[tode_st] debugging continuations finally available [1725f7d]

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[tode_st] debugging continuations finally available [1725f7d]

Dale Henrichs-3
Paul and Richard,

I've finally finished up the work on allowing you to debug continuations from the object log. I've attached a script that you can use to experiment with continuations and the object log browser. Just move continuation.ston into $WE_HOME/dev/tode/home to "install it". The man page for the script is at the bottom of this message.

If you haven't already followed the instructions outlined in my last email[1], you'll get this code when you finally do update.

If you've already upgraded, then to get this code, you only need to use the `tODE update` menu item ... there are changes to both client and server so save your pharo image after updating ...

I've added the continuation script to an examples directory in webEditionHome, so if you pull from  webEditionHome (not required for this update), you might want to mount the examples directory in /home:

  mount --todeRoot examples /home

Let  me know if you have any problems or questions,


  continuation - Example for creating and debugging continuations

  continuation [-h|--help] [--create] [--age=<duration>]

  Create continuations and/or view trace and error object log entries. Attach to
  the continuations with a debugger from the object log view.

    view the trace and error object log entries created in the last 5 minutes. 

      ol view --age=`5 minutes` trace error

    Select a continuation (bold in the list) and use the `debug continuation` to 
    bring up a debugger. Note that when you select an item in the Object Log Browser
    (`ol view`) an inspector is opened on the ObjectLogEntry.

  ./continuation --create
    create a random error/halt continuation and view the trace and error object 
    log entries created in the last 5 minutes.

  ./continuation --create --age=<duration>
    create a random error/halt continue and then view the trace and error object
    log entries created in the specified duration.

  ./continuation --help
  ./continuation --create --age=`1 minute`

  NOTE - use the `tode it` menu item to run the examples directly in this window.

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continuation.ston (3K) Download Attachment