> On 9 June 2013 08:03, Sabine Knöfel <[hidden email]> wrote:
>> I should give an example why this is not useful for me.
>> While developing, I use >>inspect to see, what is in any object AND I want
>> the app to proceed.
>> E.g. while creating a report, I want to see the table columns in an
>> inspector.
>> I don't want to halt and debug, I only want to see an inspector.
>> self currentPage add:
>> (PDFDataTableWithColumnsCaptionElement new
>> captions: self costReportDaysTableColumns inspect;
>> data: ...;
>> Now, I have to write it like that
>> self costReportDaysTableColumns inspect.
>> self currentPage add:
>> (PDFDataTableWithColumnsCaptionElement new
>> captions: self costReportDaysTableColumns ;
>> data: ...;
>> Yes, this is possible but it is not so easigoing as simply put an inspect
>> somewhere.
> you still can use it:
> self currentPage add:
> (PDFDataTableWithColumnsCaptionElement new
> captions: (self costReportDaysTableColumns
> inspect; yourself);
> data: ...;
>> Remarks:
>> 1) I develop a seaside app. I am not interested in the System Window;-)
>> 2) I cant find a selector >>onWindowClosed:
>> 3) >>inspect is a selector which exists in every smalltalk dialect. In
>> every
>> smalltalk dialect I worked with, inspect returned the receiver. It is
>> kind
>> of standard IMHO.
>> --
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> --
> Best regards,
> Igor Stasenko.
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