underscore / left-arrow query

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underscore / left-arrow query

Kel Graham-2

when i first started using squeak a couple of years ago, the assignment operator was displayed as a left arrow, which i really like. it looks very clean to my eyes (better to me than the pascal like := syntax).

in my current image, a seaside 2.8-530 image, in workspaces etc, i don't get my lovely left arrow when I assign variables; just a regular underscore.

is it now considered bad form to use the left arrow, or can I set this in preferences somewhere such that my underscore is converted to an exciting left-arrow? if it's bad form or broken, i'll mend my ways.

I tried to search for preference settings, but without joy. Google had an unreasonably high noise ratio as well.


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Re: underscore / left-arrow query

Randal L. Schwartz
>>>>> "Kel" == Kel Graham <[hidden email]> writes:

Kel> is it now considered bad form to use the left arrow, or can I set this in
Kel> preferences somewhere such that my underscore is converted to an exciting
Kel> left-arrow? if it's bad form or broken, i'll mend my ways.

The underscore (formerly left arrow) syntax is likely to be supported for some
time in the future, simply because it's so prevalent.  However, there are
patches installed by GLORP to permit an underscore as a valid symbol
character, so if you create new code that uses the underscore, be sure there's
whitespace on both sides of it (as the core code already is).

Most coders I've seen are using the := form instead, simply to avoid the
potential ambiguity, and to increase compatibility with other Smalltalks.

Randal L. Schwartz - Stonehenge Consulting Services, Inc. - +1 503 777 0095
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