unique items in a collection

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unique items in a collection

Frank Urbach
Dear list,

sometimes I get a collection with many items in it and want to get a collection where the occurrencesOf: each item should 1.
So I'm searching for an selector like 'unique'.
Is there a such a thing?

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Re: unique items in a collection

David T. Lewis
On Fri, Feb 15, 2008 at 11:21:42AM +0000, Frank Urbach wrote:
> Dear list,
> sometimes I get a collection with many items in it and want to get a collection where the occurrencesOf: each item should 1.
> So I'm searching for an selector like 'unique'.
> Is there a such a thing?


Yes, a Set is what you want. In most cases you can simply do this:

        myCollection asSet

If you want to look at your set in an inspector, you may find it
convenient to turn it back into an array, which is much easier to
look at:

        myCollection asSet asArray inspect

I recommend taking some time to look through the classes and methods
in the Collection hierarchy. There are lots of useful things hidden
there, and once you get comfortable working with them, it's just
like having a database at your fingertips, right in Squeak.


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