On 27 June 2013 10:44, plantec <
[hidden email]> wrote:
> Hi all,
> The current hand has the world as its owner but the world
> submorphs do not contains the current hand.
> Why is it like that ?
i do not think you will get the answer to your question here, because i think
most people here are clueless as well as you.
World knows about its hands via
If you look at HandMorph, it mixes a lot of roles together, including:
- as a visual object (morph) which displaying mouse pointer
- as an entry pont for dispatching events down to separate morphs
theoretically, it could be nice to have two separate obejcts for those roles,
one of them can indeed be just a morph, and contained in world but not
the other one.
Best regards,
Igor Stasenko.