SOB minutes - 3/6/12
Posted by
Chris Cunnington on
Mar 07, 2012; 4:57pm
- all members attending
- Election procedure was discussed:
- since the Squeak People
website is defunct a page listing all the eligible voters needs
to be created and posted on
- might be similar to Sugar
Labs (another SFC member project)
- a person would be eligible
to vote by having shown they’d made a contribution
- as there is a conflict of
interest, not the board, but the election team should approve
- possibly this could be
automated, e.g. by adding a Squeak People-like network of trust
to Squeak Map
- this discussion needs to be
public on Squeak-Dev
- A beta version of Etoys 5 has
been released (
- Colin discussed creating remote
tools for work on a mini Squeak image:
- While Smalltalk offers
reflection, the ideal is to have a program as unaffected by its
tools as a program is by a text editor
- Colin uses a miniature image
for the Atom feed of his website He built the image
from Pavel’s core using the Mason build tool. He is planning to
post a link to Squeak-Dev to allow people to download this image
- All members of the board are
running for re-election with the exception of Jecel, who described
his position at the last meeting
- Armed with a FreeBSD vm, Randal
is in the process of creating a booking engine application or
Insight Cruises and offered to post a link to the website when
it’s done