[squeak-dev] can anyone justify the following comment behaviour?

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[squeak-dev] can anyone justify the following comment behaviour?

Eliot Miranda-2
Hi All,

  in ParseNode>>printCommentOn: there is the most perplexing destructive modification of a comment on printing:

printCommentOn: aStream indent: indent 
| thisComment | 
self comment == nil ifTrue: [^ self]. 
1 to: self comment size 
do: [:index | 
index > 1 ifTrue: [aStream crtab: indent]
aStream nextPut: $"
thisComment := self comment at: index
self printSingleComment: thisComment 
on: aStream 
indent: indent
aStream nextPut: $"]. 
self comment: nil

  The result is that a parse tree can only be printed once before it prints without comments.  Can anyone justify this?  I would like to remove it; it makes no sense to me.
