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Re: SOB minutes - 3/6/12

Posted by Jecel Assumpcao Jr on Mar 07, 2012; 10:55pm
URL: https://forum.world.st/SOB-minutes-3-6-12-tp4453817p4454972.html

Edgar J. De Cleene wrote:
> On 3/7/12 2:57 PM, Chris Cunnington wrote:
> > * a person would be eligible to vote by having shown they¹d made a
> > contribution
> I think the list should be SqueakSource members who have at less one project
> and this was active in the last year.

Actually, though we did discuss possible alternatives for defining who
could vote we thought it would be best to have this list decide (this is
mentioned in the items following this one in the meeting minutes). The
stuff about making a contribution is just one example - it is what Sugar
Labs uses and they are also a member project of the SFC.

In practice, we have used in the past few years the informal solution of
starting out with the previous year's list and adding to it people who
send an email to Göran with at least a hint of why they should be added.
It would be better to be at least a little more formal than this.

Demanding a contribution is more complicated than it seems. See




I am on this list though I have not contributed one line of code to
Sugar. My participation was helping out with the OLPC booth in Brazil
back in 2006 and some rare comments in their mailing lists. In fact,
there is not any code in any official Squeak image with my developer
initials on it either, but I think at least in this community I have
helped out enough to be a voter and even a board member.

So though it would be simple to implement some automated process to scan
squeaksource and compile a list of voters I think we can't avoid having
some subjective rules as well.

-- Jecel