[squeak-dev] Writing MIDI files ?

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[squeak-dev] Writing MIDI files ?

Hi all,

Although Squeak can read a MIDI file and play it, there seems to be no
provision for writing out a file in MIDI format that could then be used
by other software or MIDI equipment - is this so?

I have of course looked for classes/methods that might do this, and
browsed the wikis.

The idea would be to generate MIDI codes from some other sort of input
data - such as a string of letters, or actual MIDI input - translate
them to MIDI form and write them out.

If it's obvious, I can't quite see it -


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Re: [squeak-dev] Writing MIDI files ?

Stéphane Rollandin
there is a MIDIFileWriter class hanging around somewhere on the web, I
can not remember where. anyway I included it in muO, so if you get muO
from SqueakMap or from http://www.zogotounga.net/comp/squeak/sqgeo.htm
you will get it, and possibly more stuff of interest (there is a lot of
MIDI-related things in muO).


Greg-Lewin-old-zen a écrit :

> Hi all,
> Although Squeak can read a MIDI file and play it, there seems to be no
> provision for writing out a file in MIDI format that could then be used
> by other software or MIDI equipment - is this so?
> I have of course looked for classes/methods that might do this, and
> browsed the wikis.
> The idea would be to generate MIDI codes from some other sort of input
> data - such as a string of letters, or actual MIDI input - translate
> them to MIDI form and write them out.
> If it's obvious, I can't quite see it -
> Greg