Re: SOB minutes - 3/6/12
Posted by
Edgar De Cleene on
Mar 07, 2012; 7:22pm
On 3/7/12 2:57 PM, "Chris Cunnington" <
[hidden email]> wrote:
> * a person would be eligible to vote by having shown they¹d made a
> contribution
I think the list should be SqueakSource members who have at less one project
and this was active in the last year.
> - Colin discussed creating remote tools for work on a mini Squeak image:
> While Smalltalk offers reflection, the ideal is to have a program as
> unaffected by its tools as a program is by a text editor
> Colin uses a miniature image for the Atom feed of his website He
> built the image from Pavel¹s core using the Mason build tool. He is planning
> to post a link to Squeak-Dev to allow people to download this image
Great to see Colin also comes to reduced images kingdom.
Welcome and waiting so see his techniques and learn.
> - All members of the board are running for re-election with the exception of
> Jecel, who described his position at the last meeting
Great job all. Miss Jecel and sorry.
And also I wish to become a SOB member this year