[squeak-dev] problems adding project to www.squeaksource.com

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[squeak-dev] problems adding project to www.squeaksource.com

Ralph Boland
Today I attempted to add a project 'Fast Sets' to  www.squeaksource.com
When I attempted to add the project everything worked fine except that when
I tried to add myself as a developer I was instead sent to my previous page.
I tried twice, same thing happened each time.
I then could not find my project on the list of projects nor the project from
a previous attempt called  'Faster Sets'  I think.
I then attempted to upload my project using Montecello but on the save
command I got the error  'Error:  HTTP/1.1 400  BAD Request Date: ...'.

I am using Squeak 3.10-2 on a PC running Linux (Ubuntu 9.04).
Can any body suggest what might be going wrong or how I can find out.


Ralph Boland  (rpb)

The project by the way is code I hope will eventually be incorporated
into Squeak.
It makes Set (and its subclasses)  do about 14% fewer  compare operations on
average during an add:  operation by not doing compares during a grow