Re: Cocoa Cog build fails with SerialPlugin
Posted by
Igor Stasenko on
Jul 05, 2011; 12:48pm
On 5 July 2011 14:45, Esteban Lorenzano <
[hidden email]> wrote:
> yesterday I changed
> EXPORT (int) serialPortReadInto(int portNum, int count, void *bufferPtr)
> EXPORT (int) serialPortWriteFrom(int portNum, int count, void *bufferPtr)
> on ./platforms/iOS/plugins/SerialPlugin/sqMacSerialPort.c
> that was an int call, but that change was needed because the declaration is
> (in SerialPlugin.h):
> int serialPortReadInto(int portNum, int count, void *bufferPtr);
> int serialPortReadIntoByName(const char *portName, int count, void
> *bufferPtr);
> if you see my builds, this way it build without any problem. This changes
> are also in blessed, so I guess:
> 1) you are not using cog-osx branch, not blessed
> 2) you have not merged with my latest changes :)
yes, i just realized that i:
- tried to build before merge
- posted this message to vm-beginners list...
> cheers,
> Esteban
> El 05/07/2011, a las 9:07a.m., Igor Stasenko escribió:
> Esteban, could you check it please?
> This is strange..
Best regards,
Igor Stasenko AKA sig.
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