[squeak-dev] colorPrint option removed from browser, in Inbox

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[squeak-dev] colorPrint option removed from browser, in Inbox

Casey Ransberger
Hello all,

A few people (myself included) feel like if we aren't going to support the colorPrint option (instead favoring Shout,) we might as well remove it from the menu. I did this and checked it into the Inbox. (Tools-rss.107)

This is a thing I'm doing in my image, thought I'd share. Use at your discretion:)

 - Ron

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[squeak-dev] Re: colorPrint option removed from browser, in Inbox

Casey Ransberger
It looks, incidentally, as though with this change there are no more senders of either #toggleColorPrint or #colorPrintString. Here's a newbie question: that means it's probably safe to remove them (assuming someone hasn't got a package that needs them,) right? I'm going to do it in my image and see if any bees die.

 - Ron

On Sat, Aug 22, 2009 at 12:58 PM, Ronald Spengler <[hidden email]> wrote:
Hello all,

A few people (myself included) feel like if we aren't going to support the colorPrint option (instead favoring Shout,) we might as well remove it from the menu. I did this and checked it into the Inbox. (Tools-rss.107)

This is a thing I'm doing in my image, thought I'd share. Use at your discretion:)

 - Ron