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Info on implementation limits

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Info on implementation limits

GLASS mailing list
4138 posts



are there any information about implementation limits of Gemstone Smalltalk?


Concrete issue:

I try to input a source file (2.1. MB – can this work?).

Topaz dies (Windows reports that Topaz is not working anymore…)

Last thing in the log file is a method with 743 literals – is this an issue?

My naïve theory: Gemstone (Topaz?) cannot compile the method, but dies without error.


Any ideas?





Glass mailing list
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Re: Info on implementation limits

GLASS mailing list
4138 posts

Hello Christian,

well, the size of such a file is not a problem. In one of our projects, the source code file of my automatically generated model has a size of around 8.7 MByte.


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Re: Info on implementation limits

GLASS mailing list
4138 posts
In reply to this post by GLASS mailing list


Could you send me the full topaz log file? We need that to understand what might be going on ...



On 7/11/17 1:07 AM, Christian Haider via Glass wrote:



are there any information about implementation limits of Gemstone Smalltalk?


Concrete issue:

I try to input a source file (2.1. MB – can this work?).

Topaz dies (Windows reports that Topaz is not working anymore…)

Last thing in the log file is a method with 743 literals – is this an issue?

My naïve theory: Gemstone (Topaz?) cannot compile the method, but dies without error.


Any ideas?





Glass mailing list
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Glass mailing list
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WG: Info on implementation limits

GLASS mailing list
4138 posts

(resent, because Google blocked the attachment)


Von: Christian Haider [mailto:[hidden email]]
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 12. Juli 2017 09:53
An: '[hidden email]' <[hidden email]>
Cc: 'Dale Henrichs' <[hidden email]>
Betreff: AW: [Glass] Info on implementation limits


From replies off list, I heard, that big input files are not a problem. Good to know, thank you.


For the crash on the big method, I investigated and created an input file which reproduces the problem (attached as bigMethod.gs). The log is attached as well.

My theory was wrong. It seems not to be a problem with many literals in a method, but something else.

When I input the file in a Topaz shell (on windows), it works seamless and the method can be called.


  1. Login to topaz
  2. enter ‘output push c:\image\bigMethod.log’[CR]
  3. enter ‘input c:\image\bigMethod.gs’[CR]
  4. all fine!


But if I do the same with a batch file which uses the script loadBigMethod.tpz (attached),

The Topaz window opens, it stays there for about 10 seconds (the step 3 above took no time) and the crashes (Windows pops up with “the program does not work anymore…” or something like that (I have a German version).


Any idea?




Config data (running on Windows 10):

|    PROGRAM: topaz, Linear GemStone Interface (Remote Session)               |

|    VERSION: 3.3.5, Thu May  4 11:44:37 2017                                 |

|      BUILD: gss64_3_3_x_branch-41643                                        |

|  BUILT FOR: x86-64/Windows7                                                 |

|       MODE: 64 bit                                                          |

| RUNNING ON: 4-CPU haider-pc: Unknown CPU, Windows NT 6.2 build 9200         |



Von: Glass [[hidden email]] Im Auftrag von Dale Henrichs via Glass
Gesendet: Dienstag, 11. Juli 2017 18:20
An: [hidden email]
Betreff: Re: [Glass] Info on implementation limits



Could you send me the full topaz log file? We need that to understand what might be going on ...




On 7/11/17 1:07 AM, Christian Haider via Glass wrote:



are there any information about implementation limits of Gemstone Smalltalk?


Concrete issue:

I try to input a source file (2.1. MB – can this work?).

Topaz dies (Windows reports that Topaz is not working anymore…)

Last thing in the log file is a method with 743 literals – is this an issue?

My naïve theory: Gemstone (Topaz?) cannot compile the method, but dies without error.


Any ideas?





Glass mailing list
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Glass mailing list
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bigMethod.zip (10K) Download Attachment
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Re: WG: Info on implementation limits

GLASS mailing list
4138 posts

Found another one (sudden death):

A method returning a literal 78 KB String.

What is the limit on the method source size?

Or, is there a limit for strings inside a method?





Von: Glass [mailto:[hidden email]] Im Auftrag von Christian Haider via Glass
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 12. Juli 2017 11:37
An: [hidden email]
Betreff: [Glass] WG: Info on implementation limits


(resent, because Google blocked the attachment)


Von: Christian Haider [[hidden email]]
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 12. Juli 2017 09:53
An: '[hidden email]' <[hidden email]>
Cc: 'Dale Henrichs' <[hidden email]>
Betreff: AW: [Glass] Info on implementation limits


From replies off list, I heard, that big input files are not a problem. Good to know, thank you.


For the crash on the big method, I investigated and created an input file which reproduces the problem (attached as bigMethod.gs). The log is attached as well.

My theory was wrong. It seems not to be a problem with many literals in a method, but something else.

When I input the file in a Topaz shell (on windows), it works seamless and the method can be called.


  1. Login to topaz
  2. enter ‘output push c:\image\bigMethod.log’[CR]
  3. enter ‘input c:\image\bigMethod.gs’[CR]
  4. all fine!


But if I do the same with a batch file which uses the script loadBigMethod.tpz (attached),

The Topaz window opens, it stays there for about 10 seconds (the step 3 above took no time) and the crashes (Windows pops up with “the program does not work anymore…” or something like that (I have a German version).


Any idea?




Config data (running on Windows 10):

|    PROGRAM: topaz, Linear GemStone Interface (Remote Session)               |

|    VERSION: 3.3.5, Thu May  4 11:44:37 2017                                 |

|      BUILD: gss64_3_3_x_branch-41643                                        |

|  BUILT FOR: x86-64/Windows7                                                 |

|       MODE: 64 bit                                                          |

| RUNNING ON: 4-CPU haider-pc: Unknown CPU, Windows NT 6.2 build 9200         |



Von: Glass [[hidden email]] Im Auftrag von Dale Henrichs via Glass
Gesendet: Dienstag, 11. Juli 2017 18:20
An: [hidden email]
Betreff: Re: [Glass] Info on implementation limits



Could you send me the full topaz log file? We need that to understand what might be going on ...




On 7/11/17 1:07 AM, Christian Haider via Glass wrote:



are there any information about implementation limits of Gemstone Smalltalk?


Concrete issue:

I try to input a source file (2.1. MB – can this work?).

Topaz dies (Windows reports that Topaz is not working anymore…)

Last thing in the log file is a method with 743 literals – is this an issue?

My naïve theory: Gemstone (Topaz?) cannot compile the method, but dies without error.


Any ideas?






Glass mailing list
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Glass mailing list
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Re: WG: Info on implementation limits

GLASS mailing list
4138 posts
In reply to this post by GLASS mailing list

Thanks Christian. We'll let you know what we find out ...


On 7/12/17 2:37 AM, Christian Haider wrote:

(resent, because Google blocked the attachment)


Von: Christian Haider [[hidden email]]
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 12. Juli 2017 09:53
An: '[hidden email]' [hidden email]
Cc: 'Dale Henrichs' [hidden email]
Betreff: AW: [Glass] Info on implementation limits


From replies off list, I heard, that big input files are not a problem. Good to know, thank you.


For the crash on the big method, I investigated and created an input file which reproduces the problem (attached as bigMethod.gs). The log is attached as well.

My theory was wrong. It seems not to be a problem with many literals in a method, but something else.

When I input the file in a Topaz shell (on windows), it works seamless and the method can be called.


  1. Login to topaz
  2. enter ‘output push c:\image\bigMethod.log’[CR]
  3. enter ‘input c:\image\bigMethod.gs’[CR]
  4. all fine!


But if I do the same with a batch file which uses the script loadBigMethod.tpz (attached),

The Topaz window opens, it stays there for about 10 seconds (the step 3 above took no time) and the crashes (Windows pops up with “the program does not work anymore…” or something like that (I have a German version).


Any idea?




Config data (running on Windows 10):

|    PROGRAM: topaz, Linear GemStone Interface (Remote Session)               |

|    VERSION: 3.3.5, Thu May  4 11:44:37 2017                                 |

|      BUILD: gss64_3_3_x_branch-41643                                        |

|  BUILT FOR: x86-64/Windows7                                                 |

|       MODE: 64 bit                                                          |

| RUNNING ON: 4-CPU haider-pc: Unknown CPU, Windows NT 6.2 build 9200         |



Von: Glass [[hidden email]] Im Auftrag von Dale Henrichs via Glass
Gesendet: Dienstag, 11. Juli 2017 18:20
An: [hidden email]
Betreff: Re: [Glass] Info on implementation limits



Could you send me the full topaz log file? We need that to understand what might be going on ...




On 7/11/17 1:07 AM, Christian Haider via Glass wrote:



are there any information about implementation limits of Gemstone Smalltalk?


Concrete issue:

I try to input a source file (2.1. MB – can this work?).

Topaz dies (Windows reports that Topaz is not working anymore…)

Last thing in the log file is a method with 743 literals – is this an issue?

My naïve theory: Gemstone (Topaz?) cannot compile the method, but dies without error.


Any ideas?





Glass mailing list
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Glass mailing list
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Re: WG: Info on implementation limits

GLASS mailing list
4138 posts
In reply to this post by GLASS mailing list


Can you provide more details, so we can try to check this one out? Log file, method source, etc.



On 7/12/17 6:18 AM, Christian Haider wrote:

Found another one (sudden death):

A method returning a literal 78 KB String.

What is the limit on the method source size?

Or, is there a limit for strings inside a method?





Von: Glass [[hidden email]] Im Auftrag von Christian Haider via Glass
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 12. Juli 2017 11:37
An: [hidden email]
Betreff: [Glass] WG: Info on implementation limits


(resent, because Google blocked the attachment)


Von: Christian Haider [[hidden email]]
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 12. Juli 2017 09:53
An: '[hidden email]' <[hidden email]>
Cc: 'Dale Henrichs' <[hidden email]>
Betreff: AW: [Glass] Info on implementation limits


From replies off list, I heard, that big input files are not a problem. Good to know, thank you.


For the crash on the big method, I investigated and created an input file which reproduces the problem (attached as bigMethod.gs). The log is attached as well.

My theory was wrong. It seems not to be a problem with many literals in a method, but something else.

When I input the file in a Topaz shell (on windows), it works seamless and the method can be called.


  1. Login to topaz
  2. enter ‘output push c:\image\bigMethod.log’[CR]
  3. enter ‘input c:\image\bigMethod.gs’[CR]
  4. all fine!


But if I do the same with a batch file which uses the script loadBigMethod.tpz (attached),

The Topaz window opens, it stays there for about 10 seconds (the step 3 above took no time) and the crashes (Windows pops up with “the program does not work anymore…” or something like that (I have a German version).


Any idea?




Config data (running on Windows 10):

|    PROGRAM: topaz, Linear GemStone Interface (Remote Session)               |

|    VERSION: 3.3.5, Thu May  4 11:44:37 2017                                 |

|      BUILD: gss64_3_3_x_branch-41643                                        |

|  BUILT FOR: x86-64/Windows7                                                 |

|       MODE: 64 bit                                                          |

| RUNNING ON: 4-CPU haider-pc: Unknown CPU, Windows NT 6.2 build 9200         |



Von: Glass [[hidden email]] Im Auftrag von Dale Henrichs via Glass
Gesendet: Dienstag, 11. Juli 2017 18:20
An: [hidden email]
Betreff: Re: [Glass] Info on implementation limits



Could you send me the full topaz log file? We need that to understand what might be going on ...




On 7/11/17 1:07 AM, Christian Haider via Glass wrote:



are there any information about implementation limits of Gemstone Smalltalk?


Concrete issue:

I try to input a source file (2.1. MB – can this work?).

Topaz dies (Windows reports that Topaz is not working anymore…)

Last thing in the log file is a method with 743 literals – is this an issue?

My naïve theory: Gemstone (Topaz?) cannot compile the method, but dies without error.


Any ideas?






Glass mailing list
[hidden email]


Glass mailing list
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Re: WG: Info on implementation limits

GLASS mailing list
4138 posts



attached is the source method from VW – I found a much smaller one (4022 Byte literal string) with the same problem.

The setup is identical with the prior problem.


So, there are no simple answers to the limits questions?





Von: Dale Henrichs [mailto:[hidden email]]
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 12. Juli 2017 15:50
An: Christian Haider <[hidden email]>; [hidden email]
Betreff: Re: AW: [Glass] WG: Info on implementation limits



Can you provide more details, so we can try to check this one out? Log file, method source, etc.




On 7/12/17 6:18 AM, Christian Haider wrote:

Found another one (sudden death):

A method returning a literal 78 KB String.

What is the limit on the method source size?

Or, is there a limit for strings inside a method?





Von: Glass [[hidden email]] Im Auftrag von Christian Haider via Glass
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 12. Juli 2017 11:37
An: [hidden email]
Betreff: [Glass] WG: Info on implementation limits


(resent, because Google blocked the attachment)


Von: Christian Haider [[hidden email]]
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 12. Juli 2017 09:53
An: '[hidden email]' <[hidden email]>
Cc: 'Dale Henrichs' <[hidden email]>
Betreff: AW: [Glass] Info on implementation limits


From replies off list, I heard, that big input files are not a problem. Good to know, thank you.


For the crash on the big method, I investigated and created an input file which reproduces the problem (attached as bigMethod.gs). The log is attached as well.

My theory was wrong. It seems not to be a problem with many literals in a method, but something else.

When I input the file in a Topaz shell (on windows), it works seamless and the method can be called.


  1. Login to topaz
  2. enter ‘output push c:\image\bigMethod.log’[CR]
  3. enter ‘input c:\image\bigMethod.gs’[CR]
  4. all fine!


But if I do the same with a batch file which uses the script loadBigMethod.tpz (attached),

The Topaz window opens, it stays there for about 10 seconds (the step 3 above took no time) and the crashes (Windows pops up with “the program does not work anymore…” or something like that (I have a German version).


Any idea?




Config data (running on Windows 10):

|    PROGRAM: topaz, Linear GemStone Interface (Remote Session)               |

|    VERSION: 3.3.5, Thu May  4 11:44:37 2017                                 |

|      BUILD: gss64_3_3_x_branch-41643                                        |

|  BUILT FOR: x86-64/Windows7                                                 |

|       MODE: 64 bit                                                          |

| RUNNING ON: 4-CPU haider-pc: Unknown CPU, Windows NT 6.2 build 9200         |



Von: Glass [[hidden email]] Im Auftrag von Dale Henrichs via Glass
Gesendet: Dienstag, 11. Juli 2017 18:20
An: [hidden email]
Betreff: Re: [Glass] Info on implementation limits



Could you send me the full topaz log file? We need that to understand what might be going on ...




On 7/11/17 1:07 AM, Christian Haider via Glass wrote:



are there any information about implementation limits of Gemstone Smalltalk?


Concrete issue:

I try to input a source file (2.1. MB – can this work?).

Topaz dies (Windows reports that Topaz is not working anymore…)

Last thing in the log file is a method with 743 literals – is this an issue?

My naïve theory: Gemstone (Topaz?) cannot compile the method, but dies without error.


Any ideas?






Glass mailing list
[hidden email]



Glass mailing list
[hidden email]

PostScriptFontBody class-adobeZapfdingbatsTxt.st (4K) Download Attachment
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Re: WG: Info on implementation limits

GLASS mailing list
4138 posts

On 07/12/2017 07:11 AM, Christian Haider wrote:



attached is the source method from VW – I found a much smaller one (4022 Byte literal string) with the same problem.

The setup is identical with the prior problem.

Thanks for the source ...


So, there are no simple answers to the limits questions?

I don't have the specific limits memorized and I have passed your questions along to folks who know where to look, however, they are more focused on trying to understand why the sessions disappeared without a trace ... I would have expected that you'd have gotten an error message if you exceeded any limits ...






Von: Dale Henrichs [[hidden email]]
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 12. Juli 2017 15:50
An: Christian Haider [hidden email]; [hidden email]
Betreff: Re: AW: [Glass] WG: Info on implementation limits



Can you provide more details, so we can try to check this one out? Log file, method source, etc.




On 7/12/17 6:18 AM, Christian Haider wrote:

Found another one (sudden death):

A method returning a literal 78 KB String.

What is the limit on the method source size?

Or, is there a limit for strings inside a method?





Von: Glass [[hidden email]] Im Auftrag von Christian Haider via Glass
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 12. Juli 2017 11:37
An: [hidden email]
Betreff: [Glass] WG: Info on implementation limits


(resent, because Google blocked the attachment)


Von: Christian Haider [[hidden email]]
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 12. Juli 2017 09:53
An: '[hidden email]' <[hidden email]>
Cc: 'Dale Henrichs' <[hidden email]>
Betreff: AW: [Glass] Info on implementation limits


From replies off list, I heard, that big input files are not a problem. Good to know, thank you.


For the crash on the big method, I investigated and created an input file which reproduces the problem (attached as bigMethod.gs). The log is attached as well.

My theory was wrong. It seems not to be a problem with many literals in a method, but something else.

When I input the file in a Topaz shell (on windows), it works seamless and the method can be called.


  1. Login to topaz
  2. enter ‘output push c:\image\bigMethod.log’[CR]
  3. enter ‘input c:\image\bigMethod.gs’[CR]
  4. all fine!


But if I do the same with a batch file which uses the script loadBigMethod.tpz (attached),

The Topaz window opens, it stays there for about 10 seconds (the step 3 above took no time) and the crashes (Windows pops up with “the program does not work anymore…” or something like that (I have a German version).


Any idea?




Config data (running on Windows 10):

|    PROGRAM: topaz, Linear GemStone Interface (Remote Session)               |

|    VERSION: 3.3.5, Thu May  4 11:44:37 2017                                 |

|      BUILD: gss64_3_3_x_branch-41643                                        |

|  BUILT FOR: x86-64/Windows7                                                 |

|       MODE: 64 bit                                                          |

| RUNNING ON: 4-CPU haider-pc: Unknown CPU, Windows NT 6.2 build 9200         |



Von: Glass [[hidden email]] Im Auftrag von Dale Henrichs via Glass
Gesendet: Dienstag, 11. Juli 2017 18:20
An: [hidden email]
Betreff: Re: [Glass] Info on implementation limits



Could you send me the full topaz log file? We need that to understand what might be going on ...




On 7/11/17 1:07 AM, Christian Haider via Glass wrote:



are there any information about implementation limits of Gemstone Smalltalk?


Concrete issue:

I try to input a source file (2.1. MB – can this work?).

Topaz dies (Windows reports that Topaz is not working anymore…)

Last thing in the log file is a method with 743 literals – is this an issue?

My naïve theory: Gemstone (Topaz?) cannot compile the method, but dies without error.


Any ideas?






Glass mailing list
[hidden email]



Glass mailing list
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Re: WG: Info on implementation limits

GLASS mailing list
4138 posts
In reply to this post by GLASS mailing list


From engineering:

   I suspect that topaz echo of output
  to stdout , when stdout is to a terminal is messing up the terminal
  when non-ascii characters are involved.  Workaround should be
  to use linux topaz  or  topaz input file and 
  output push only 
  to a log file (the useage style which he observes works correctly).


On 07/12/2017 07:11 AM, Christian Haider wrote:



attached is the source method from VW – I found a much smaller one (4022 Byte literal string) with the same problem.

The setup is identical with the prior problem.


So, there are no simple answers to the limits questions?





Von: Dale Henrichs [[hidden email]]
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 12. Juli 2017 15:50
An: Christian Haider [hidden email]; [hidden email]
Betreff: Re: AW: [Glass] WG: Info on implementation limits



Can you provide more details, so we can try to check this one out? Log file, method source, etc.




On 7/12/17 6:18 AM, Christian Haider wrote:

Found another one (sudden death):

A method returning a literal 78 KB String.

What is the limit on the method source size?

Or, is there a limit for strings inside a method?





Von: Glass [[hidden email]] Im Auftrag von Christian Haider via Glass
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 12. Juli 2017 11:37
An: [hidden email]
Betreff: [Glass] WG: Info on implementation limits


(resent, because Google blocked the attachment)


Von: Christian Haider [[hidden email]]
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 12. Juli 2017 09:53
An: '[hidden email]' <[hidden email]>
Cc: 'Dale Henrichs' <[hidden email]>
Betreff: AW: [Glass] Info on implementation limits


From replies off list, I heard, that big input files are not a problem. Good to know, thank you.


For the crash on the big method, I investigated and created an input file which reproduces the problem (attached as bigMethod.gs). The log is attached as well.

My theory was wrong. It seems not to be a problem with many literals in a method, but something else.

When I input the file in a Topaz shell (on windows), it works seamless and the method can be called.


  1. Login to topaz
  2. enter ‘output push c:\image\bigMethod.log’[CR]
  3. enter ‘input c:\image\bigMethod.gs’[CR]
  4. all fine!


But if I do the same with a batch file which uses the script loadBigMethod.tpz (attached),

The Topaz window opens, it stays there for about 10 seconds (the step 3 above took no time) and the crashes (Windows pops up with “the program does not work anymore…” or something like that (I have a German version).


Any idea?




Config data (running on Windows 10):

|    PROGRAM: topaz, Linear GemStone Interface (Remote Session)               |

|    VERSION: 3.3.5, Thu May  4 11:44:37 2017                                 |

|      BUILD: gss64_3_3_x_branch-41643                                        |

|  BUILT FOR: x86-64/Windows7                                                 |

|       MODE: 64 bit                                                          |

| RUNNING ON: 4-CPU haider-pc: Unknown CPU, Windows NT 6.2 build 9200         |



Von: Glass [[hidden email]] Im Auftrag von Dale Henrichs via Glass
Gesendet: Dienstag, 11. Juli 2017 18:20
An: [hidden email]
Betreff: Re: [Glass] Info on implementation limits



Could you send me the full topaz log file? We need that to understand what might be going on ...




On 7/11/17 1:07 AM, Christian Haider via Glass wrote:



are there any information about implementation limits of Gemstone Smalltalk?


Concrete issue:

I try to input a source file (2.1. MB – can this work?).

Topaz dies (Windows reports that Topaz is not working anymore…)

Last thing in the log file is a method with 743 literals – is this an issue?

My naïve theory: Gemstone (Topaz?) cannot compile the method, but dies without error.


Any ideas?






Glass mailing list
[hidden email]



Glass mailing list
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Re: WG: Info on implementation limits

GLASS mailing list
4138 posts
In reply to this post by GLASS mailing list

On 07/12/2017 07:11 AM, Christian Haider wrote:



attached is the source method from VW – I found a much smaller one (4022 Byte literal string) with the same problem.

The setup is identical with the prior problem.


So, there are no simple answers to the limits questions?

From engineering:

  A string literal is limited to 5.2MB in 3.3.x .
  An array literal is limited to 10000 elements.

  compiled methods are limited by offset fields of branch
  bytecodes which cannot handle a branch displacement > +- 2e9 bytes.


Glass mailing list
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Re: WG: Info on implementation limits

GLASS mailing list
4138 posts
In reply to this post by GLASS mailing list

Thank you Dale!


I will try to run the input on the server.

For now, I deferred the issue, since I find it difficult to use topaz on the server with the devkit installation:

  • there is a startTopaz script in devkit, but it uses its own initialization file, i.e. I cannot use my own with -I
  • when I call topaz directly, it complains about missing libraries (probably some paths/variables required)

In the moment, I don’t have the patience to chase up the shell programming issues – I will come back to that later…





Von: Dale Henrichs [mailto:[hidden email]]
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 12. Juli 2017 20:56
An: Christian Haider <[hidden email]>
Cc: [hidden email]
Betreff: Re: AW: AW: [Glass] WG: Info on implementation limits



From engineering:

   I suspect that topaz echo of output

  to stdout , when stdout is to a terminal is messing up the terminal

  when non-ascii characters are involved.  Workaround should be

  to use linux topaz  or  topaz input file and 

  output push only 

  to a log file (the useage style which he observes works correctly).




On 07/12/2017 07:11 AM, Christian Haider wrote:



attached is the source method from VW – I found a much smaller one (4022 Byte literal string) with the same problem.

The setup is identical with the prior problem.


So, there are no simple answers to the limits questions?





Von: Dale Henrichs [[hidden email]]
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 12. Juli 2017 15:50
An: Christian Haider [hidden email]; [hidden email]
Betreff: Re: AW: [Glass] WG: Info on implementation limits



Can you provide more details, so we can try to check this one out? Log file, method source, etc.




On 7/12/17 6:18 AM, Christian Haider wrote:

Found another one (sudden death):

A method returning a literal 78 KB String.

What is the limit on the method source size?

Or, is there a limit for strings inside a method?





Von: Glass [[hidden email]] Im Auftrag von Christian Haider via Glass
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 12. Juli 2017 11:37
An: [hidden email]
Betreff: [Glass] WG: Info on implementation limits


(resent, because Google blocked the attachment)


Von: Christian Haider [[hidden email]]
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 12. Juli 2017 09:53
An: '[hidden email]' <[hidden email]>
Cc: 'Dale Henrichs' <[hidden email]>
Betreff: AW: [Glass] Info on implementation limits


From replies off list, I heard, that big input files are not a problem. Good to know, thank you.


For the crash on the big method, I investigated and created an input file which reproduces the problem (attached as bigMethod.gs). The log is attached as well.

My theory was wrong. It seems not to be a problem with many literals in a method, but something else.

When I input the file in a Topaz shell (on windows), it works seamless and the method can be called.


  1. Login to topaz
  2. enter ‘output push c:\image\bigMethod.log’[CR]
  3. enter ‘input c:\image\bigMethod.gs’[CR]
  4. all fine!


But if I do the same with a batch file which uses the script loadBigMethod.tpz (attached),

The Topaz window opens, it stays there for about 10 seconds (the step 3 above took no time) and the crashes (Windows pops up with “the program does not work anymore…” or something like that (I have a German version).


Any idea?




Config data (running on Windows 10):

|    PROGRAM: topaz, Linear GemStone Interface (Remote Session)               |

|    VERSION: 3.3.5, Thu May  4 11:44:37 2017                                 |

|      BUILD: gss64_3_3_x_branch-41643                                        |

|  BUILT FOR: x86-64/Windows7                                                 |

|       MODE: 64 bit                                                          |

| RUNNING ON: 4-CPU haider-pc: Unknown CPU, Windows NT 6.2 build 9200         |



Von: Glass [[hidden email]] Im Auftrag von Dale Henrichs via Glass
Gesendet: Dienstag, 11. Juli 2017 18:20
An: [hidden email]
Betreff: Re: [Glass] Info on implementation limits



Could you send me the full topaz log file? We need that to understand what might be going on ...




On 7/11/17 1:07 AM, Christian Haider via Glass wrote:



are there any information about implementation limits of Gemstone Smalltalk?


Concrete issue:

I try to input a source file (2.1. MB – can this work?).

Topaz dies (Windows reports that Topaz is not working anymore…)

Last thing in the log file is a method with 743 literals – is this an issue?

My naïve theory: Gemstone (Topaz?) cannot compile the method, but dies without error.


Any ideas?






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Re: WG: Info on implementation limits

GLASS mailing list
4138 posts
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Thank you for this helpful info!

I am relieved. I guess that I don’t have to suspect any problems in that area.



Von: Dale Henrichs [mailto:[hidden email]]
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 12. Juli 2017 21:50
An: Christian Haider <[hidden email]>
Cc: [hidden email]
Betreff: Re: AW: AW: [Glass] WG: Info on implementation limits




On 07/12/2017 07:11 AM, Christian Haider wrote:



attached is the source method from VW – I found a much smaller one (4022 Byte literal string) with the same problem.

The setup is identical with the prior problem.


So, there are no simple answers to the limits questions?

From engineering:

  A string literal is limited to 5.2MB in 3.3.x .

  An array literal is limited to 10000 elements.


  compiled methods are limited by offset fields of branch

  bytecodes which cannot handle a branch displacement > +- 2e9 bytes.


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