[squeak-dev] isolated continuations?

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[squeak-dev] isolated continuations?

Michael Haupt-3

apologies for cross-posting, but I'm not sure whether this is better
posted on the Seaside or Squeak-dev list...

Is there a way of getting hold of the continuations classes without
installing Seaside? The Seaside-Squeak-Continuation package in the
Seaside29 repository has a dependency on Seaside. The continuation
class therein is also named "WAContinuation", which seems to imply a
strong connection to Seaside, instead of being a continuation class
"on its own".



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Re: [squeak-dev] isolated continuations?

Stéphane Rollandin
there is a Continuation class in package AMB, on SqueakMap. if you
download the sar archive and open it as a zip file, you can extract and
load Continuation.st


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Re: [squeak-dev] isolated continuations?

Michael Haupt-3
Hi Stéphane,

thank you for the pointer. I could not find this package using the
SqueakMap package loader, but direct access via the web page worked.

How is this related to the continuation class in Seaside? How
"up-to-date" is it?



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[squeak-dev] Re: [Seaside] isolated continuations?

Julian Fitzell-2
In reply to this post by Michael Haupt-3
The continuation package in Seaside 2.9 should, I think, only have a
dependency on our compatibility layer, Seaside-Platform and
Seaside-Squeak-Platform so it should still be relatively loadable. But
the continuations in Seaside (particularly the partial continuations)
are specifically targeted at Seaside's needs and may or may not meet
the needs of other uses.


On Thu, Jun 11, 2009 at 7:33 AM, Michael Haupt<[hidden email]> wrote:

> Hi,
> apologies for cross-posting, but I'm not sure whether this is better
> posted on the Seaside or Squeak-dev list...
> Is there a way of getting hold of the continuations classes without
> installing Seaside? The Seaside-Squeak-Continuation package in the
> Seaside29 repository has a dependency on Seaside. The continuation
> class therein is also named "WAContinuation", which seems to imply a
> strong connection to Seaside, instead of being a continuation class
> "on its own".
> Best,
> Michael
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Re: [squeak-dev] isolated continuations?

Stéphane Rollandin
In reply to this post by Michael Haupt-3
Michael Haupt a écrit :
> How is this related to the continuation class in Seaside? How
> "up-to-date" is it?

basically it is the Continuation from Seaside from a couple years ago.
no more precisions from the top of my head; if it really matters to you
I can try and dig in my archives to find some more details...

it is definitely not "up-to-date" but it works ok for me. my Scheme
implementation uses it for call/cc and it covers 99% of its expected
usages (I have a couple failing test cases covering some hairy stuff
related to the "mondo bizarro" thing though)


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[squeak-dev] Re: [Seaside] isolated continuations?

Lukas Renggli
> it is definitely not "up-to-date" but it works ok for me.

The continuation code did not change in the past years, with the
exception of a few refactorings and maybe some additional tests.

Seaside 2.9 however doesen't use that continuation implementation
anymore, but instad a more memory friendly implementation of partial


Lukas Renggli

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Re: [squeak-dev] isolated continuations?

Michael Haupt-3
In reply to this post by Stéphane Rollandin
Hi Stéphane,

2009/6/11 Stéphane Rollandin <[hidden email]>:
> basically it is the Continuation from Seaside from a couple years ago. no
> more precisions from the top of my head; if it really matters to you I can
> try and dig in my archives to find some more details...

thank you; in the meantime, I think I'll be fine - I'll do some
experiments on my own, and if things get really difficult, I'll be
back with questions.

