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Re: Squeak VM version on squeak.org

Posted by Andreas.Raab on Dec 19, 2007; 6:02pm
URL: https://forum.world.st/Frozen-image-tp69867p69872.html

http://squeakvm.org is the ultimate reference for all things VM. From
there you get to http://squeakvm.org/win32 which is the canonical
reference for the win32 VM. From here you get to either the latest VM


or to all released VMs (which includes both 3.9 and 3.10 VMs):



Mail Lists wrote:

> The frozen image thread had me look into why I did not have the latest VM.
> Result: The 'Downloads Latest Release' link on Squeak.org downloads a
> package with a VM from 2004. V 3.7.
> I also definitely don't recall the Squeak.org page having the now
> obvious SqueakVM link on the left. Nor the great documentation and links
> if you go to the Downloads page. All good, it just looks like one spot
> was missed.
> So, how does the Windows Download quick link get updated so others don't
> have frozen outdated VMs?
> Good News - It is now easier to update the VM thanks to what appears to
> be fairly recent changes.
> Taun