[squeak-dev] Wiresong and OB

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[squeak-dev] Wiresong and OB

Torsten Bergmann
Looks like wiresong.ca is not responding (or is it only me).
Why not move OB project code to squeaksource - this would also
allow for easy browsing the code using the webbrowser ...

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Re: [squeak-dev] Wiresong and OB

Colin Putney

On 12-May-09, at 1:40 AM, Torsten Bergmann wrote:

> Looks like wiresong.ca is not responding (or is it only me).
> Why not move OB project code to squeaksource - this would also
> allow for easy browsing the code using the webbrowser ...

Sorry about that, the server should be up again.

I do want to revamp the OB infrastructure, but rather than move to  
SqueakSource, I'd like to move to Monticello 2. The time isn't quite  
right for that yet, but the current respostory seems to be working  
well enough in the meantime.
