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[squeak-dev] Re: Avoiding the VM-Quit Dialog under Windows

Posted by Andreas.Raab on Oct 24, 2008; 8:29pm
URL: https://forum.world.st/Avoiding-the-VM-Quit-Dialog-under-Windows-tp78583p78590.html

Hi Jens -

I just finished uploading a new VM (3.10.8) which generates a window
close event when the EnableAltF4Quit preference is turned off. I've
tested it with the etoys4 image and it works as expected (for both the
close button as well as Alt-F4):


   - Andreas

Jens Moenig wrote:

> Yes, Michael, I already know that much. But this setting just *disables*
> Alt-F4 as well as the close button. It does not, however, notify my image of
> any VM-WindowEvents, or does it?
> What I want to accomplish is this:
> Whenever the user presses the VM's close button I want to be receiving some
> kind of #windowClose event, which my application can react to. I've seen all
> the necessary code in the new Etoys image, and I've read about these events
> in a post by Ian Piumarta (from last year, I think) in the Linux-VM. So, I
> guess my question is: Does the current (or newest) Win32-VM support these
> WindowEvents at all, because to me it doesn't seem so? (but it would be
> sooooo useful!)
> -Jens
> Michael Rueger wrote:
>> if you use a current VM adding
>> EnableAltF4Quit=0
>> to the .ini does the trick. It controls both F4 and the window close
>> button behavior.
>> Michael