squeak eToys on the Acer Aspire One w/Linpus linux?

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squeak eToys on the Acer Aspire One w/Linpus linux?

Steinar Bang

I've just bought my kids (7 and 8 years old) Acer Aspire One netbooks
with Linpus linux.

I've found this useful link, that helped me "unlock" the Linpus, to
let me install other applications (e.g. TuxType2 and TuxPaint).

However, neither squeak, nor eToys, were in the list of available
applications in the installaller.

A quick google search hasn't given me any obvious solutions.

Has anyone on the list tried something similar?  Linpus is Fedora based,
but I'm not sure of the version (probably fairly old, though.  The
bundled Firefox is a 2.xx version).

Pointers welcome!


- Steinar

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Re: squeak eToys on the Acer Aspire One w/Linpus linux?

Bert Freudenberg

On 08.06.2009, at 14:06, Steinar Bang wrote:

> Hi,
> I've just bought my kids (7 and 8 years old) Acer Aspire One netbooks
> with Linpus linux.
> I've found this useful link, that helped me "unlock" the Linpus, to
> let me install other applications (e.g. TuxType2 and TuxPaint).
> http://the.taoofmac.com/media/Acer/Aspire%20One/AA1notes.html
> However, neither squeak, nor eToys, were in the list of available
> applications in the installaller.
> A quick google search hasn't given me any obvious solutions.
> Has anyone on the list tried something similar?  Linpus is Fedora  
> based,
> but I'm not sure of the version (probably fairly old, though.  The
> bundled Firefox is a 2.xx version).
> Pointers welcome!


sudo rpm -Ivh http://squeakland.org/content/installers/EtoysInstaller.rpm

To launch, type "etoys", or add it to the Acer launcher.

- Bert -

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Re: squeak eToys on the Acer Aspire One w/Linpus linux?

Steinar Bang
>>>>> Bert Freudenberg <[hidden email]>:

> Try

> sudo rpm -Ivh http://squeakland.org/content/installers/EtoysInstaller.rpm

Thanx!  The command as shown above didn't work, it reported:
 -Ivh: unknown option

But just letting firefox load the URL took me to the "Software
Installer" which asked me for the system password, and installed it.

The etoys icon didn't appear in the desktop menu, or any of its

> To launch, type "etoys", or add it to the Acer launcher.

I've been successful in launching it using "etoys" from the command
line, and by double clicking the etoys desktop file, in the file

I've added it to the Acer launcher, and it appears in the expected group
on the desktop, but single clicking it has no effect.

Some things to note:
 - It would have been nice to lose the top bar put there by the window
   manager, because the window is _just_ too large for what's left of
   the 8.9" display.  I don't need that bar, as long as I can Alt-TAB to
   the other windows
 - Clicking on the resize window button in the window manager bar, makes
   the etoys/squeak window go berserk

So... partial success, at least. :-)

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Re: Re: squeak eToys on the Acer Aspire One w/Linpus linux?

Bert Freudenberg

On 19.06.2009, at 19:11, Steinar Bang wrote:
> - It would have been nice to lose the top bar put there by the window
>   manager, because the window is _just_ too large for what's left of
>   the 8.9" display.  I don't need that bar, as long as I can Alt-TAB  
> to
>   the other windows

Click the display mode icon
  and choose "Full Screen"

> - Clicking on the resize window button in the window manager bar,  
> makes
>   the etoys/squeak window go berserk

Hmm, have heard somethign similar reported before, in the XFCE window  
manager. Odd thing.

- Bert -

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Re: Re: squeak eToys on the Acer Aspire One w/Linpus linux?

Bert Freudenberg

On 19.06.2009, at 21:21, Bert Freudenberg wrote:

> On 19.06.2009, at 19:11, Steinar Bang wrote:
>> - It would have been nice to lose the top bar put there by the window
>>  manager, because the window is _just_ too large for what's left of
>>  the 8.9" display.  I don't need that bar, as long as I can Alt-TAB  
>> to
>>  the other windows
> Click the display mode icon

>  and choose "Full Screen"

Ah, and I think adding "-fullscreen" to VMOPTIONS in the /usr/bin/
etoys script should work, too.

- Bert -

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