throwing open a tests repository is not planning or organisation,
its just open chaos. Nor is your tests repository against any particular
release. Now if you were to say, here is a repository for working on
shared Collections for all forks and with Collections we have a tests
package, then we have a manageable unit, against which apis can be
documented and compared across forks, and plans can be made.


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Re: Bug tracking policy (was Re: [squeak-dev] Re: Trunk now Toolbuilderized)

Michael Haupt-3
Hi Keith,

On Fri, Aug 14, 2009 at 4:57 PM, Keith Hodges<[hidden email]> wrote:
> So if integration is something which happens across packages, why are
> you managing it in MCPackages a wholly inappropriate organisation. ...

let's clarify one point: who is "you"? Me? Wrong consignee, then.

> Just throwing open a tests repository is not planning or organisation,
> its just open chaos.


> Nor is your tests repository against any particular release.

Whose? Mine? - Apart from that: it's against the trunk, right?



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Re: Bug tracking policy (was Re: [squeak-dev] Re: Trunk now Toolbuilderized)

Joshua Gargus-2
In reply to this post by keith1y
Keith Hodges wrote:
> You will not be able to replace the need for actual vision, actual
> leadership, actual management, and actual testing with a bunch of random
> undocumented commits to "trunk".

I find it difficult to give your arguments my full consideration when
you mix what may be good points with obvious fallacies.

For instance, you consistently speak of "undocumented commits".
However, each commit has a comment associated with it, so it is clearly
not "undocumented".  Whether the comment gives a good overview of the
intent/implementation/etc. of that package-version depends on how much
effort the developer puts into it.  However, this is clearly no
different from commenting on an issue on Mantis; the comment may be
enlightening or useless, and nothing in the technology can force it to
be one or the other.

Also, you can replace "bunch of random undocumented commits to trunk"
with "Mantis and Bob the Builder" and it would be just as true.  How
much of this is intended as a constructive criticism (because it isn't),
and how much is an emotional response to your (understandably, to a
certain extent) hurt feelings?


> regards
> Keith

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Re: Bug tracking policy (was Re: [squeak-dev] Re: Trunk now Toolbuilderized)

Joshua Gargus wrote:

> Keith Hodges wrote:
>> You will not be able to replace the need for actual vision, actual
>> leadership, actual management, and actual testing with a bunch of random
>> undocumented commits to "trunk".
> I find it difficult to give your arguments my full consideration when
> you mix what may be good points with obvious fallacies.
> For instance, you consistently speak of "undocumented commits".
> However, each commit has a comment associated with it, so it is clearly
> not "undocumented".
Commit comments do not really constitute documentation, these are small
incremental changes and a set of changes are not even managed as a
coherent unit, as they would be in ChangeSets or DeltaStreams for
example. More importantly this documentation is not subject to revision
or improvement over time.

Lets say you have an initiative to replace the .changes file with a
better mechanism, you might write a proposal, document file formats,
recruit a couple of folks to code and test. Then you would have a
documented innovation. However in integrating this change the
documentation and lessons learned would continue to grow and contribute
to the knowledge base for that topic.

DeltaStreams and Rio are examples of this, they come as a package to
load and a number of changesets/deltastreams that are required to
integrate it into each image. These are made available via Installer
LevelPlayingField in a manner that can cope with the differences between
target images. Then if cobalt wants to integrate Rio, they can pick up
all that they need in one place and they can contribute to the knowledge
base as well.
>  However, this is clearly no
> different from commenting on an issue on Mantis; the comment may be
> enlightening or useless, and nothing in the technology can force it to
> be one or the other.
But the comment on mantis can be refined over time after the decision to
include it in the release has been made. A review can be made and people
can look at the 10 worst documented fixes on mantis which apply to
squeak 3.10, and they can improve the documentation, improve the testing
and test the fix more widely and add further information.

The result being that the final release will have the full improved

Having a real process involves being able to plan the release, craft the
release, and craft the release documentation, in a regularly repeated
cycle perhaps monthly or bimonthy.
>   How
> much of this is intended as a constructive criticism (because it isn't),
> and how much is an emotional response to your (understandably, to a
> certain extent) hurt feelings?
The real problem in moving squeak forward is a people problem. For 3.11
we worked using the release team list and we worked using irc with real
"face to face" discussions on a relatively frequent basis. We had a
small group of contributors but Andreas overwhelmed everything with one
email to squeak-dev.

If Andreas had gone to squeak dev and said we want to move things
forward , anyone volunteering? Then assessed where different initiatives
had got to, looked at what needed help and what needed looking at,
considered who is good at what, and asked people what they wanted to do
and got everyone together for a virtual beer, none of this would have
happened. In case I am not mistaken that's called management and release
team motivation and liason.

However instead we got "trunk", a technical hammer to throw at the
problem, and in one foul swoop Andreas disassembled all of management,
planning, and thought that had occurred up to that point.


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Re: Bug tracking policy (was Re: [squeak-dev] Re: Trunk now Toolbuilderized)

Ian Trudel-2
2009/8/14 Keith Hodges <[hidden email]>:

> The real problem in moving squeak forward is a people problem.

You sure got that one right. It's perfectly fine that you are
interested into more planning, documentation, etc. Provided that
people get to do the work. And right now we've seen more and more
people interested in the trunk, or "trunk", and we get immediate
reports on the mailing list. There is a buzz about the "trunk" and
it's refreshing. It's really good to see more activity.

Whether you like it or not, 3.11 process is not exactly an instant
hit. And it's unlikely to be readjusted considering that you are
overlooking the human and social aspects of Squeak.

You are trying to tell us that Andreas is evil and entrapped us into
some twisted process, then you have announced that Bob is closed
source (and unlikely to be otherwise). Are we completely doom or

2009/8/10 Keith Hodges <[hidden email]>:
> p.p.s. Bob is not going to be released as open source, if you would like
> the ability to build your images daily, and run the test suites against
> your deliverables, then please do email me for licensing terms.

Bob is most likely an excellent product. It's perhaps not suitable to
be the pivot point of an open source software and community...

Best regards,

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Re: Bug tracking policy (was Re: [squeak-dev] Re: Trunk now Toolbuilderized)

Eliot Miranda-2
In reply to this post by keith1y

On Fri, Aug 14, 2009 at 6:05 AM, Keith Hodges <[hidden email]> wrote:

> Firstly, Board members are free to speak their mind. We usually make
> it clear in writing when something is a decision by the Board.
> Secondly, Ken stated that "Mantis is falling out of favor", which
> seems an accurate description of how our community uses the bug tracker.
Not at all.
> Wish it was different, but it somehow is at odds with the way this
> community works.
You obviously don't build much in the way of actual working images from
squeak 3.10. I think that this is the problem, the board and Andreas'
gang is currently populated with people don't actually use squeak 3.10
for anything serious, so they are not aware of the tools that are being
used and how they are being used.

Mantis is in favour, and has been more in favour ever since fixes were
loadable automatically from Installer. Mantis is the only way of
reporting a fix and getting it discussed and making it loadable in all
images that needed in order to make a fix and a dependent package
available to the widest possible audience. It works very well indeed for
that purpose.

Not only that it works for everyone, not just those working on a
release. Fixes availability on mantis frees people from any dependence
upon the/any release team schedule.

There has been a lot of contribution from folks like Nicolas Cellier and
others, that is right there.
> (I should also point out that IRC is a second-grade medium in our
> community.
Again I disagree. IRC is a first grade medium, and those of us who have
used it for discussing release team issues have been able to have actual
discussions to make decisions and come to conclusions while talking to
the relevant people.

Nothing other than a store-and-forward messaging system is suitable for a global process whose participants are volunteers.  IRC is real-time and so simply doesn't function across time zones, and doesn't function across participants extra-project time constraints.  Keith, get real.
It is only since people started using squeak-dev
and lots of uninvolved and uninformed people enter the fray that things
have gone noticably diluted and pear shaped. This is exactly what
happened in the 3.9 days, and at that time the victim was Marcus. It was
well known that the release team needed to be protected from the open
lions den that is squeak-dev, and this is why the release mailing list
exists. Those who don't learn from history are....
>> Logical considering that we just got the technical side of the
>> process of using mantis to manage fixes working. How about we invest in
>> actually organising people to use mantis properly.
> Good idea. Try to convince people. We tried. As Ken wrote on IRC, "I'm
> tired of fighting this issue after several years now".
No you didn't try. Trying involves actually doing something. Count the
number of emails on squeak-dev on the subject, particularly the ones
after the automation mechanism was completed. What you have done is
undermine all existing work that has already been carried out by telling
people it isn't necessary. Now mantis is going to languish in an
indeterminate state that is not useful to anyone, because mantis is not
actually part of any process whereas it has been for several years.

I cant try to convince people of anything, because you have told them
that "trunk" is the way to go, I cant compete with, nor should I have
to, nor do I want to compete with Andreas. However Andreas isn't putting
himself in the position to work with anyone, he is overriding everyone else.
If he was truly running an experiment, then it would be bounded, and
would not trash everything else that is and has been worked on.
>>> I guess you misunderstood. Mantis is still where to report bugs.
>>> But if a core developer notices a small bug and can fix it right away,
>>> he can just do so. Formerly, he would have to open a Mantis bug and
>>> attach a changeset.
>> Exactly this should be mandatory
> This is a valid proposal. Who does support it? Who is against?
> Nothing is set in stone, ideas for better processes are always welcome.
No they aren't. Previously ideas used to require written proposals,
discussion and approval. Now there is no procedure left, it has been
You already have a proposal for better processes that you approved, but
you removed that approval without due process, and in doing so you
undermined any future decision that the board makes.

The board now makes decisions, in one sitting, without consultation, and
they can be entirely contrary. Therefore no one can make a proposal any
more, because it is a worthless concept.
> So far the trunk is still an experiment, we'll see how it goes.
This is complete double speak, ask Andreas if he sees it as an experiment.

It hasn't been publicised as "an experiment", its certainly hasn't been
a "no impact" on existing procedures experiment. This was announced as

"THE NEW Process", as in the Definite article, that is not experimental
language. The irony being that what is called "the process" isn't a
process at all.

If you want to do experiments, how about a poll or even an email to the
community to ask what kind of experiment would be useful. There are
plenty of projects that you could do in "trunks" notice the plural, I
can think of 5 off the top of my head. But you must do each innovation
separately, and without mixing everything together. Innovations must be
for existing images and squeak users not, some as yet experimental image.

Rio (replacement for FileDirectory) and Logging are examples of this
that might be ready for integration.
>> Please define simply - consider what an average squeak user has to do
>> differently now as compared to the original situation.
> Core developer:
> 1. Fix bug.
> 2. Commit changed package to trunk.
> Non-core developer:
> 1. Fix bug.
> 2. Commit changed package to inbox.
> 3. Open Mantis report.
> This assumes users are using the trunk image.
Why would anyone be using the trunk image for their daily development?
> If not, you can still attach changesets to mantis, so it's about the
> same as before.
>> Before all I needed was a little changeset generated from my own
>> working image.
> How about a poll: Who actually uses changesets for daily development?
For daily development, I doubt if many people manage MC packages of the
squeak kernel in their repositories. I do however upload fixes to the
kernel to mantis, and load them into my other images from there on a fix
by fix basis.
> I have the impression that use of Monticello has overtaken changesets
> by far.
Not for fixing the kernel. If this was true then why are people working
on things like DeltaStreams.
> Many newer developers are not comfortable with changesets at all.
> Making a changeset from a MC package is still not trivial.
Again people dont use MC for managing the kernel in their working images.
>> Other forks of squeak can browse the list of documented fixes and pick
>> out any that they might also like to adopt, and when they do they can
>> generate their documentation automatically.
> We need to produce this list for a release, indeed. But why not from
> trunk commit logs?
What use would that be to anyone? You cant load a fix from a trunk log,
it doesn't come with any documentation or code.
>> From the community that invented extreme programming this is embarrassing
> Actually, Squeak development in the last two years felt glacial.
Then you haven't been tracking the developments which have happened.
> I have the impression that people like the trunk model because it is
> way more agile, not less.
But you are assuming that nothing happened, The truth is lots happened.
Major issues that plagued the squeak community were addressed and fixed,
although the majority are in a loadable form. Squeak is much much more
usable now than it was 3 years ago, simply because you can load a
complex package like Magma or Seaside in a one liner. Innovations which
were only available in one version of squeak, are now available in
several versions of squeak.
> Many people like Squeak because it allows them to be way more
> productive than in any other tool. So the processes that best fit that
> mind-set do not require external tools. This is what made the old
> update stream attractive -
And as we had already established - prone to incremental expansion, when
the stated goal was the opposite.

We need the image to reduce and together with that we need tools for
loading the things we have removed back in again. Actually we need these
tools first, prior to removing stuff. Squeak now has those tools but you
aren't using them as part of the process, so in actual fact we are going
> you prepared a changeset and submitted it without ever having to
> switch away from Squeak. And this is what makes the trunk attractive.
The "trunk" is a choice made by the board to create another image, which
is "a fork" from the previous image. Apparently we are now told that "it
is only an experiment", except it is unmanaged and unmanageable.

Previously we expected to have to take a mature approach to development
with people to conceive implement and test innovations prior to
integration. With tools to support the process we can continuously test
an innovation everywhere that it is used. The ability to do this
requires a lot of investment up front, but once you have it, you are
ready to take on the actual enormity of the task.

You will not be able to replace the need for actual vision, actual
leadership, actual management, and actual testing with a bunch of random
undocumented commits to "trunk".



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Re: Bug tracking policy (was Re: [squeak-dev] Re: Trunk now Toolbuilderized)

In reply to this post by Ian Trudel-2
Ian Trudel wrote:

> 2009/8/14 Keith Hodges <[hidden email]>:
>> The real problem in moving squeak forward is a people problem.
> You sure got that one right. It's perfectly fine that you are
> interested into more planning, documentation, etc. Provided that
> people get to do the work.
>  And right now we've seen more and more
> people interested in the trunk, or "trunk",
This is due to one reason only.

The information about the idea of trunk was published on squeak-dev by
Andreas. We were working on [hidden email] because
previous release teams have had very much similar problems with the
lions den that is squeak-dev (remember 3.9 and subsequent fallout anyone)

Bob built a closures image in February - Andreas could have recruited
people to look at it and work on the closures initiative then.
Mantis fix loading automation was finished a number of months ago,
Andreas could have recruited people to work on that process.
He could have equally well discussed Bob on squeak-dev and recruited
people to work on relevant stuff for that process.

I had proposed a couple of projects that needed working on. The release
team should not have to participate in squeak-dev at all, it is well
known for chewing people up - ask Marcus Denker.
> and we get immediate
> reports on the mailing list.
I asked explicitly not to discuss release team issues on squeak-dev this
whole process has been one of extreme discourtesy by all concerned.
>  There is a buzz about the "trunk" and
> it's refreshing. It's really good to see more activity.
There was loads of activity already occurring.
> Whether you like it or not, 3.11 process is not exactly an instant
> hit. And it's unlikely to be readjusted considering that you are
> overlooking the human and social aspects of Squeak.
What would those be?
> You are trying to tell us that Andreas is evil and entrapped us into
> some twisted process, then you have announced that Bob is closed
> source (and unlikely to be otherwise). Are we completely doom or
> something?

The board needs to establish a protocol which goes some way to protect
volunteers which it (allegedly) supports. I have lost income due to the
boards actions.


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Re: Bug tracking policy (was Re: [squeak-dev] Re: Trunk now Toolbuilderized)

In reply to this post by Eliot Miranda-2

>     Again I disagree. IRC is a first grade medium, and those of us who
>     have
>     used it for discussing release team issues have been able to have
>     actual
>     discussions to make decisions and come to conclusions while talking to
>     the relevant people.
> Nothing other than a store-and-forward messaging system is suitable
> for a global process whose participants are volunteers.  IRC is
> real-time and so simply doesn't function across time zones, and
> doesn't function across participants extra-project time constraints.
>  Keith, get real.
IRC works fine for that, you read the days' discussions and catch up.
You post questions that others answer when they wake up.


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Re: Bug tracking policy (was Re: [squeak-dev] Re: Trunk now Toolbuilderized)

Eliot Miranda-2

On Fri, Aug 14, 2009 at 4:41 PM, Keith Hodges <[hidden email]> wrote:

>     Again I disagree. IRC is a first grade medium, and those of us who
>     have
>     used it for discussing release team issues have been able to have
>     actual
>     discussions to make decisions and come to conclusions while talking to
>     the relevant people.
> Nothing other than a store-and-forward messaging system is suitable
> for a global process whose participants are volunteers.  IRC is
> real-time and so simply doesn't function across time zones, and
> doesn't function across participants extra-project time constraints.
>  Keith, get real.
IRC works fine for that, you read the days' discussions and catch up.
You post questions that others answer when they wake up.

Archives?  URLs to archived messages?  Searching via google?


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Re: Bug tracking policy (was Re: [squeak-dev] Re: Trunk now Toolbuilderized)

Ian Trudel-2
In reply to this post by keith1y
2009/8/14 Keith Hodges <[hidden email]>:

> This is due to one reason only.
> The information about the idea of trunk was published on squeak-dev by
> Andreas. We were working on [hidden email] because
> previous release teams have had very much similar problems with the
> lions den that is squeak-dev (remember 3.9 and subsequent fallout anyone)
> Bob built a closures image in February - Andreas could have recruited
> people to look at it and work on the closures initiative then.
> Mantis fix loading automation was finished a number of months ago,
> Andreas could have recruited people to work on that process.
> He could have equally well discussed Bob on squeak-dev and recruited
> people to work on relevant stuff for that process.

Wait. Are you blaming Andreas for the failure, if any, of your process?

Regardless, he sure could have discussed about Bob on the mailing
list. Andreas, would you care to discuss about Bob on the mailing
list? Andreas, please, could you in particular ask the community to
cast votes for and against a closed source software, such as Bob,
being used for such an important part of the Squeak release process?

> I had proposed a couple of projects that needed working on. The release
> team should not have to participate in squeak-dev at all, it is well
> known for chewing people up - ask Marcus Denker.

That might be absolutely true. The community still needs some positive
energy being injected in. And to get people involved in the core
Squeak might also mean to extend discussions to squeak-dev, which is
meant to release mailing list.

>> Whether you like it or not, 3.11 process is not exactly an instant
>> hit. And it's unlikely to be readjusted considering that you are
>> overlooking the human and social aspects of Squeak.
> What would those be?


>> You are trying to tell us that Andreas is evil and entrapped us into
>> some twisted process, then you have announced that Bob is closed
>> source (and unlikely to be otherwise). Are we completely doom or
>> something?
> Yes.

The most concise answer you've ever wrote. That's quite expletive though.

> The board needs to establish a protocol which goes some way to protect
> volunteers which it (allegedly) supports. I have lost income due to the
> boards actions.

This is a serious problem if you have based your business model on
something that can be directly and so easily affected by an open
source project board. The fault is yours.

The Squeak Oversight Board certainly should come up with a plan to
support commercial developers. I'd be glad to see more discussions
about this. Bob being closed source definitively means that your in
"for profit", rather than purely voluntary.

> Keith

Best regards,

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Re: Bug tracking policy (was Re: [squeak-dev] Re: Trunk now Toolbuilderized)


> This is a serious problem if you have based your business model on
> something that can be directly and so easily affected by an open
> source project board. The fault is yours.


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Re: Bug tracking policy (was Re: [squeak-dev] Re: Trunk now Toolbuilderized)

Douglas Brebner
In reply to this post by Ian Trudel-2
Ian Trudel wrote:
> The Squeak Oversight Board certainly should come up with a plan to
> support commercial developers. I'd be glad to see more discussions
> about this. Bob being closed source definitively means that your in
> "for profit", rather than purely voluntary.
Wasn't Bob going to be open source before all this furor make Keith
change his mind?

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[squeak-dev] Re: Trunk now Toolbuilderized ;-)

In reply to this post by Simon Michael
Simon Michael wrote:
> In the current trunk image, World menu -> open -> method finder gives a
> window containing a single text pane. Is this related to the toolbuilder
> changes ?

The issue is now fixed in trunk. I had removed the #morphicWindow method
but not put the equivalent ToolBuilder construction method back in.
Thanks for reporting the issue.

   - Andreas

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Re: Bug tracking policy (was Re: [squeak-dev] Re: Trunk now Toolbuilderized)

Ian Trudel-2
In reply to this post by Douglas Brebner
2009/8/14 Douglas Brebner <[hidden email]>:
> Ian Trudel wrote:
>> The Squeak Oversight Board certainly should come up with a plan to
>> support commercial developers. I'd be glad to see more discussions
>> about this. Bob being closed source definitively means that your in
>> "for profit", rather than purely voluntary.
> Wasn't Bob going to be open source before all this furor make Keith
> change his mind?

Hello Douglas,

I also thought Bob would be open source. Keith made his point in the
past on how big his contribution was. Though, it's clearly minus Bob.
A man has the right to make a living and it's perfectly fine (with me
at least) that he keeps Bob for himself. But, really, he accused
Andreas of having his own agenda... Keith definitively got his as

All the best,


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[squeak-dev] Re: Bug tracking policy (was Re: Re: Trunk now Toolbuilderized)

Ian Trudel wrote:
> I also thought Bob would be open source. Keith made his point in the
> past on how big his contribution was. Though, it's clearly minus Bob.
> A man has the right to make a living and it's perfectly fine (with me
> at least) that he keeps Bob for himself. But, really, he accused
> Andreas of having his own agenda...

That's not an accusation. I *do* have an agenda, it is spelled out here:


And I hope that everyone who has voted for me in the board election is
measuring me against that agenda.

   - Andreas