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Highlighter PetitParser

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Highlighter PetitParser

Jesus Nuñez
31 posts
Hello everybody,

The following code highlights prolog code statically making use of PPTextHighlighter, I leave the code to share with the community since it might be of help to someone else. 

Could someone point out how can this be converted to its dynamic counterpart?; The keystroke handler for GLMTextPresentation and what model is currently being used for instance to highlight smalltalk code would be very much appreciated. 

From http://bergel.eu/download/Dyla2010/dyla10_submission_4.pdf I know that it might be neccesary a fuzzy highlighter as is written at the end of the code, and it is probably the right object to use but I can not figure out where to plug it. 

Thank beforehand,


| text textRenderer textShower |

text := 'p(Q,R):-q(R), unify_st(X, smalltalk_code), r(T).

textRenderer := [
PPTextHighlighter new
parser: PPPrologParser new;
color: 'small_atom' with: Color blue muchDarker;
bold: 'small_atom';
color: 'unify_st' with: Color green muchDarker;
bold: 'unify_st';
color: 'string' with: Color gray muchDarker;
color: 'number' with: Color gray muchDarker;
color: 'boolean' with: Color gray muchDarker;
highlight: text asText.
"                __      
         <Renders IN>
  <Renders IN>

textShower := GLMMorphicRenderer new.
(textShower open: (
GLMTextPresentation new display: textRenderer; renderGlamorouslyOn: textShower; yourself )) window title: 'Prolog Editor'. 

"Here I created a highlighter through the transform method of the grammar"

grammar := PPPrologParser new.
highlighter := grammar transform: [ :parser |
Transcript show: parser.
parser class = TokenParser 
ifTrue: [ parser ==> [ :token |
textShower model highlight: token style range: token interval ] ]
ifFalse: [ parser ] ]. 

text := 'p(Q,R):-q(R), unify_st(X, smalltalk_code), r(T).

pp := highlighter parse: text asText.

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Fwd: Highlighter PetitParser

Jesus Nuñez
31 posts
This is a copy from an email I have sent but not sure is indexed in the pharo mailing list. If somebody sees it please let me know it.

Jesus Nuñez

Hello everybody,

The following code highlights prolog code statically making use of PPTextHighlighter, I leave the code to share with the community since it might be of help to someone else. 

Could someone point out how can this be converted to its dynamic counterpart?; The keystroke handler for GLMTextPresentation and what model is currently being used for instance to highlight smalltalk code would be very much appreciated. 

From http://bergel.eu/download/Dyla2010/dyla10_submission_4.pdf I know that it might be neccesary a fuzzy highlighter as is written at the end of the code, and it is probably the right object to use but I can not figure out where to plug it. 

Thank beforehand,


| text textRenderer textShower |

text := 'p(Q,R):-q(R), unify_st(X, smalltalk_code), r(T).

textRenderer := [
PPTextHighlighter new
parser: PPPrologParser new;
color: 'small_atom' with: Color blue muchDarker;
bold: 'small_atom';
color: 'unify_st' with: Color green muchDarker;
bold: 'unify_st';
color: 'string' with: Color gray muchDarker;
color: 'number' with: Color gray muchDarker;
color: 'boolean' with: Color gray muchDarker;
highlight: text asText.
"                __      
         <Renders IN>
  <Renders IN>

textShower := GLMMorphicRenderer new.
(textShower open: (
GLMTextPresentation new display: textRenderer; renderGlamorouslyOn: textShower; yourself )) window title: 'Prolog Editor'. 

"Here I created a highlighter through the transform method of the grammar"

grammar := PPPrologParser new.
highlighter := grammar transform: [ :parser |
Transcript show: parser.
parser class = TokenParser 
ifTrue: [ parser ==> [ :token |
textShower model highlight: token style range: token interval ] ]
ifFalse: [ parser ] ]. 

text := 'p(Q,R):-q(R), unify_st(X, smalltalk_code), r(T).

pp := highlighter parse: text asText.

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Re: Highlighter PetitParser

Tudor Girba-2
7411 posts
In reply to this post by Jesus Nuñez

Sorry for the late reply.

Unfortunately, the GLMTextPresentation does not support 

But, if you went so far, it would actually be cool if you could try to add it :)


On Mon, Mar 18, 2013 at 11:50 AM, Jesus Nuñez <[hidden email]> wrote:
Hello everybody,

The following code highlights prolog code statically making use of PPTextHighlighter, I leave the code to share with the community since it might be of help to someone else. 

Could someone point out how can this be converted to its dynamic counterpart?; The keystroke handler for GLMTextPresentation and what model is currently being used for instance to highlight smalltalk code would be very much appreciated. 

From http://bergel.eu/download/Dyla2010/dyla10_submission_4.pdf I know that it might be neccesary a fuzzy highlighter as is written at the end of the code, and it is probably the right object to use but I can not figure out where to plug it. 

Thank beforehand,


| text textRenderer textShower |

text := 'p(Q,R):-q(R), unify_st(X, smalltalk_code), r(T).

textRenderer := [
PPTextHighlighter new
parser: PPPrologParser new;
color: 'small_atom' with: Color blue muchDarker;
bold: 'small_atom';
color: 'unify_st' with: Color green muchDarker;
bold: 'unify_st';
color: 'string' with: Color gray muchDarker;
color: 'number' with: Color gray muchDarker;
color: 'boolean' with: Color gray muchDarker;
highlight: text asText.
"                __      
         <Renders IN>
  <Renders IN>

textShower := GLMMorphicRenderer new.
(textShower open: (
GLMTextPresentation new display: textRenderer; renderGlamorouslyOn: textShower; yourself )) window title: 'Prolog Editor'. 

"Here I created a highlighter through the transform method of the grammar"

grammar := PPPrologParser new.
highlighter := grammar transform: [ :parser |
Transcript show: parser.
parser class = TokenParser 
ifTrue: [ parser ==> [ :token |
textShower model highlight: token style range: token interval ] ]
ifFalse: [ parser ] ]. 

text := 'p(Q,R):-q(R), unify_st(X, smalltalk_code), r(T).

pp := highlighter parse: text asText.


"Every thing has its own flow"