As part of my iPhone work I've built yet another Objective-C bridge.
It can be found within
The required Smalltalk code for the basic logic, the SUnits, and the
Plugin generation can be loaded from additional pieces required to build the plugin are found within
the iSqueak SVN tree. aregular 3.8.18b4U macintosh carbon VM with the ObjectiveCBridge
installed means you can invoke.
| classOop instance1 count |
classOop := ObjectiveCObject findClassName: 'NSObject'.
instance1 := classOop new.
count := instance1 retainCount.
self should: [count = 1].
instance1 retain.
count := instance1 retainCount.
self should: [count = 2].
instance1 release.
count := instance1 retainCount.
self should: [count = 1].
People are welcome to confirm that it works, although it is compiled
for ppc and i386 (32bit) I have not yet tested on ppc.
This plugin was also installed for the currently shipping iPhone VM
1.05b3, however there seems to be a problem
where resolving the method signature object isEqualTo: for usage
between two instances of NSObject returns nil.
But only on an ipod touch or iPhone not in the Simulator, or running
as an os-x application.