I'm currently using XML-Parser-mir.14 from XMLSupport on Squeak Source.
It doesn't seem to handle namespaces correctly though. When using
XMLDOMParser parseDocumentFrom: aStream useNamespaces: true
it produces a DOM which expands unqualified tag names with their
namespace but leaves qualified tag names alone. For example:
<feed xmlns="
the DOM would looks like:
http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom:feed <---- this should use a # instead of
a : but I can live with that
http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom:author openSearch:searchResults
Note that openSearch is not expanded. Also, qualified attribute names
are not expanded. I looked at the VisualWorks parser in VW7.6 and it
handles this properly by allowing tags and attributes to have both a
#name and an #expandedName unfortunately I can't get the VWXML parser to
load in Squeak (not to mention the fact that the port looks quite old).
Anyone else wrestling with this?