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Re: RoarVM: The Manycore SqueakVM

Posted by John Dougan on Nov 03, 2010; 5:52pm
URL: https://forum.world.st/RoarVM-The-Manycore-SqueakVM-tp3025321p3025856.html

http://www.duke.edu/~jd135/papers/  has copies of the two papers referenced in the readme.

  -- John

On Wed, Nov 3, 2010 at 10:39, Andreas Raab <[hidden email]> wrote:

On 11/3/2010 10:27 AM, Stefan Marr wrote:
On 03 Nov 2010, at 17:57, Andreas Raab wrote:
The source code of the RoarVM has been released as open source to enable the
Smalltalk community to evaluate the ideas and possibly integrate them into
existing systems. So, the RoarVM is meant to experiment with Smalltalk systems
on multi- and manycore machines.

Can you give us a high-level overview about what "the trick" is? I.e., which approach did you take to make this possible?
Ehm, sorry, I do not really know where to start.
Could you be a bit more specific with your question?

Well, I was hoping you could tell us where to start. After all you know more about this stuff than we do :-)

A probably a bit too condensed overview is given in the technical section of the README.

Any chance you could make versions of the referenced papers available? This would surely help.

 - Andreas

John Dougan
[hidden email]