The GUI for SmaCC is a TabbedPalette in which 3 of its four pages are editable
(the scanner definition page, the grammar page, and the test page).
I want to be able to use editing features on these 3 pages such as
But find doesn't work because when invoked (when find is invoked) and the method
TextMorphEditor>>againOrSame: boolean
is invoked (see method code below) the line:
(bk := morph ownerThatIsA: BookMorph) ifNotNil:
sets bk to a TabbedPalette object. (If bk is set to nil the the find
operation is invoked and works).
This results in the line:
[bk findText: keys.
being invoked. The first line of findText: is:
allText := self valueOfProperty: #allText ifAbsent: [#()].
This sets allText to #() which turn prevents any search from being
carried out. :-(
TextMorphEditor>>againOrSame: bool
| bk keys |
(bk := morph ownerThatIsA: BookMorph) ifNotNil:
[(keys := bk valueOfProperty: #tempSearchKey ifAbsent: [nil]) ifNil:
keys := bk valueOfProperty: #searchKey ifAbsent: [nil] "Cmd-g"]
ifNotNil: [bk removeProperty: #tempSearchKey].
keys ifNotNil:
[keys notEmpty
[bk findText: keys.
^(morph respondsTo: #editView)
ifTrue: [morph editView selectionInterval: self selectionInterval]]]].
super againOrSame: bool.
(morph respondsTo: #editView)
ifTrue: [morph editView selectionInterval: self selectionInterval]
Now my question is:
What is the best way to modify code so that find does what I want
it to do (apply find to the text in the
text morph containing the cursor)?
My best solution so far is to subclass TextMorphEditor and use it so
that a version of againOrSame: is invoked
that does not set bk (and avoids the use of super).
I could instead subclass TabbedPalette and use it to deny that it is a
kind of BookMorph but that
is very ugly.
I don't understand in any case why findText: is being invoked for
TabbedPalette in the first place.
Isn't what I am trying to do what most developers expect to happen?
That is: Why does the code as it exists make sense?
Ralph Boland
Quantum Theory cannot save us from the
tyranny of a deterministic universe.
But it does give God something to do.