>>>>> "Mark" == Mark Volkmann <
[hidden email]> writes:
Mark> I see discussions on the web about starting squeak from a terminal
Mark> window using "squeak -headless", but I don't have a squeak script.
Mark> "which squeak" turns up nothing. I'm using Squeak3.10.2. Where can I get
Mark> that startup script?
If you navigate with your Terminal.app inside your installed "VM", you'll see
inside the ".app" directory a subdirectory called "Contents", and below that a
"MacOS", and below that an executable. That executable can be hardlinked to
anywhere in your $PATH (like /usr/local/bin) as the name "squeak", and it it
will work as advertised for "unix" platforms.
Randal L. Schwartz - Stonehenge Consulting Services, Inc. - +1 503 777 0095
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