We probably have finished our experiment on increasing the coverage of the browser.
It is now covered at 66.71%. This is not bad (we started at 58.61%), but going above means we need to test network access, which is not really easy and acceptable to be in unit tests.
Here some stats:
Version 1.58.1 of the browser contains 91 classes, 662 methods (320 of them are tested). In average, we have 4.7 methods of the base code tested per test method.
Version 1.58.9 contains 101 classes (many new unit tests have been added), 697 methods (380 of them are covered). 4.47 tested methods per test method.
We also produce some visualizations. Here is the evolution of the MetacelloBrowser class.
The large box is the class. Inner boxes are methods. Red methods are uncovered method. Method height is the cyclomatic complexity. Edges are self-call methods.
The version range 1.58.X is over. I will work on stabilizing the browser (fixing issues), in order to produce Version 1.59. I want it to become stable.
Alexandre Bergel