Environment>>associationAt: is part of the Smalltalk globals
Dictionary compatibility interface, right? As a quick and dirty fix, I
changed instances of Smalltalk at: xyz in Monticello code to
CurrentEnvironment signal at: xyz, but #at: also only reads in the
declarations, so myEnvironment at: #MCWriter or myEnvironment at:
#Object returns nil by default. It would make more sense to perform a
full lookup via #valueOf:ifAbsent: in #at: and its cousins, wouldn't
2016-09-29 7:33 GMT+02:00 H. Hirzel <[hidden email]>:
> On 9/28/16, Nicolas Cellier <[hidden email]> wrote:
>> Since we are at reviewing Environment, here is a small detail that bothers
>> me. I already asked some months ago, but silence was the only response, so
>> ping.
>> Implementation of Environment is sometimes not obvious:
>> - Environment>>associationAt: uses declarations inst.var..
>> - Environment>>associationOrUndeclaredAt: uses bindings inst.var. > Alternatively a description of the general ideas and the mechanism would help.
>> How can it be so different, the selector does not speak, does it?
>> OK, there is a flag: #review in one of them, but that does not make code
>> clearer, it's just a smell of over-complexity or ill-naming.
>> Whatever the reason (self explaining code?) Colin does not comment
>> class/methods, that's a fact.
> After all Environments is just a clever combination of a few
> dictionaries to look up class names? Isn't it? ;-)
> However the fact that people did not move on much finalising the
> implementation of environments since 2012 shows that it is hard to
> reverse-engineer the intentions from the (incomplete) code.
>> Chris made the effort of commenting Environment but then came this
>> declarations/bindings split, and the comment did rapidly rot.
>> We have here an un-healthy statu quo crying for change.
>> So if we want to at least comment the class with the
>> meaning/role/responsibility of inst vars, here is my understanding:
>> environment bind: #Foo to: 0. just add to the declarations.
>> (You see how names are not obvious: bind does not bind the new binding to
>> bindings).
> Environments
> bind: aSymbol to: anObject
> | binding newBinding |
> newBinding := aSymbol => anObject.
> binding := declarations associationAt: aSymbol ifAbsent: [nil].
> binding ifNotNil:
> [binding class == newBinding class
> ifTrue: [binding value: anObject]
> ifFalse: [binding becomeForward: newBinding].
> ^anObject].
> binding := undeclared associationAt: aSymbol ifAbsent: [nil].
> binding
> ifNil: [binding := newBinding]
> ifNotNil:
> [undeclared removeKey: aSymbol.
> binding class == newBinding class
> ifTrue: [binding value: anObject]
> ifFalse: [binding becomeForward: newBinding]].
> declarations add: binding.
> self binding: binding addedTo: self.
> ^anObject
> Could you elaborate a bit please?
>> If the Environment importSelf, then the ClassBinding/Global also goes to
>> bindings... (thru an observer pattern and the magic of naming policies)
>> The bindings is what is used by the compiler, so what if an environment
>> does not importSelf? It means that the variable it declares are not bound,
>> so it is not reachable (kind of invisible class/Global).
>> IOW, the bindings will contain all the imports, including self-imports.
>> importSelf is generally what we want to do, unless weird cases of powerless
>> environment for obfuscation or trustless sandboxing reason.
>> Now, associationAt: does not speak for itself. It's too hard to decide if
>> we're speaking of own declarations or bindings... Analyzing the usage is
>> difficult. bindingAt: would be less ambiguous, so IMO we cannot fix without
>> semantic shift.
> This would need as well elaboration as well a separate thread.
>> The semantic will be carried by the senders (the Tools), and the tools by
>> usage we want to make of Environment. So we first have to define that: what
>> feature do we want to support? With which tool? That probably require yet
>> another thread...
> Yes
> --Hannes
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