Re: some news
Posted by stéphane ducasse-2 on Apr 22, 2006; 8:13am
If you think about it the sad part is not really there.
I do not believe that teaching etoy, logo, botsinc really help kids
learning maths as with a teacher: They have fun, they are emerged
into maths, they are not afraid which is already a lot. Instead of
investing in language people should invest
in contents: the right exercise to teach the right concepts.
Right now what you see (even if etoy) is that they are really few
good material. I translated the book of Kim and some french teachers
were happy and then asked the killing question: the start was fun so
what where is the contents?
Besides driving a car....(i pointed them to the graph basket ball
thingies but this is not enough).
So if Ubuntu people think that they can substitute the writing and
development of a math curriculum, with
a "come with me play stuff" developed in any language, this means
that this is a view of programmer (bold of course and full of
enthousiasm) and I wish them success, because I think that the
contents in any format is more important.
May living and being surrounded by teachers biaised my view of the