status of PostgresV3 package

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status of PostgresV3 package

marcelo Cortez
hi all

i would like to know the status of the proyect  
"A client for PostgreSQL using the V3 protocol"
i donwnloaded from  squeaksource this proyect
but the few tests that contain the downloaded project
don't help me  to understand the use of the framework
any help would be appreciated


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Re: status of PostgresV3 package

Levente Uzonyi-2
On Wed, 15 Jun 2011, marcelo Cortez wrote:

> hi all

i would like to know the status of the proyect  
"A client for PostgreSQL using the V3 protocol"
i donwnloaded from  squeaksource this proyect
but the few tests that contain the downloaded project
don't help me  to understand the use of the framework
any help would be appreciated

We're using it in production, though we're a few versions ahead of the
public repository. For general consumption I'd say it's usable, but the
API may change and there may be bugs (so it's alpha). Some features are
not implemented yet, some will never be. Also there's no user
documentation yet, just some API docs and only a small, but critical part
of the package has tests.

So here's some ad-hoc user's guide:

The package provides different ways to access the database. The simplest
thing you can do is to create a PG3Connection object which represents a
connection to the database. The easiest way to do this is to create a
PG3ConnectionArguments object, initialize it and request a new connection
from it. Here's an example:

  connectionArguments := PG3ConnectionArguments new
  hostname: '';
  port: 5432;
  username: 'user1';
  password: '123';
  databaseName: 'foo'
  connection := connectionArguments newConnection.

then you can activate the connection:

  connection startup.

and execute a query:

  resultSets := connection execute: 'select 3 + 4, now()'. "an OrderedCollection of PG3ResultSets"
  resultSet := resultSets first. "a PG3ResultSet"
  rows := resultSet rows. "an OrderedCollection of PG3Rows"
  firstRow := rows first. "a PG3Row"
  firstRow at: 1. "7"
  firstRow at: 2. "2011-06-16T23:21:36.358833+02:00"

finally close the connection:

  connection terminate.

If you ask #rowsWithColumnNameDictionary instead of #rows from the result
set, then the PG3Row objects will understand the names of the columns as
messages. For example:

  resultSets := connection execute: 'select 3 + 4 as result, now() as "currentDateAndTime"'.
  resultSet := resultSets first.
  rows := resultSet rowsWithColumnNameDictionary.
  firstRow := rows first.
  firstRow result. "7"
  firstRow currentDateAndTime. "2011-06-16T23:21:36.358833+02:00"

Frequently creating connections is not cheap, so there's a connection
pool, which besides storing connections also provides some cool stuff,
like transactions. Here's how to create a new connection pool:

A connection pool is a singleton, so create a subclass of

  PG3ConnectionPool subclass: #PG3ExampleConnectionPool
  instanceVariableNames: ''
  classVariableNames: ''
  poolDictionaries: ''
  category: 'Postgres-Example'

implement #defaultConnectionArguments on the class side:


  ^PG3ConnectionArguments new
  hostname: '';
  port: 5432;
  username: 'user1';
  password: '123';
  databaseName: 'foo';

then you can execute queries:

  PG3ExampleConnectionPool default withConnectionDo: [ :connection |
  connection execute: 'select 3 + 4'.
  connection execute: 'select now()' ].

the latest version (which is not available yet) can also execute

  PG3ExampleConnectionPool default executeTransation: [ :connection |
  connection execute: 'insert into foo values(1, 2, 3)'.
  connection savepoint: 'foo1'.
  connection execute: 'insert into baz values('abc')'.
  connection rollbackTo: 'foo1' ].

Passing the connection around in smalltalk is a bit tedious, so you can
use the pool again, which will be able execute your query in the same

  PG3ExampleConnectionPool default executeTransation: [
  PG3ExampleConnectionPool default executeQuery: 'insert into foo values(1, 2, 3)'.
  ... ].

Managing queries in smalltalk is not easy, so instead of string queries
you can use functions to access postgres. I won't write about this now,
because it'd be a bit too long and the API on squeaksource is obsolete now
(PG3FunctionClient). In the new API you can edit, save, debug,
synchronize, etc. the (plpgsql) functions from the Browser in Squeak.




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Re: status of PostgresV3 package

marcelo Cortez

Sorry for late responding , i'm porting your proyect to Dolphin Smalltalk
and I am experiencing with your package,.
 I think that for long queries, you should use cursors,
because my tests give storage error, with long queries.
 I'll continueworking and eventually I will have questions

thanks for all

----- Mensaje original -----
De: Levente Uzonyi <[hidden email]>
Para: marcelo Cortez <[hidden email]>; The general-purpose Squeak developers list <[hidden email]>
Enviado: viernes, 17 de junio de 2011 9:01
Asunto: Re: [squeak-dev] status of  PostgresV3  package

On Wed, 15 Jun 2011, marcelo Cortez wrote:

> hi all

i would like to know the status of the proyect  
"A client for PostgreSQL using the V3 protocol"
i donwnloaded from  squeaksource this proyect
but the few tests that contain the downloaded project don't help me  to understand the use of the framework
any help would be appreciated

We're using it in production, though we're a few versions ahead of the public repository. For general consumption I'd say it's usable, but the API may change and there may be bugs (so it's alpha). Some features are not implemented yet, some will never be. Also there's no user documentation yet, just some API docs and only a small, but critical part of the package has tests.

So here's some ad-hoc user's guide:

The package provides different ways to access the database. The simplest thing you can do is to create a PG3Connection object which represents a connection to the database. The easiest way to do this is to create a PG3ConnectionArguments object, initialize it and request a new connection from it. Here's an example:

    connectionArguments := PG3ConnectionArguments new
        hostname: '';
        port: 5432;
        username: 'user1';
        password: '123';
        databaseName: 'foo'
    connection := connectionArguments newConnection.

then you can activate the connection:

    connection startup.

and execute a query:

    resultSets := connection execute: 'select 3 + 4, now()'. "an OrderedCollection of PG3ResultSets"
    resultSet := resultSets first. "a PG3ResultSet"
    rows := resultSet rows. "an OrderedCollection of PG3Rows"
    firstRow := rows first. "a PG3Row"
    firstRow at: 1. "7"
    firstRow at: 2. "2011-06-16T23:21:36.358833+02:00"

finally close the connection:

    connection terminate.

If you ask #rowsWithColumnNameDictionary instead of #rows from the result set, then the PG3Row objects will understand the names of the columns as messages. For example:

    resultSets := connection execute: 'select 3 + 4 as result, now() as "currentDateAndTime"'.
    resultSet := resultSets first.
    rows := resultSet rowsWithColumnNameDictionary.
    firstRow := rows first.
    firstRow result. "7"
    firstRow currentDateAndTime. "2011-06-16T23:21:36.358833+02:00"

Frequently creating connections is not cheap, so there's a connection pool, which besides storing connections also provides some cool stuff, like transactions. Here's how to create a new connection pool:

A connection pool is a singleton, so create a subclass of PG3ConnectionPool:

    PG3ConnectionPool subclass: #PG3ExampleConnectionPool
        instanceVariableNames: ''
        classVariableNames: ''
        poolDictionaries: ''
        category: 'Postgres-Example'

implement #defaultConnectionArguments on the class side:


        ^PG3ConnectionArguments new
            hostname: '';
            port: 5432;
            username: 'user1';
            password: '123';
            databaseName: 'foo';

then you can execute queries:

    PG3ExampleConnectionPool default withConnectionDo: [ :connection |
        connection execute: 'select 3 + 4'.
        connection execute: 'select now()' ].

the latest version (which is not available yet) can also execute transactions:

    PG3ExampleConnectionPool default executeTransation: [ :connection |
        connection execute: 'insert into foo values(1, 2, 3)'.
        connection savepoint: 'foo1'.
        connection execute: 'insert into baz values('abc')'.
        connection rollbackTo: 'foo1' ].

Passing the connection around in smalltalk is a bit tedious, so you can use the pool again, which will be able execute your query in the same transation:

    PG3ExampleConnectionPool default executeTransation: [
        PG3ExampleConnectionPool default executeQuery: 'insert into foo values(1, 2, 3)'.
        ... ].

Managing queries in smalltalk is not easy, so instead of string queries you can use functions to access postgres. I won't write about this now, because it'd be a bit too long and the API on squeaksource is obsolete now
(PG3FunctionClient). In the new API you can edit, save, debug, synchronize, etc. the (plpgsql) functions from the Browser in Squeak.




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Re: status of PostgresV3 package

Levente Uzonyi-2
On Mon, 27 Jun 2011, marcelo Cortez wrote:

> Levente
> Sorry for late responding , i'm porting your proyect to Dolphin Smalltalk
> and I am experiencing with your package,.


>  I think that for long queries, you should use cursors,
> because my tests give storage error, with long queries.

We have queries which take more than an hour to execute, but never
experienced such problem. What's your test case?

>  I'll continueworking and eventually I will have questions

Great, let us know if you have any questions.


> thanks for all
> mdc

----- Mensaje original -----
De: Levente Uzonyi <[hidden email]>
Para: marcelo Cortez <[hidden email]>; The general-purpose Squeak developers list <[hidden email]>
Enviado: viernes, 17 de junio de 2011 9:01
Asunto: Re: [squeak-dev] status of  PostgresV3  package

On Wed, 15 Jun 2011, marcelo Cortez wrote:

> hi all

i would like to know the status of the proyect  
"A client for PostgreSQL using the V3 protocol"
i donwnloaded from  squeaksource this proyect
but the few tests that contain the downloaded project don't help me  to understand the use of the framework
any help would be appreciated

We're using it in production, though we're a few versions ahead of the public repository. For general consumption I'd say it's usable, but the API may change and there may be bugs (so it's alpha). Some features are not implemented yet, some will never be. Also there's no user documentation yet, just some API docs and only a small, but critical part of the package has tests.

So here's some ad-hoc user's guide:

The package provides different ways to access the database. The simplest thing you can do is to create a PG3Connection object which represents a connection to the database. The easiest way to do this is to create a PG3ConnectionArguments object, initialize it and request a new connection from it. Here's an example:

    connectionArguments := PG3ConnectionArguments new
        hostname: '';
        port: 5432;
        username: 'user1';
        password: '123';
        databaseName: 'foo'
    connection := connectionArguments newConnection.

then you can activate the connection:

    connection startup.

and execute a query:

    resultSets := connection execute: 'select 3 + 4, now()'. "an OrderedCollection of PG3ResultSets"
    resultSet := resultSets first. "a PG3ResultSet"
    rows := resultSet rows. "an OrderedCollection of PG3Rows"
    firstRow := rows first. "a PG3Row"
    firstRow at: 1. "7"
    firstRow at: 2. "2011-06-16T23:21:36.358833+02:00"

finally close the connection:

    connection terminate.

If you ask #rowsWithColumnNameDictionary instead of #rows from the result set, then the PG3Row objects will understand the names of the columns as messages. For example:

    resultSets := connection execute: 'select 3 + 4 as result, now() as "currentDateAndTime"'.
    resultSet := resultSets first.
    rows := resultSet rowsWithColumnNameDictionary.
    firstRow := rows first.
    firstRow result. "7"
    firstRow currentDateAndTime. "2011-06-16T23:21:36.358833+02:00"

Frequently creating connections is not cheap, so there's a connection pool, which besides storing connections also provides some cool stuff, like transactions. Here's how to create a new connection pool:

A connection pool is a singleton, so create a subclass of PG3ConnectionPool:

    PG3ConnectionPool subclass: #PG3ExampleConnectionPool
        instanceVariableNames: ''
        classVariableNames: ''
        poolDictionaries: ''
        category: 'Postgres-Example'

implement #defaultConnectionArguments on the class side:


        ^PG3ConnectionArguments new
            hostname: '';
            port: 5432;
            username: 'user1';
            password: '123';
            databaseName: 'foo';

then you can execute queries:

    PG3ExampleConnectionPool default withConnectionDo: [ :connection |
        connection execute: 'select 3 + 4'.
        connection execute: 'select now()' ].

the latest version (which is not available yet) can also execute transactions:

    PG3ExampleConnectionPool default executeTransation: [ :connection |
        connection execute: 'insert into foo values(1, 2, 3)'.
        connection savepoint: 'foo1'.
        connection execute: 'insert into baz values('abc')'.
        connection rollbackTo: 'foo1' ].

Passing the connection around in smalltalk is a bit tedious, so you can use the pool again, which will be able execute your query in the same transation:

    PG3ExampleConnectionPool default executeTransation: [
        PG3ExampleConnectionPool default executeQuery: 'insert into foo values(1, 2, 3)'.
        ... ].

Managing queries in smalltalk is not easy, so instead of string queries you can use functions to access postgres. I won't write about this now, because it'd be a bit too long and the API on squeaksource is obsolete now
(PG3FunctionClient). In the new API you can edit, save, debug, synchronize, etc. the (plpgsql) functions from the Browser in Squeak.


