[squeak-dev] bad URL in instruction on how to build Unix VM from sources

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[squeak-dev] bad URL in instruction on how to build Unix VM from sources

Jecel Assumpcao Jr
A friend of mine is trying to build Linux VMs in such a way that he can
use the parallel port from Squeak with the library mentioned in


He tried following the instructions in

> http://www.squeakvm.org/unix/platforms/unix/doc/HowToBuildFromSource.html/HowToBuildFromSource-node2.html

but the server mentioned there no longer exists. I told him to replace
squeak.hpl.hp.com with www.squeakvm.org in the URL and that worked. It
would be nice if the page could be fixed since he is trying to create
something that can be reproduced by many teachers in Uruguay who a
pretty clueless about Squeak, much less about compiling VMs.

Previously he had tried downloading the 3.7-7 sources from the link in
http://www.squeakvm.org/unix/ but that doesn't include FFI by default.
Patching generated file such as plugins.int didn't help and VMMaker (but
the one included in Squeak 3.7 images and the latest one downloaded into
a 3.10.2 image) refused to allow FFI to be dragged to either the
internal or external plugin lists.

The reason for trying 3.7-7 first instead of the very latest sources is
that a change in character input introduced in 3.9-4 makes it
incompatible with normal Squeak images (I imagine it works with Etoys
images) if your keyboard has any "strange" characters. I just have to
press "~" or something like that to get a debugger with new VMs.

-- Jecel

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Re: [squeak-dev] bad URL in instruction on how to build Unix VM from sources

Bert Freudenberg

On 12.08.2009, at 19:57, Jecel Assumpcao Jr wrote:

> A friend of mine is trying to build Linux VMs in such a way that he  
> can
> use the parallel port from Squeak with the library mentioned in
> http://tecnodacta.com.ar/gira/?p=144
> He tried following the instructions in
>> http://www.squeakvm.org/unix/platforms/unix/doc/HowToBuildFromSource.html/HowToBuildFromSource-node2.html
> but the server mentioned there no longer exists. I told him to replace
> squeak.hpl.hp.com with www.squeakvm.org in the URL and that worked. It
> would be nice if the page could be fixed since he is trying to create
> something that can be reproduced by many teachers in Uruguay who a
> pretty clueless about Squeak, much less about compiling VMs.
> Previously he had tried downloading the 3.7-7 sources from the link in
> http://www.squeakvm.org/unix/ but that doesn't include FFI by default.
> Patching generated file such as plugins.int didn't help and VMMaker  
> (but
> the one included in Squeak 3.7 images and the latest one downloaded  
> into
> a 3.10.2 image) refused to allow FFI to be dragged to either the
> internal or external plugin lists.
> The reason for trying 3.7-7 first instead of the very latest sources  
> is
> that a change in character input introduced in 3.9-4 makes it
> incompatible with normal Squeak images (I imagine it works with Etoys
> images) if your keyboard has any "strange" characters. I just have to
> press "~" or something like that to get a debugger with new VMs.
> -- Jecel

I assume you meant to send this to vm-dev?

Anyway, I just downloaded Squeak-3.7-7.i686-pc-linux-gnu.tar.gz and  
FFI is in there. So I don't know why you think FFI is not "included by  
default". Same for the source tarball, the pre-generated sources for  
FFI are there as well as the cross-platform and unix sources.

And VMMaker does not let you drag a plugin if it cannot find the  
platform files that plugin needs. So enter the path to the platforms  
directory correctly, then it should work.


- Bert -