There used to be a December 22, 2005 version of
SqueakPluginInstaller.exe available at, but it
doesn't seem available there anymore.
Does anybody know where I can find it?
I'm trying to restore a previous installation of Squeak that required
me to install language fonts every time I started up the application,
but I mistakenly saved the image file, and now there doesn't seem to
be a way to restore the default state.
However, the SqueakPlugin.image file included in the above installer
apparently had that default state.
Does anybody know where I can find that particular
SqueakPluginInstaller.exe or SqueakPlugin.image file?
-- Benjamin L. Russell
Benjamin L. Russell / DekuDekuplex at Yahoo dot com / Mobile: +011 81 80-3603-6725
"Furuike ya, kawazu tobikomu mizu no oto."
-- Matsuo Basho^