tut game

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tut game

on the game tut I have been able to enter all the classes etc all the
way to where we want to run the test browser.  When I open the test
browser and scroll to the bottom my Laser...test is not listed.

I check the different projects and they are all named as noname 1 and
noname 2 I have saved as I though Laser-Game but this does not show up
in the project window when I open jump to or previous project.  How do I
solve this problem and is this why I do not get my laser test in the run
test browser?

Is there a previous tut that would prepare me to do this tut on the game?

Thanks for your patients and time, I am a true beginner.

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Re: tut game

Tapple Gao
On Wed, Jul 11, 2007 at 05:07:43PM -0600, Chuck Smith wrote:
> on the game tut I have been able to enter all the classes etc all the
> way to where we want to run the test browser.  When I open the test
> browser and scroll to the bottom my Laser...test is not listed.
> I check the different projects and they are all named as noname 1 and
> noname 2 I have saved as I though Laser-Game but this does not show up
> in the project window when I open jump to or previous project.  How do I
> solve this problem and is this why I do not get my laser test in the run
> test browser?

If you do not see the Laser-Game-Test category in the TestRunner, go back
to the <a href="http://squeak.preeminent.org/tut2007/html/015A.html">System
Browser and make sure that BlankCellTestCase is a subclass of
TestCase, and not Object.

CC'd to Stephan: could you add that to
http://squeak.preeminent.org/tut2007/html/018.html the same way
you added it to the page 15A.html?

Matthew Fulmer -- http://mtfulmer.wordpress.com/
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