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Re: Trouble with Etoys

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Re: Trouble with Etoys

Harness, Kathleen
110 posts
Hmm, I not sure what is happening so I am sending your note to the Etoys developer's team. They will be able to help. It must be unsettling for you and your students to have the software to act the way you describe.

Let me speak for the EtoysIllinois team and tell you we are glad to hear you like the site and the resources!Would you be interested in attending one of our meetings with Google +? We meet year round, every other Thursday at 1PM, the next meeting will be May 23rd.

There also are weekly meetings of the Squeakland Education Team on Thursdays a little earlier in the day. Both groups enjoy meeting others using Etoys with students.
Let me know.
From: Michael McKelvey [[hidden email]]
Sent: Friday, May 10, 2013 12:11 PM
To: Harness, Kathleen
Subject: FW: Trouble with Etoys

Hi Kathleen,

Does this sound like something you can help with, Kathleen?  It sounds like
she has the latest version of Etoys.


============== Michael McKelvey ==============
Office for Mathematics, Science, and Technology Education
University of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana
MSTE website: http://mste.illinois.edu
{Office #: 217-244-7148} {Cell #: 217-621-5783}
=========== [hidden email] ===========
Current diversion: Go On (http://nbc.com/go-on/)

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Nancy Ledbetter [mailto:[hidden email]]
> Sent: Friday, May 10, 2013 9:23 AM
> To: Michael McKelvey
> Subject: Trouble with Etoys
> Hi, first, I want to say we love this site and the resources. I'm trying
> develop an Etoys program in our school. I am the Computer Resource
> Teacher/Technology Specialist for one of the elementary schools.
> Our technology department recently downloaded Etoys v 5 and I've run into
> some trouble. The scripts are becoming tiles, and I can't see the script
when I
> drag it from the viewer. I just see tiles representing the scripts. And
some of

> our projects done in a previous Squeak Etoys version aren't being
> recognized.
> http://etoysillinois.org/download
> This is the version we downloaded. Is there a newer one than that or have
> you had a similar issue? We are kind of stuck right now.
> I think the biggest issue is not being able to bring the scripts back out
> the viewer to work with them after we save.
> Thanks
> Nancy

etoys-dev mailing list
[hidden email]
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Re: Trouble with Etoys

Karl Ramberg
1579 posts
It sound like a setting is changed in your Etoys.

Right click on the background/desktop in Etoys, the halo for the background/desktop appears.
Click on the menu handle for the background/desktop.
Select the 'playfield options'
See if 'auto-phrase-expansion' is checked, it should be.

The projects you can't load, are they available for download somewhere, so I can check them for issues ?


On Fri, May 10, 2013 at 8:04 PM, Harness, Kathleen <[hidden email]> wrote:
Hmm, I not sure what is happening so I am sending your note to the Etoys developer's team. They will be able to help. It must be unsettling for you and your students to have the software to act the way you describe.

Let me speak for the EtoysIllinois team and tell you we are glad to hear you like the site and the resources!Would you be interested in attending one of our meetings with Google +? We meet year round, every other Thursday at 1PM, the next meeting will be May 23rd.

There also are weekly meetings of the Squeakland Education Team on Thursdays a little earlier in the day. Both groups enjoy meeting others using Etoys with students.
Let me know.
From: Michael McKelvey [[hidden email]]
Sent: Friday, May 10, 2013 12:11 PM
To: Harness, Kathleen
Subject: FW: Trouble with Etoys

Hi Kathleen,

Does this sound like something you can help with, Kathleen?  It sounds like
she has the latest version of Etoys.


============== Michael McKelvey ==============
Office for Mathematics, Science, and Technology Education
University of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana
MSTE website: http://mste.illinois.edu
{Office #: <a href="tel:217-244-7148" value="+12172447148">217-244-7148} {Cell #: <a href="tel:217-621-5783" value="+12176215783">217-621-5783}
=========== [hidden email] ===========
Current diversion: Go On (http://nbc.com/go-on/)

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Nancy Ledbetter [mailto:[hidden email]]
> Sent: Friday, May 10, 2013 9:23 AM
> To: Michael McKelvey
> Subject: Trouble with Etoys
> Hi, first, I want to say we love this site and the resources. I'm trying
> develop an Etoys program in our school. I am the Computer Resource
> Teacher/Technology Specialist for one of the elementary schools.
> Our technology department recently downloaded Etoys v 5 and I've run into
> some trouble. The scripts are becoming tiles, and I can't see the script
when I
> drag it from the viewer. I just see tiles representing the scripts. And
some of
> our projects done in a previous Squeak Etoys version aren't being
> recognized.
> http://etoysillinois.org/download
> This is the version we downloaded. Is there a newer one than that or have
> you had a similar issue? We are kind of stuck right now.
> I think the biggest issue is not being able to bring the scripts back out
> the viewer to work with them after we save.
> Thanks
> Nancy

etoys-dev mailing list
[hidden email]

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Re: Trouble with Etoys

Michael McKelvey-2
1 post

Thank you for the fast response, Karl.  One of the teacher’s 5th graders actually figured it out and they got it working! J




============== Michael McKelvey ==============

Office for Mathematics, Science, and Technology Education

University of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana

MSTE website: http://mste.illinois.edu

{Office #: 217-244-7148} {Cell #: 217-621-5783}

=========== [hidden email] ===========

Current diversion: Go On (http://nbc.com/go-on/)


From: karl ramberg [mailto:[hidden email]]
Sent: Friday, May 10, 2013 2:11 PM
To: Harness, Kathleen
Cc: [hidden email]; Michael McKelvey; [hidden email]; [hidden email]
Subject: Re: [etoys-dev] Trouble with Etoys



It sound like a setting is changed in your Etoys.


Right click on the background/desktop in Etoys, the halo for the background/desktop appears.

Click on the menu handle for the background/desktop.

Select the 'playfield options'

See if 'auto-phrase-expansion' is checked, it should be.


The projects you can't load, are they available for download somewhere, so I can check them for issues ?







On Fri, May 10, 2013 at 8:04 PM, Harness, Kathleen <[hidden email]> wrote:

Hmm, I not sure what is happening so I am sending your note to the Etoys developer's team. They will be able to help. It must be unsettling for you and your students to have the software to act the way you describe.

Let me speak for the EtoysIllinois team and tell you we are glad to hear you like the site and the resources!Would you be interested in attending one of our meetings with Google +? We meet year round, every other Thursday at 1PM, the next meeting will be May 23rd.

There also are weekly meetings of the Squeakland Education Team on Thursdays a little earlier in the day. Both groups enjoy meeting others using Etoys with students.
Let me know.
From: Michael McKelvey [[hidden email]]
Sent: Friday, May 10, 2013 12:11 PM
To: Harness, Kathleen
Subject: FW: Trouble with Etoys

Hi Kathleen,

Does this sound like something you can help with, Kathleen?  It sounds like
she has the latest version of Etoys.


============== Michael McKelvey ==============
Office for Mathematics, Science, and Technology Education
University of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana
MSTE website: http://mste.illinois.edu
{Office #: <a href="tel:217-244-7148">217-244-7148} {Cell #: <a href="tel:217-621-5783">217-621-5783}
=========== [hidden email] ===========
Current diversion: Go On (http://nbc.com/go-on/)

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Nancy Ledbetter [mailto:[hidden email]]
> Sent: Friday, May 10, 2013 9:23 AM
> To: Michael McKelvey
> Subject: Trouble with Etoys
> Hi, first, I want to say we love this site and the resources. I'm trying
> develop an Etoys program in our school. I am the Computer Resource
> Teacher/Technology Specialist for one of the elementary schools.
> Our technology department recently downloaded Etoys v 5 and I've run into
> some trouble. The scripts are becoming tiles, and I can't see the script
when I
> drag it from the viewer. I just see tiles representing the scripts. And
some of

> our projects done in a previous Squeak Etoys version aren't being
> recognized.
> http://etoysillinois.org/download
> This is the version we downloaded. Is there a newer one than that or have
> you had a similar issue? We are kind of stuck right now.
> I think the biggest issue is not being able to bring the scripts back out
> the viewer to work with them after we save.
> Thanks
> Nancy

etoys-dev mailing list
[hidden email]


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Re: Trouble with Etoys

Bert Freudenberg
6568 posts
<base href="x-msg://852/">
Never underestimate the power of a curious 5th grader!

- Bert -

On 2013-05-10, at 23:20, Michael McKelvey <[hidden email]> wrote:

Thank you for the fast response, Karl.  One of the teacher’s 5th graders actually figured it out and they got it working! J
============== Michael McKelvey ==============
Office for Mathematics, Science, and Technology Education
University of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana
{Office #: 217-244-7148} {Cell #: 217-621-5783}
=========== [hidden email] ===========
Current diversion: Go On (http://nbc.com/go-on/)
From: karl ramberg [mailto:karlramberg@gmail.com] 
Sent: Friday, May 10, 2013 2:11 PM
To: Harness, Kathleen
Cc: [hidden email]; Michael McKelvey; [hidden email]; [hidden email]
Subject: Re: [etoys-dev] Trouble with Etoys
It sound like a setting is changed in your Etoys.
Right click on the background/desktop in Etoys, the halo for the background/desktop appears.
Click on the menu handle for the background/desktop.
Select the 'playfield options'
See if 'auto-phrase-expansion' is checked, it should be.
The projects you can't load, are they available for download somewhere, so I can check them for issues ?


On Fri, May 10, 2013 at 8:04 PM, Harness, Kathleen <[hidden email]> wrote:
Hmm, I not sure what is happening so I am sending your note to the Etoys developer's team. They will be able to help. It must be unsettling for you and your students to have the software to act the way you describe.

Let me speak for the EtoysIllinois team and tell you we are glad to hear you like the site and the resources!Would you be interested in attending one of our meetings with Google +? We meet year round, every other Thursday at 1PM, the next meeting will be May 23rd.

There also are weekly meetings of the Squeakland Education Team on Thursdays a little earlier in the day. Both groups enjoy meeting others using Etoys with students.
Let me know.
From: Michael McKelvey [[hidden email]]
Sent: Friday, May 10, 2013 12:11 PM
To: Harness, Kathleen
Subject: FW: Trouble with Etoys

Hi Kathleen,

Does this sound like something you can help with, Kathleen?  It sounds like
she has the latest version of Etoys.


============== Michael McKelvey ==============
Office for Mathematics, Science, and Technology Education
University of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana
MSTE website: http://mste.illinois.edu
{Office #: <a href="tel:217-244-7148" style="color: purple; text-decoration: underline; ">217-244-7148} {Cell #: <a href="tel:217-621-5783" style="color: purple; text-decoration: underline; ">217-621-5783}
=========== [hidden email] ===========
Current diversion: Go On (http://nbc.com/go-on/)

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Nancy Ledbetter [mailto:[hidden email]]
> Sent: Friday, May 10, 2013 9:23 AM
> To: Michael McKelvey
> Subject: Trouble with Etoys
> Hi, first, I want to say we love this site and the resources. I'm trying
> develop an Etoys program in our school. I am the Computer Resource
> Teacher/Technology Specialist for one of the elementary schools.
> Our technology department recently downloaded Etoys v 5 and I've run into
> some trouble. The scripts are becoming tiles, and I can't see the script
when I
> drag it from the viewer. I just see tiles representing the scripts. And
some of

> our projects done in a previous Squeak Etoys version aren't being
> recognized.
> http://etoysillinois.org/download
> This is the version we downloaded. Is there a newer one than that or have
> you had a similar issue? We are kind of stuck right now.
> I think the biggest issue is not being able to bring the scripts back out
> the viewer to work with them after we save.
> Thanks
> Nancy

etoys-dev mailing list
[hidden email]
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Re: Trouble with Etoys

Karl Ramberg
1579 posts
In reply to this post by Michael McKelvey-2
The issue is covered here. 
The undo function in Etoys are not good enough at this point, so it got removed.


On Tue, May 14, 2013 at 8:05 PM, Nancy Ledbetter <[hidden email]> wrote:
I have another question. There used to be an undo arrow on the Sugar Navigator Flap and it isn't there any long. If the students make a mistake is there an undo? Can we get the undo arrow back somehow? 


Nancy Ledbetter
Computer Resource Teacher
Gregory School of Science, Mathematics and Technology 

On Fri, May 10, 2013 at 5:20 PM, Michael McKelvey <[hidden email]> wrote:

Thank you for the fast response, Karl.  One of the teacher’s 5th graders actually figured it out and they got it working! J




============== Michael McKelvey ==============

Office for Mathematics, Science, and Technology Education

University of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana

MSTE website: http://mste.illinois.edu

{Office #: <a href="tel:217-244-7148" value="+12172447148" target="_blank">217-244-7148} {Cell #: <a href="tel:217-621-5783" value="+12176215783" target="_blank">217-621-5783}

=========== [hidden email] ===========

Current diversion: Go On (http://nbc.com/go-on/)


From: karl ramberg [mailto:[hidden email]]
Sent: Friday, May 10, 2013 2:11 PM
To: Harness, Kathleen
Cc: [hidden email]; Michael McKelvey; [hidden email]; [hidden email]
Subject: Re: [etoys-dev] Trouble with Etoys



It sound like a setting is changed in your Etoys.


Right click on the background/desktop in Etoys, the halo for the background/desktop appears.

Click on the menu handle for the background/desktop.

Select the 'playfield options'

See if 'auto-phrase-expansion' is checked, it should be.


The projects you can't load, are they available for download somewhere, so I can check them for issues ?







On Fri, May 10, 2013 at 8:04 PM, Harness, Kathleen <[hidden email]> wrote:

Hmm, I not sure what is happening so I am sending your note to the Etoys developer's team. They will be able to help. It must be unsettling for you and your students to have the software to act the way you describe.

Let me speak for the EtoysIllinois team and tell you we are glad to hear you like the site and the resources!Would you be interested in attending one of our meetings with Google +? We meet year round, every other Thursday at 1PM, the next meeting will be May 23rd.

There also are weekly meetings of the Squeakland Education Team on Thursdays a little earlier in the day. Both groups enjoy meeting others using Etoys with students.
Let me know.
From: Michael McKelvey [[hidden email]]
Sent: Friday, May 10, 2013 12:11 PM
To: Harness, Kathleen
Subject: FW: Trouble with Etoys

Hi Kathleen,

Does this sound like something you can help with, Kathleen?  It sounds like
she has the latest version of Etoys.


============== Michael McKelvey ==============
Office for Mathematics, Science, and Technology Education
University of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana
MSTE website: http://mste.illinois.edu
{Office #: <a href="tel:217-244-7148" target="_blank">217-244-7148} {Cell #: <a href="tel:217-621-5783" target="_blank">217-621-5783}
=========== [hidden email] ===========
Current diversion: Go On (http://nbc.com/go-on/)

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Nancy Ledbetter [mailto:[hidden email]]
> Sent: Friday, May 10, 2013 9:23 AM
> To: Michael McKelvey
> Subject: Trouble with Etoys
> Hi, first, I want to say we love this site and the resources. I'm trying
> develop an Etoys program in our school. I am the Computer Resource
> Teacher/Technology Specialist for one of the elementary schools.
> Our technology department recently downloaded Etoys v 5 and I've run into
> some trouble. The scripts are becoming tiles, and I can't see the script
when I
> drag it from the viewer. I just see tiles representing the scripts. And
some of
> our projects done in a previous Squeak Etoys version aren't being
> recognized.
> http://etoysillinois.org/download
> This is the version we downloaded. Is there a newer one than that or have
> you had a similar issue? We are kind of stuck right now.
> I think the biggest issue is not being able to bring the scripts back out
> the viewer to work with them after we save.
> Thanks
> Nancy

etoys-dev mailing list
[hidden email]


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Re: Trouble with Etoys

Harness, Kathleen
110 posts
In reply to this post by Michael McKelvey-2
The only undo is the one inside the paint tools.
Sorry I don't know if that is in the Preferences menus.

From: Nancy Ledbetter [[hidden email]]
Sent: Tuesday, May 14, 2013 1:05 PM
To: Michael McKelvey
Cc: karl ramberg; Harness, Kathleen; [hidden email]; [hidden email]
Subject: Re: [etoys-dev] Trouble with Etoys

I have another question. There used to be an undo arrow on the Sugar Navigator Flap and it isn't there any long. If the students make a mistake is there an undo? Can we get the undo arrow back somehow? 


Nancy Ledbetter
Computer Resource Teacher
Gregory School of Science, Mathematics and Technology 

On Fri, May 10, 2013 at 5:20 PM, Michael McKelvey <[hidden email]> wrote:

Thank you for the fast response, Karl.  One of the teacher’s 5th graders actually figured it out and they got it working! J




============== Michael McKelvey ==============

Office for Mathematics, Science, and Technology Education

University of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana

MSTE website: http://mste.illinois.edu

{Office #: <a href="tel:217-244-7148" value="&#43;12172447148" target="_blank">217-244-7148} {Cell #: <a href="tel:217-621-5783" value="&#43;12176215783" target="_blank">217-621-5783}

=========== [hidden email] ===========

Current diversion: Go On (http://nbc.com/go-on/)


From: karl ramberg [mailto:[hidden email]]
Sent: Friday, May 10, 2013 2:11 PM
To: Harness, Kathleen
Cc: [hidden email]; Michael McKelvey; [hidden email]; [hidden email]
Subject: Re: [etoys-dev] Trouble with Etoys



It sound like a setting is changed in your Etoys.


Right click on the background/desktop in Etoys, the halo for the background/desktop appears.

Click on the menu handle for the background/desktop.

Select the 'playfield options'

See if 'auto-phrase-expansion' is checked, it should be.


The projects you can't load, are they available for download somewhere, so I can check them for issues ?







On Fri, May 10, 2013 at 8:04 PM, Harness, Kathleen <[hidden email]> wrote:

Hmm, I not sure what is happening so I am sending your note to the Etoys developer's team. They will be able to help. It must be unsettling for you and your students to have the software to act the way you describe.

Let me speak for the EtoysIllinois team and tell you we are glad to hear you like the site and the resources!Would you be interested in attending one of our meetings with Google +? We meet year round, every other Thursday at 1PM, the next meeting will be May 23rd.

There also are weekly meetings of the Squeakland Education Team on Thursdays a little earlier in the day. Both groups enjoy meeting others using Etoys with students.
Let me know.
From: Michael McKelvey [[hidden email]]
Sent: Friday, May 10, 2013 12:11 PM
To: Harness, Kathleen
Subject: FW: Trouble with Etoys

Hi Kathleen,

Does this sound like something you can help with, Kathleen?  It sounds like
she has the latest version of Etoys.


============== Michael McKelvey ==============
Office for Mathematics, Science, and Technology Education
University of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana
MSTE website: http://mste.illinois.edu
{Office #: <a href="tel:217-244-7148" target="_blank">217-244-7148} {Cell #: <a href="tel:217-621-5783" target="_blank"> 217-621-5783}
=========== [hidden email] ===========
Current diversion: Go On (http://nbc.com/go-on/)

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Nancy Ledbetter [mailto:[hidden email]]
> Sent: Friday, May 10, 2013 9:23 AM
> To: Michael McKelvey
> Subject: Trouble with Etoys
> Hi, first, I want to say we love this site and the resources. I'm trying
> develop an Etoys program in our school. I am the Computer Resource
> Teacher/Technology Specialist for one of the elementary schools.
> Our technology department recently downloaded Etoys v 5 and I've run into
> some trouble. The scripts are becoming tiles, and I can't see the script
when I
> drag it from the viewer. I just see tiles representing the scripts. And
some of
> our projects done in a previous Squeak Etoys version aren't being
> recognized.
> http://etoysillinois.org/download
> This is the version we downloaded. Is there a newer one than that or have
> you had a similar issue? We are kind of stuck right now.
> I think the biggest issue is not being able to bring the scripts back out
> the viewer to work with them after we save.
> Thanks
> Nancy

etoys-dev mailing list
[hidden email]


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