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Critical issues for Dr. Geo on P6

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Critical issues for Dr. Geo on P6

1396 posts

Hello people,

Here are a few critical issues due to bugs or lack of information or feature for porting Dr. Geo to P6. There were others critical issues from P6 but were resolved and will be hopefully integrated, when ?

Other issues: https://launchpad.net/drgeo/+milestone/17.09

My  initial plane and need is to finish the porting and test by the end of August. Not sure it sounds realistic.


Dr. Geo
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Re: Critical issues for Dr. Geo on P6

Stephane Ducasse-3
2162 posts

I do not understand what the issues that you need in Pharo 60.


On Fri, Jul 21, 2017 at 11:19 AM, Hilaire <[hidden email]> wrote:

> Hello people,
> Here are a few critical issues due to bugs or lack of information or feature
> for porting Dr. Geo to P6. There were others critical issues from P6 but
> were resolved and will be hopefully integrated, when ?
> Minimal Dr. Geo image
> Integration with Playground
> Export bitmap to clipboard <-- it will be really cool to have.
> Universal package for 64 bits
> Other issues: https://launchpad.net/drgeo/+milestone/17.09
> My  initial plane and need is to finish the porting and test by the end of
> August. Not sure it sounds realistic.
> Hilaire
> --
> Dr. Geo
> http://drgeo.eu

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Re: Critical issues for Dr. Geo on P6

1396 posts

Hi Stefane,

Did you read the bug tickets in my previous email?


Le 21/07/2017 à 18:08, Stephane Ducasse a écrit :
I do not understand what the issues that you need in Pharo 60.

Dr. Geo
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Re: Critical issues for Dr. Geo on P6

Tudor Girba-2
7411 posts
In reply to this post by HilaireFernandes

Can you detail your needs regarding the integration with Playground?


> On Jul 21, 2017, at 11:19 AM, Hilaire <[hidden email]> wrote:
> Hello people,
> Here are a few critical issues due to bugs or lack of information or feature for porting Dr. Geo to P6. There were others critical issues from P6 but were resolved and will be hopefully integrated, when ?
> • Minimal Dr. Geo image
> • Integration with Playground
> • Export bitmap to clipboard <-- it will be really cool to have.
> • Universal package for 64 bits
> Other issues: https://launchpad.net/drgeo/+milestone/17.09
> My  initial plane and need is to finish the porting and test by the end of August. Not sure it sounds realistic.
> Hilaire
> --
> Dr. Geo
> http://drgeo.eu


"It's not how it is, it is how we see it."

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Re: Critical issues for Dr. Geo on P6

1396 posts
The problem is explained in the ticket: there is a bug in the position
where the drgeo menu shows up when encapsulated in the Playground. It is
not related to Glamour however. I may just decide to remove the Dr. Geo
menu to avoid the bug.

Le 21/07/2017 à 20:50, Tudor Girba a écrit :
> Can you detail your needs regarding the integration with Playground?

Dr. Geo

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Re: Critical issues for Dr. Geo on P6

Tudor Girba-2
7411 posts
Aha. Thanks for the clarification.


> On Jul 21, 2017, at 8:59 PM, Hilaire <[hidden email]> wrote:
> The problem is explained in the ticket: there is a bug in the position where the drgeo menu shows up when encapsulated in the Playground. It is not related to Glamour however. I may just decide to remove the Dr. Geo menu to avoid the bug.
> Le 21/07/2017 à 20:50, Tudor Girba a écrit :
>> Can you detail your needs regarding the integration with Playground?
> --
> Dr. Geo
> http://drgeo.eu


“Live like you mean it."

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Re: Critical issues for Dr. Geo on P6

Holger Freyther
1096 posts
In reply to this post by HilaireFernandes

> On 21. Jul 2017, at 11:19, Hilaire <[hidden email]> wrote:
> Hello people,


> Here are a few critical issues due to bugs or lack of information or feature for porting Dr. Geo to P6. There were others critical issues from P6 but were resolved and will be hopefully integrated, when ?
> • Minimal Dr. Geo image

I am concerned with the growth from Pharo3->Pharo6 as well and triggered by your mail looked at it again. In contrast to ImageCleaner>>#cleanUpForRelease I want to keep the Monticello/Metacello packages for now (and don't want to unload them after test).

I call this with "pharo Image eval clean.st" and for whatever reason if I pass --save bad things (can't talk to mongod) happen during my system test but that is another story (maybe the save is executed at the _next_ image start again).

World closeAllWindowsDiscardingChanges.
(RPackage organizer packages select: [:package | package packageName includesSubstring: 'Test'])
        do: [:each | each removeFromSystem ].
(RPackage organizer packages select: [:package | package packageName beginsWith: 'Versionner'])
        do: [:each | each removeFromSystem ].
(RPackage organizer packages select: [:package | package packageName beginsWith: 'ProfStef'])
        do: [:each | each removeFromSystem ].
(RPackage organizer packages select: [:package | package packageName beginsWith: 'Ice'])
        do: [:each | each removeFromSystem ].
(RPackage organizer packages select: [:package | package packageName beginsWith: 'BaselineOf'])
        do: [:each | each removeFromSystem ].
(RPackage organizer packages select: [:package | package packageName beginsWith: 'ConfigurationOf'])
        do: [:each | each removeFromSystem ].
(RPackage organizer packages select: [:package | package packageName endsWith: '-Help'])
        do: [:each | each removeFromSystem ].
(RPackage organizer packages select: [:package | package packageName endsWith: 'Examples'])
        do: [:each | each removeFromSystem ].

ImageCleaner new cleanUpForRelease.
Smalltalk snapshot: true andQuit: true.
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Re: Critical issues for Dr. Geo on P6

Stephane Ducasse-3
2162 posts
In reply to this post by HilaireFernandes
Yes but there are not concrete enough for me :)

On Fri, Jul 21, 2017 at 7:37 PM, Hilaire <[hidden email]> wrote:

> Hi Stefane,
> Did you read the bug tickets in my previous email?
> Hilaire
> Le 21/07/2017 à 18:08, Stephane Ducasse a écrit :
> I do not understand what the issues that you need in Pharo 60.
> --
> Dr. Geo
> http://drgeo.eu

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Re: Critical issues for Dr. Geo on P6

Stephane Ducasse-3
2162 posts
In reply to this post by Holger Freyther
Hi holger

"the growth from Pharo3->Pharo6" us too :)
this is why we invested in the bootstrap and this is why we will
remove (and we started) packages and classes.
And this is also why we will continue to repackage the system.


On Sat, Jul 22, 2017 at 10:43 AM, Holger Freyther <[hidden email]> wrote:

>> On 21. Jul 2017, at 11:19, Hilaire <[hidden email]> wrote:
>> Hello people,
> Hi!
>> Here are a few critical issues due to bugs or lack of information or feature for porting Dr. Geo to P6. There were others critical issues from P6 but were resolved and will be hopefully integrated, when ?
>>       • Minimal Dr. Geo image
> I am concerned with the growth from Pharo3->Pharo6 as well and triggered by your mail looked at it again. In contrast to ImageCleaner>>#cleanUpForRelease I want to keep the Monticello/Metacello packages for now (and don't want to unload them after test).
> I call this with "pharo Image eval clean.st" and for whatever reason if I pass --save bad things (can't talk to mongod) happen during my system test but that is another story (maybe the save is executed at the _next_ image start again).
> World closeAllWindowsDiscardingChanges.
> (RPackage organizer packages select: [:package | package packageName includesSubstring: 'Test'])
>         do: [:each | each removeFromSystem ].
> (RPackage organizer packages select: [:package | package packageName beginsWith: 'Versionner'])
>         do: [:each | each removeFromSystem ].
> (RPackage organizer packages select: [:package | package packageName beginsWith: 'ProfStef'])
>         do: [:each | each removeFromSystem ].
> (RPackage organizer packages select: [:package | package packageName beginsWith: 'Ice'])
>         do: [:each | each removeFromSystem ].
> (RPackage organizer packages select: [:package | package packageName beginsWith: 'BaselineOf'])
>         do: [:each | each removeFromSystem ].
> (RPackage organizer packages select: [:package | package packageName beginsWith: 'ConfigurationOf'])
>         do: [:each | each removeFromSystem ].
> (RPackage organizer packages select: [:package | package packageName endsWith: '-Help'])
>         do: [:each | each removeFromSystem ].
> (RPackage organizer packages select: [:package | package packageName endsWith: 'Examples'])
>         do: [:each | each removeFromSystem ].
> ImageCleaner new cleanUpForRelease.
> Smalltalk snapshot: true andQuit: true.

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Re: Critical issues for Dr. Geo on P6

1396 posts
In reply to this post by Tudor Girba-2
You are welcome. I also wrote here a few days ago about it. The bug is
Morphic specific.


Le 22/07/2017 à 09:03, Tudor Girba a écrit :
> Aha. Thanks for the clarification.
> Doru
>> On Jul 21, 2017, at 8:59 PM, Hilaire<[hidden email]>  wrote:
>> The problem is explained in the ticket: there is a bug in the position where the drgeo menu shows up when encapsulated in the Playground. It is not related to Glamour however. I may just decide to remove the Dr. Geo menu to avoid the bug.

Dr. Geo

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Re: Critical issues for Dr. Geo on P6

1396 posts
In reply to this post by Holger Freyther
Hi Holger,

With Pharo3 I was proceeding like this, by uninstallation of packages.
However there is the promise of building from a minimal image, but it is
not documented AFAIK.

By curiosity, what is the size of your resulting image.


Le 22/07/2017 à 10:43, Holger Freyther a écrit :
> I am concerned with the growth from Pharo3->Pharo6 as well and triggered by your mail looked at it again. In contrast to ImageCleaner>>#cleanUpForRelease I want to keep the Monticello/Metacello packages for now (and don't want to unload them after test).
> I call this with "pharo Image eval clean.st" and for whatever reason if I pass --save bad things (can't talk to mongod) happen during my system test but that is another story (maybe the save is executed at the_next_  image start again).

Dr. Geo

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Re: Critical issues for Dr. Geo on P6

1396 posts
In reply to this post by Stephane Ducasse-3
I really find it hard to believe !!

Le 22/07/2017 à 12:04, Stephane Ducasse a écrit :
> Yes but there are not concrete enough for me:)

Dr. Geo

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Re: Critical issues for Dr. Geo on P6

Holger Freyther
1096 posts
In reply to this post by Stephane Ducasse-3

> On 22. Jul 2017, at 12:07, Stephane Ducasse <[hidden email]> wrote:
> Hi holger

Hey Stef!

> "the growth from Pharo3->Pharo6" us too :)
> this is why we invested in the bootstrap and this is why we will
> remove (and we started) packages and classes.
> And this is also why we will continue to repackage the system.

yes this is very fascinating for Pharo7. It would be nice if we could track size (image+changes but also ram usage, object count) over time to see our progress. I recently added ordinary metric upload to my "bob-bench.org" test and metric tracking. ;)

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Object count/memory usage in Pharo6 WAS Re: Critical issues for Dr. Geo on P6

Holger Freyther
1096 posts
In reply to this post by HilaireFernandes

> On 22. Jul 2017, at 14:00, Hilaire <[hidden email]> wrote:
> Hi Holger,
> With Pharo3 I was proceeding like this, by uninstallation of packages. However there is the promise of building from a minimal image, but it is not documented AFAIK.
> By curiosity, what is the size of your resulting image.

I see 31mb image size for Pharo3 and 49mb for Pharo6. The changes file is about the same. From the top command on a test system. "pharo" is a Pharo6 VM and image and pharo-vm is the pharo3 system.

 4206 root      20   0 1056684  74036   1600 S   5.7  1.2   1582:15 pharo-vm                        
10459 root      20   0  104040  90348   2124 S   5.0  1.5 369:00.29 pharo

I looked a bit at memory usage and see if some random changes make a difference

* Shrink ZnMimeType ExtensionMaps to a minimum when not handling extensions?

* ASTCache reset to get rid of the spotter cache. Not sure if the SessionManager runs ASTCache>>#shutDown properly. It looks like it should but it doesn't?

* ByteString compaction? I did strs := ByteString allInstances. str -> strs asSet. The numbers on a not fully clean image are  99874 vs. 42139. I wonder in which hell I end if I use >>#becomeForward: to compact it (I tried this once for GNU Smalltalk and I am sure others tried it before). I think anyone using == on String is using the wrong class? Any good arguments against doing it?

I am moving my Pharo6 image into production right now and then will look into setting up CI for Pharo7 with a minimal image.

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Re: Object count/memory usage in Pharo6 WAS Re: Critical issues for Dr. Geo on P6

Stephane Ducasse-3
2162 posts
Hi holger

could you add bug entry for the issues you think we should investigate?


On Wed, Jul 26, 2017 at 9:36 PM, Holger Freyther <[hidden email]> wrote:

>> On 22. Jul 2017, at 14:00, Hilaire <[hidden email]> wrote:
>> Hi Holger,
>> With Pharo3 I was proceeding like this, by uninstallation of packages. However there is the promise of building from a minimal image, but it is not documented AFAIK.
>> By curiosity, what is the size of your resulting image.
> I see 31mb image size for Pharo3 and 49mb for Pharo6. The changes file is about the same. From the top command on a test system. "pharo" is a Pharo6 VM and image and pharo-vm is the pharo3 system.
>  4206 root      20   0 1056684  74036   1600 S   5.7  1.2   1582:15 pharo-vm
> 10459 root      20   0  104040  90348   2124 S   5.0  1.5 369:00.29 pharo
> I looked a bit at memory usage and see if some random changes make a difference
> * Shrink ZnMimeType ExtensionMaps to a minimum when not handling extensions?
> * ASTCache reset to get rid of the spotter cache. Not sure if the SessionManager runs ASTCache>>#shutDown properly. It looks like it should but it doesn't?
> * ByteString compaction? I did strs := ByteString allInstances. str -> strs asSet. The numbers on a not fully clean image are  99874 vs. 42139. I wonder in which hell I end if I use >>#becomeForward: to compact it (I tried this once for GNU Smalltalk and I am sure others tried it before). I think anyone using == on String is using the wrong class? Any good arguments against doing it?
> I am moving my Pharo6 image into production right now and then will look into setting up CI for Pharo7 with a minimal image.
> cheers
>         holger

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Re: Critical issues for Dr. Geo on P6

Stephane Ducasse-3
2162 posts
In reply to this post by Holger Freyther
I dreamed about the bootstrap in 2002 :) so now I enjoy it :)
What I can tell you is that we will do another pass because we want
Pharo core around 200 k + 300 k for a slow vm. And we will have one
guy working on it during his PhD.
We will continue to push with Pavel, christophe and guille too.


On Wed, Jul 26, 2017 at 9:15 PM, Holger Freyther <[hidden email]> wrote:

>> On 22. Jul 2017, at 12:07, Stephane Ducasse <[hidden email]> wrote:
>> Hi holger
> Hey Stef!
>> "the growth from Pharo3->Pharo6" us too :)
>> this is why we invested in the bootstrap and this is why we will
>> remove (and we started) packages and classes.
>> And this is also why we will continue to repackage the system.
> yes this is very fascinating for Pharo7. It would be nice if we could track size (image+changes but also ram usage, object count) over time to see our progress. I recently added ordinary metric upload to my "bob-bench.org" test and metric tracking. ;)
> holger

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Re: Critical issues for Dr. Geo on P6

1396 posts

I don't share your enthusiasm.

I once set up a satisfactory build environment for DrGeo, based on P3. As long as I stay with P3, I can concentrate on DrGeo code: write the code, then fire up a build script to deploy the application. Now porting to P6 is a pain: the infrastructure to deploy a desktop application has not evolve since P3, I have to build again a deployment environment from scratch (VM support, shrinked/built image, I don't know the promise of minimal image build up is not palpable for me).

Now If I have to spend days on that, I am not sure I will do it again, I can't compete against other geometry application if I have to fight against pharo too. What I want is to concentrate working on DrGeo not Pharo, sorry to make it explicit but I can't much offer to do both.


Le 27/07/2017 à 21:28, Stephane Ducasse a écrit :
I dreamed about the bootstrap in 2002 :) so now I enjoy it :)
What I can tell you is that we will do another pass because we want
Pharo core around 200 k + 300 k for a slow vm. And we will have one
guy working on it during his PhD.
We will continue to push with Pavel, christophe and guille too.

Dr. Geo
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Re: Critical issues for Dr. Geo on P6

2177 posts

On Fri, Jul 28, 2017 at 9:34 AM, Hilaire <[hidden email]> wrote:

I don't share your enthusiasm.

I once set up a satisfactory build environment for DrGeo, based on P3. As long as I stay with P3, I can concentrate on DrGeo code: write the code, then fire up a build script to deploy the application. Now porting to P6 is a pain: the infrastructure to deploy a desktop application has not evolve since P3, I have to build again a deployment environment from scratch (VM support, shrinked/built image, I don't know the promise of minimal image build up is not palpable for me).

Now If I have to spend days on that, I am not sure I will do it again, I can't compete against other geometry application if I have to fight against pharo too. What I want is to concentrate working on DrGeo not Pharo, sorry to make it explicit but I can't much offer to do both.

​I have sometimes the same concerns with Pharo or some tools of the Pharo ecosystem. I know that we are trying to do our best and regarding the number of core developers we have already an incredible platform. But sometimes, you need to very simple updates and because of subtle problems with VM/configurations/CI/ etc ...  this is not that simple and we need to spend times on boring stuff.

There is no simple solution.

One solution might be that the core developers only focus on core Pharo functionalities but I think this is somewhat difficult, because most of the dev are from RMOD. RMOD is a research unit and could not spend all his money/effort on an engineering process.

Another solution is to grow our community. More people, more companies to sustain more engineers through the consortium. The more people we are able to attract, the more people will help to develop working solutions for problems like deployment or to have bug-fixing intermediate releases.

​This is why we all need ​in the community to do as much as possible advertisements: lectures at universities, talk to your colleague about Pharo, do demos in companies, at open-source forums, use Twitter do talk about Pharo ecosystem, the software you are developing with Pharo.
Don't hide problems but talk about our nice platform and our community.

We have done this with Stephane in the early days of Pharo at open-source forums in France and I remember that you come in the community after we meet you in one of these forums :-)
So DrGeo2 exists because of this kind of advertisement.


Serge Stinckwich
Every DSL ends up being Smalltalk
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Re: Critical issues for Dr. Geo on P6

Tim Mackinnon
1126 posts
Just to chip in - I hope we can get past this bump (and I think it is a bump).

I am actually ecstatic that recent improvements - a 64bit vm, a minimal image and git integration, have opened the door to Pharo working on AWS Lambda. Also having a CI system to help crank these things out is also a big win.

So I applaud the work, progress and vision that has got us here !

All large systems accrue infrastructure and unexpected dependencies that take effort to modernise. I don't think this is solely a Pharo thing. (I just recently worked with a Java team that used SnapCI for builds, and when it was shut down it was 6+ weeks to migrate off it and stabilise things).

We are close - we just need to rally around to get a good stable base that can support the next round of revolution (aka P7).


Sent from my iPhone

On 28 Jul 2017, at 11:00, Serge Stinckwich <[hidden email]> wrote:

On Fri, Jul 28, 2017 at 9:34 AM, Hilaire <[hidden email]> wrote:

I don't share your enthusiasm.

I once set up a satisfactory build environment for DrGeo, based on P3. As long as I stay with P3, I can concentrate on DrGeo code: write the code, then fire up a build script to deploy the application. Now porting to P6 is a pain: the infrastructure to deploy a desktop application has not evolve since P3, I have to build again a deployment environment from scratch (VM support, shrinked/built image, I don't know the promise of minimal image build up is not palpable for me).

Now If I have to spend days on that, I am not sure I will do it again, I can't compete against other geometry application if I have to fight against pharo too. What I want is to concentrate working on DrGeo not Pharo, sorry to make it explicit but I can't much offer to do both.

​I have sometimes the same concerns with Pharo or some tools of the Pharo ecosystem. I know that we are trying to do our best and regarding the number of core developers we have already an incredible platform. But sometimes, you need to very simple updates and because of subtle problems with VM/configurations/CI/ etc ...  this is not that simple and we need to spend times on boring stuff.

There is no simple solution.

One solution might be that the core developers only focus on core Pharo functionalities but I think this is somewhat difficult, because most of the dev are from RMOD. RMOD is a research unit and could not spend all his money/effort on an engineering process.

Another solution is to grow our community. More people, more companies to sustain more engineers through the consortium. The more people we are able to attract, the more people will help to develop working solutions for problems like deployment or to have bug-fixing intermediate releases.

​This is why we all need ​in the community to do as much as possible advertisements: lectures at universities, talk to your colleague about Pharo, do demos in companies, at open-source forums, use Twitter do talk about Pharo ecosystem, the software you are developing with Pharo.
Don't hide problems but talk about our nice platform and our community.

We have done this with Stephane in the early days of Pharo at open-source forums in France and I remember that you come in the community after we meet you in one of these forums :-)
So DrGeo2 exists because of this kind of advertisement.


Serge Stinckwich
Every DSL ends up being Smalltalk
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Re: Critical issues for Dr. Geo on P6

Stephane Ducasse-3
2162 posts
In reply to this post by HilaireFernandes

We invested 3 years of PhD of Guillermo + 8 months of hard work of christophe
and guillermo. Pavel spent years to produce the mini image and now
with the bootstrap
it is opening a lot of possibilities. We will do it and it will work.
And ***I LOVE THEIR WORK***. I DREAMED about it more than 15 years ago
and they make it
true. This is a game changer. It forces the system to be a lot more
modular and cleaner.

In the future people will take a core and their own configuration and
build whatever they want.
And we will build Pharo based on this core.

I understand that you want to focus on DrGeo but the situation is like that.
There is no magic. Stay in Pharo 30 but do not expect people will help
you because Pharo
is now more than 4 years old.

I think that Pavel was really supportive with you.
Now when I see your emails, I often see you ranting and people takes
on their free time to help you
so the more you rant the less people will help you. Ask yourself when
it is the last time that you fixed a typo in Pharo and proposed a fix
or just reproduce a bug that is not on your direct interest.
You see people are sensible to this matter.

I imagine that you know the soup of stone story. Pharo is our common
goods and this is important
that we all pay attention to it.


On Fri, Jul 28, 2017 at 10:34 AM, Hilaire <[hidden email]> wrote:

> I don't share your enthusiasm.
> I once set up a satisfactory build environment for DrGeo, based on P3. As
> long as I stay with P3, I can concentrate on DrGeo code: write the code,
> then fire up a build script to deploy the application. Now porting to P6 is
> a pain: the infrastructure to deploy a desktop application has not evolve
> since P3, I have to build again a deployment environment from scratch (VM
> support, shrinked/built image, I don't know the promise of minimal image
> build up is not palpable for me).
> Now If I have to spend days on that, I am not sure I will do it again, I
> can't compete against other geometry application if I have to fight against
> pharo too. What I want is to concentrate working on DrGeo not Pharo, sorry
> to make it explicit but I can't much offer to do both.
> Hilaire
> Le 27/07/2017 à 21:28, Stephane Ducasse a écrit :
> Indeed.
> I dreamed about the bootstrap in 2002 :) so now I enjoy it :)
> What I can tell you is that we will do another pass because we want
> Pharo core around 200 k + 300 k for a slow vm. And we will have one
> guy working on it during his PhD.
> We will continue to push with Pavel, christophe and guille too.
> --
> Dr. Geo
> http://drgeo.eu