[vm-beginners] Problems loading VMMaker on Pharo 2.0

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[vm-beginners] Problems loading VMMaker on Pharo 2.0

Hi guys, how are you?. I'm trying to load the latest configuration of VMMaker on Pharo 2.0 (yeah, i'm an adventurer :P) and i get the following error (image attached). Do you have any idea of what could it be?,should i resign loading VMMaker on Pharo 2.0 and follow the instructions that Mariano gave on his blog?.  Any suggestions?.

Thanks in advance

Atte. Iván Guevara

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Re: Problems loading VMMaker on Pharo 2.0

(Segundo intento)

Hi Ivan,

No, so far you cannot load VMMaker into Pharo 2.0.
Main reason is that 2.0 does not have FileDirectory, so I presume the first step is to load the compatibility package, then try to replace references.
Mariano has been already working on that, but he didn't finish (afaik). You can ask him in which state is his code and continue from there.... the main idea was to took off VMMaker the offending parts and put them into a PharoCompatibility package... anyway, better ask Mariano :)


On May 17, 2013, at 6:19 PM, Ivan Hugo Guevara <[hidden email]> wrote:

> Hi guys, how are you?. I'm trying to load the latest configuration of VMMaker on Pharo 2.0 (yeah, i'm an adventurer :P) and i get the following error (image attached). Do you have any idea of what could it be?,should i resign loading VMMaker on Pharo 2.0 and follow the instructions that Mariano gave on his blog?.  Any suggestions?.
> Thanks in advance
> --
> Atte. Iván Guevara
> <Error loading VMMaker.JPG>_______________________________________________
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Re: Problems loading VMMaker on Pharo 2.0


Thank you very much Esteban!


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Re: Problems loading VMMaker on Pharo 2.0

Mariano Martinez Peck
HI. Indeed, it took me a while to be able to load VMMaker and build a VM from there. There were quite a lot of changes (mostly related to FileDirectory). I could not commit my changes back to trunk because at that time it ment breaking the loading in Pharo 1.4 (which was being used by Jenkins jobs etc).
But...on the other side, I was NOT using the Compatibility package of FileDirectory (I think that happened later). 
So maybe loading first the FileDirectory compatibility package would make the loading way easier.
Now...if you want to just learn about the VM, I recommend just picking a 1.4 image....


On Fri, May 17, 2013 at 7:30 PM, Ivan Hugo Guevara <[hidden email]> wrote:

Thank you very much Esteban!


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Re: Problems loading VMMaker on Pharo 2.0

Ok, i'll start digging with a 1.4 image then :) . Thank you for your advices!.


2013/5/18 Mariano Martinez Peck <[hidden email]>
HI. Indeed, it took me a while to be able to load VMMaker and build a VM from there. There were quite a lot of changes (mostly related to FileDirectory). I could not commit my changes back to trunk because at that time it ment breaking the loading in Pharo 1.4 (which was being used by Jenkins jobs etc).
But...on the other side, I was NOT using the Compatibility package of FileDirectory (I think that happened later). 
So maybe loading first the FileDirectory compatibility package would make the loading way easier.
Now...if you want to just learn about the VM, I recommend just picking a 1.4 image....


On Fri, May 17, 2013 at 7:30 PM, Ivan Hugo Guevara <[hidden email]> wrote:

Thank you very much Esteban!


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Atte. Iván Guevara

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