While browsing #to:do: optimization implementation i noticed this:
| n |
n := 2.
1 to: n do: [:i | (n := n+1)>10 ifTrue: [self halt: 'Should I get here?']].
When you think in term of message send, well NO, YOU SHOULD NOT GET HERE.
Optimization is such a subtle thing that:
| n |
1 to: (n := 2) do: [:i | n := n+1. n>10 ifTrue: [self halt: 'You won''t
get there']].
Ha Ha, it's really fun!
Of course, if one corrects this bug, there is a pending Decompiler issue:
| n i |
n := 4.
i := 1.
[i <= n] whileTrue: [
n := n - 1.
i := i + 1].
would decompile into:
| n |
n := 4.
to: n
do: [:i | n := n - 1]
This is worth a
http://bugs.squeak.org/view.php?id=7093Ah i wonder what would a NewCompiler do to to:do: