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squeakers page stats

Timothy Falconer-3
Hi everyone,

I'm slowing spreading the word about the Squeakers list, to gauge the effectiveness of our different communication channels.

I started with the mailing lists a week ago, which caused about 95 people to sign their name.

Yesterday, i sent out a notice to both the Squeakland and Waveplace newsletter lists, which has already resulted in another 40 names (it's growing rapidly today).

We're up to 137 Squeakers, from 30 countries, with many, many great testimonials.

If you haven't signed yet, please do . . . we're launching Etoys 4 this week and it'll help to have you on the list:

No email addresses, or last names, are required to sign.

Take care,

Timothy Falconer
Squeakland Foundation
"Intelligence is what you use when you don't know what to do."  ... piaget

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