I think you might be looking for:
Win32Shell new shellOpen: 'trace.bat'.
Construct a trace.bat file then use this method to execute it. There are a
number of ways to get the results. In the bat file you could do something
like this:
TraceRt > results.txt
Then read the file results.txt back in.
Hope that helps, if not let me know,
Ron Teitelbaum
[hidden email]
> From: Viral Mehta
> Sent: Tuesday, April 04, 2006 11:55 AM
> I am trying to implement a graphical Trace Route app in Squeak for a
> class project. I am wondering if there is a way for me to use the DOS
> tracert application.
> 1. Essentially I want to somehow run the tracert DOS command and read
> the output of the command into squeak as text?
> 2. Is there an equivalent of the "system()" C/C++ function in
> squeak/smalltalk?
> -- Viral